I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Top – Courtesy of Your Eyes Lie, Pants & Bag – Gmarket, Shoes – New Look, Cardigan – Massimo Dutti, Watch – Casio

Last week I received a comment that read something like I like your blog and the way you make it approachable for someone like me who’s not really into this type of fashion. The only criticism I’d give is that your layout isn’t necessarily fully accommodating and I think you can find some better looking designs in Blogger or WordPress, you can even make your own templates! at this point I let go of all my muscles and just went WHUuuu? I sat there stumped, not really knowing how to respond – my Web Design-heavy CV proceeded to mentally fold itself into an airplane and kamikaze onto undercharged previous-clients dressed as terrified villagers. Then I heard my boyfriend giggle into his laptop in the corner. Let’s put it this way, I will have to tie his laces from now on because, I HAVE BITTEN OFF ALL HIS FINGERS.

Have you seen the occasional ‘mean’ comment that advises me to buy a new camera because the photography is borderline crap, or one that says that all my shoes are ugly? They’re all from this man named Zbigniew and I soon learnt that that’s when my poor boyfriend wants some attention. He actually uses the opportunity to to ridicule comments I often receive that insinuate that the camera makes the photos. And he dislikes all my heeled shoes because they hurt ma feet, aww. This is a truly truly a 21st Century method of dating.

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  1. Aww that’s so cute of your boyfriend!
    Btw I love your watch, where is it from?

  2. aww such a cute example of the role technology can play in a relationship

    Love the outfit, the menswear pants and watch are very nicely balanced by the understated yet feminine shirt.

  3. That’s so cute! Normally, I dislike wedges, but this all black wedge is really pretty!

  4. That’s so cute!
    Love your blog and your style. Those shoes are sweet!

  5. This is my first time here and I just want to say: I love the layout, adore the shoes, and think you should definitely keep the bf.

  6. NOT FUNNY. I melted into a pile of indignation at that first paragraph. By the time I started to read the second, I had already prepared an angry reply in the form of an essay for that naive commenter…only to realize he was your boyfriend! Hehehe..he…he…Aaaakwardddddddd!

    If it means anything, as high school-er aspiring to be a designer, I respect that you make your own WordPress themes. :) Especially since I’m incapable of understanding PHP and so can’t work with WP at all! Speaking of your theme, what is that lovely font you used for your site name? I’m thinkin’ it’s Elephant or Poster Bodoni, but the ampersand isn’t the same…..

  7. love that top!

  8. I thought you were being serious! That was cute of your boyfriend, though xD

  9. godbless your boyfriend!! so so so funny.xx

  10. Haha, your boyfriend sounds hilarious!! Mine comments on my blog as well but it’s usually just an encouraging or uplifting comment :P

    Also, really loving your outfit and hair here!

  11. Zbigniew is so cute with his comments…i would also use the name Henio that stands for Henryk :P i find it even more strange oldfashioned cute!

  12. haha. no way! that is insane. that’s one clever boy that knows exactly how to send you straight into his arms. by the way – i love your shoes in these shots. xx

  13. I think our boyfriends would get along very well! Mine has got the same habbit by posting ‘funny’ comments on my blog. In the meantime I developed a very good radar for these attention seeking comments and now know how to recognize which comments are from zhe boyfriend and which are just normal readers, haha!

  14. wedges are simply chic!! im still looking for nice torusers like these but couldnt find://

    love, xx

  15. Haha, I had to laugh… I mean, how inventive. (Love the heels though!)

  16. AAAHAHAHA!!! your boyfriend is funny! First I thought you were being serious and I was like “whaaaat???! your layout is like the best one I know around this fashion blogger world.” (which has loooads of layouts I really dislike. Don`t people get that a simple layout is way better than one cramped with unnecessary stuff??) oh well… I guess not everyone develops an eye for these little things unless they are graphic/web designers.

    By the way, I loove your outfit! The heels and pants are great! :)

    and I dunno whether to laugh with your bf or help you throw his fingers into a fire.
    also, can you braid my hair?

  18. Hahaha, can’t be true! Dating in the 21st Century can be really exciting sometimes ;)

  19. Haha, that’s funny. :D

  20. HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! That’s hilarious. Mine just hides my laptop. Yours is much more clever! When he’s picked up all his fingers off the floor (paradoxical sentence? You may have to help) and sellotaped them back on, give him a high-five from me. True Love!

  21. Hihi (as they say in German) or rather Hahaha (for the English version)… I thought a few minutes if I should share this with my husband or if this would just give him ideas… In the end I did, naturally, because I can never keep anything to myself anyway.
    Your own templates…. Hihihihihi!
    And cool outfit, btw. The shoes don’t even look terribly uncomfortable.

  22. Crumbs! Clever way of getting your attention! My husband just shouts up the stairs “I’ve lost you AGAIN!”.

    Every time I visit your site I breath a sigh of joy. It’s so refreshing to see a blog that is so well designed. Great layout, large imagery and lovely choice of font for your logo (what is it by the way? Searched through my fonts and the nearest I can find in Bodoni!). I’d love to give my blog a facelift, but sadly even though I’m a graphic designer my skills do not extend to web programming! I think I’ll set to work on finding someone to do it for me.

    Anyway, great stuff! Thank you x

  23. Ooh you’ve got a good eye, it’s called Elephant, a really similar font to Bodoni Bold! I think it was free ;) hehe

  24. @Shini, Free?! I’m on it! The search begins… x

  25. Oh at least he’s very clever, ha? :D Hhahhaha, he sounds so sweet :) I loved your “ugly” shoes and pants a lot :)

  26. Haha, you just made me giggle!!! And I love these pictures (gorgeous background, the perfect pants and heels, and looking lovely as always).

    Miss B xx


  27. HAHA that’s really really adorable :) He doesn’t want you to get hurt!
    Oh and i’ve always loved the layout on your blogs. clean and pro-looking. love it x

  28. That would drive me borderline bananas. That being said, my boyfriend often leaves football trivia in the comments section of my blog, which certainly spices up reading it, in a weird, slightly surreal way.

  29. Hhaaaa football trivia, love it!!

  30. Sounds like a fun dude! hehehe
    I really like the shot with the gold writing in the background.

  31. Madeline

    I would’ve smacked his ass into next week.

  32. I have been lusting after wedges just like that for ages! You have made my day! X

  33. I can’t believe your shoes are from New Look, they are fab and a lot cheaper than the Kurt Geiger versions too! (Yippee)

    Also, my mouth dropped when I read the comment initially, because quite obviously, your blog layout is awesome haha, your boyfriend sure knows how to wind you up!

  34. polishgirl'ere

    A funny Polish boyfriend – he truly must be one of a kind!

  35. lol..well I don’t think you should worry too much. I think your blog looks great :)

    As do you, especially in those to-die-for shoes!

  36. aww your boyfriend sounds really funny haha!
    I love all your outfits and your plait.. looks really good since your hair is long. Can you do the fishtail braid? :D

  37. Oo I’ve tried, but right now it sort of sticks out everywhere before it reaches the end!

  38. Great outfit! ♥

    new post – new inspirations < 3

    Bisou Bisou ;);*

  39. So… it finally comes to this! You try to infringe on the copyright of my ingenious ideas in advancement of your personal gain of blog popularity?

    May I refer you to our dating contract, Section 1337 – Prohibition on certain infringement actions reads:
    “No action ever may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the replicating, publishing, or sharing of any media device, of other information medium, or based on the noncommercial use by the owner of a blog and/or a website.”

    Beloved Girlfriend, you may expect to hear from my (our?) lawyer soon.

    Moi’s ideas are moi’s. Not.. touis?

  40. The lawyer called, I told him you sometimes abuse me, so he said all charges can be dropped and he’s sending you the bill.
    Love you beloved Zbigniew

  41. he’s a keeper.
    cute outfit, where did you get that shirt?? It’s amazing.

  42. The shirt’s from Your Eyes Lie! :D

  43. Hahahaha, I think that’s pretty hilarious- it shows how comfortable you guys are with each other when you’re playing mean jokes on one and other.

  44. you look fantastic; this outfit looks so effortless and beautiful. Love all the pieces you have on. Those wedges are killer!

  45. I think ur inspiring . haha n continue what u love to do . take pictures n show us the real u (:
    dont let small things get to u .


  46. yerri

    i love all your shoes! ;d;d
    why did he choose ‘zbigniew’?!

  47. hahaa I think he likes the fact that it sounds so village-y, I always picture a man with a dirty moustache wearing dungarees when I hear that name :P

  48. weee.. i bark sometimes

    @Shini, ah bless you two.. my heart is all warm now

    BUT pouty face now wants a boyfriend (preferrably cheeky european) who has a wicked sense of humor and someone pouty face can have a witty banter with too.. shini, oh shiniiiiiii can i ze burrows ur pretty boyfriend for le weekend?? pretty please??

    for.. er.. research purposes only.. I PROMISE!! i want to study what attracts this male specie. after 48 hours of intensive watching, prodding and poking he will be returned and THEN i can go off and find meself one. yah? yah? :D

  49. her name is stooPID

    @weee.. i bark sometimes

    crap, i meant to comment under his&yours’ comment. crapcrapcrap. i’m sooo stoopit. i’ll go roast my toenails now (stress-reliever, yada yada.. long story, dont ask)

  50. Hahaaaa don’t think you want to borrow my bf, he might be cheeky and witty and cute and all those fuzzy stuff but he also is stern & strict and doesn’t like winning me stuff from carnivals BOO. Actually go ahead, I’ll lend him to you, maybe you’ll soften him up a bit. ;)

  51. Haha! Omg, I’ve been following your blog off and on for about a year now. I always come back because your photos are so high quality and well-shot. That story about your bf killed me. Thought it was hilarious! Love from the USA!

  52. Hahaa,so cute!
    Super-beutiful shoes btw :D

  53. I love this outfit! And i love these shoes!

  54. hahaha i mus admit that it was pretty funny and quite a good one. well, now that you know that the comments came from him, that makes everything better isn’t it?

  55. Helene

    haha, aww!

  56. ana ilka

    your blog is amazing
    the blog design is amazing
    amazing :)

  57. You guys are too adorable. He is a clever one. My boyfriend just asks me if I’m buying shoes again…You look radiant in these pictures, keep up the good work.

  58. oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, he asks me that too, followed by frown and waggy finger.

  59. HAHAHA wow your boyfriend has an interesting sense of humor!! I’m glad you got to the bottom of this Zbig “person”… When I first read the title of your post it reminded me of an article I read of a man named Zbigniew and his wife the other day! Totally not the same Zbig…… lol

  60. Hahaa Zbiggy :P It’s pronounced Zbig-niev (즈빅니에브) 아 한글로 하니깐 더 어렵네요 -_-;;

  61. Demian Lee

    XD this is hilarious and your bf is so brilliant! As always, I love your unique and well color coordinated style!

  62. I really love these pants

  63. I really love that kamikaze paper plane analogy. hahahaha!

  64. Shane

    is your boyfriend korean too? just curious :)

  65. Hahaa nah he’s Polish!

  66. I’m laughing out loud here, so funny! You’re lucky that you got such a humorous boyfriend. :) Looking great as usual Shini!!

    P.S. Your layout is actually one of the best out there and your photos are always amazing. Me so jealous!!!

  67. Thanks so much AMster, means so much! Missed you btw!

  68. That comment is spam my darling, I’ve had that so many times, my spam filter sorts out the wheat from the chaff though. I love the shoes, can’t find them on New Look’s site, I have that watch too and I love Your Eyes Lie! x

  69. Hahaa it’s not spam, it was my boyfriend! It’d have been funny if my Akismet actually detected it as spam, I’d have refound faith in my spam-o-meter!

  70. Love your style & your boyfriend’s one, so cheeky!!!

  71. okayyy im seriously glad that my boyfriend doesnt know a shit about my blog ! i minimize my windows whenever he’s aroundd.. i think my boyfriend would be the similar cheeky type as yours too if he knew what i posted in my fashion style diary blog..

    he makes ENOUGH jokes in real life of what I wear, let alone the pictures i take for my blog..

    anyway.. i guess there are a gazillion more people who love instead of hate your blog :)
    have an awesome TGIF Shini !

  72. Too funny! Your entries never fail to make me laugh

    xo http://www.fashion-feline.blogspot.com

  73. Haha omg! I have few words to describe shock and laughter. I think this should go on the tops list as best blog post ever.

  74. My dad’s name is Zbigniew and he sure knows how to be mean when he wants to, so your boyfriend chose a good name ;)

    I’m a new follower, love your blog! :)

  75. so.. there is no way i would have thought those shoes were from new look.. i LOVE them. infact im going to buy them asap.

    your blog is amazing, ha ha and your boyfriend sounds quite funny!



  76. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rukya morfey, FASHION SPOT. FASHION SPOT said: Zbigniew: Top – Courtesy of Your Eyes Lie, Pants & Bag – Gmarket, Shoes – New Look, Cardigan – Massimo Dutti, W… http://bit.ly/bxW0va […]

  77. LOL your boyfriend is funny. I lvoe your outfits and your blog!!! It’s really inspiring :)

  78. Georgina

    For some reason ‘I HAVE BITTEN OFF ALL HIS FINGERS’ really made me laugh. I’m so glad to know it’s not just me who has a boy who does ‘hilarious’ things to abuse me.

  79. Shini!
    I just wanted to say that I love you outfit in this post! Planning a Londontrip this fall would be so nice to meet up! Hope everything is great, your blog looks amazing as always!


  80. i had such a giggle at that! and i love the wedges, probably because er… i have them too. but they’re brilliant. as is your hair. big love.

  81. such a cute story!! :)
    and your shoes are fantastic.



  82. “And he dislikes all my heeled shoes because they hurt ma feet”

    you probably heard thousands of this but… AWWWWWW~ so sweet!
    And that comment that your boyfriend wrote above is so uberly cute too. kekekeke~

    brb while I die of diabetes. hahaha!

  83. hi
    I admire your taste for fashion=)
    Im following you now through twitter and bloglovin=)


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