I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



.The Draper Equestrian Hat – Modcloth
.Zipper Top – Dorothy Perkins | Pants – Zara | Shoes – Cutesyshoes | Bag – DIY Studded Vintage | Necklace – DIY

I apologise for the increased randomness – considering the nature of my blog you’re probably thinking oh is that mad woman going to staple that horse-riding hat, and the answer is no, I wasn’t thinking of that, but hey shall we try? I’ll take the stapler, you wear the hat. I was simply cleaning out all the irrelevant crap in my room – the highschool biology notes, college applications, Cosmopolitan mags (the horror). I realised, on pulling out 2 boxfulls of stapler eggs (that’s what I call it in Korean) that I have not had the need to staple in FOREVER, and why is it that we always end up with BOXFULS of staples? From the amount I found it looks like I was aspiring to be a secretary at a law firm – my CV proudly stating: Collector; Owns bajillion staples, no stapler.

p.s I would very much like a riding hat to go with my handsome riding shoes.

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  1. You look gorgeous! That staple photo could be on a cover of a book I think. Something like “Death of a Salesman” but more office related… haha

    I love the randomness of your blog! Next up… binder clips?

  2. Hazel

    That’s exactly what I was thinking! I thought you were going to do some sort of DIY with the hat and the staples… LOL

  3. great bag! cool outfit

  4. this may be complete random but I’m at work now and browsing istockphoto for some pics when i came across this:
    and i instantly thought “that cutie baby looks just like Shini!!!!!” hahah super random.

  5. Totally love your pants and how you paired them with the pumps!! Its so nice to see a simple shoe during a time with totally OTT footwear. Also, love the riding hat, you could definitely pull it off hahah xx

  6. i love your outfit, you look perfect! that hat is a major do want.

  7. baśka

    te spodnie są świetne <3

  8. Amazing outfit!

  9. looking amazing as usual :) haha, can’t imagine stapling a hat !

  10. you look great!

  11. Love the bag, the pants, the top, the everything!
    You guessed my location, I know yours! Plac Zbawiciela, Warszawa :)
    btw I live three blocks from there, next time give me a shout ;)

  12. i do agree that sometimes we own too many stapler bullets (that’s what we call it back in Malaysia) and seldom use it. and its’ been like 6 years there and there are still there T__T

    your diy necklace really looks good, stands out…

  13. i definitely thought you were going to staple that hat!

    anyways, love your bag! you look great


  14. I’m a fan of the riding hat ♥

  15. the riding hat is TOOOOOO cute. not any riding hat, THAT riding hat. that color is perfect.

  16. Hi!
    Thanks for featuring our hat on your blog! We really appreciate the support from such a fashionable gal!
    <3 Aire

  17. it seems like many people at my uni forget to pack both their stapler and staples. that hat is too cute and I’m loving the new layout of your blog! :) the credits and stuff on the side…very fashion editorial-like!

  18. Modcloth is one of the best places online, I think! Bravo.

    You get more model-like and photo journo-like with each new post. I want your camera, your body and your photographer. :)

  19. Hahaaa you don’t want my body, trust me, but thanks :P! My photographer changes all the time in Poland, would you like all of them? :D

  20. that picture of the staples looks wonderful. I definetly think you can pull off that hat.

  21. Haha, you know, maybe it’ll be the new form of studding ;) love your outfit.

  22. random is good! makes ur blog more spontaneous and interesting :)
    I have yet to try out ur geometric necklace diy~

  23. New look on the blog! WOW.. lovely
    and looking chic in your pic xo

  24. shini i love everything you wear

    you look SOOOO good.


    <3 The Voguette

  25. love the pants. btw like the new looks, it makes your dashboard look so clean.

    Just one thing, the font of the details of the outfit that you put up on the right is a tad too small or may be it could be just me, Check with the other readers if anyone else finds it hard to read.

  26. okay:
    1. the riding hat is glorious
    2. the new layout is perfection
    3. This is my favorite blog, hands down :)

  27. You look so chic! This is definitely a Jak & Jill worthy look! I’ve always wanted to wear those kind of pants! xxoxoxo

  28. wow beutiful! love everything! this pants are monumental!
    I like so much the new layout too! :)

  29. You look completely sophisiticated here. I love it. :)

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