I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Milan September 7-9th, courtesy of Pennyblack; Sleeveless trenchcoat on first image from YesStyle

The only Italian I ever picked up was from La vita è bella on repeat mode back when I was 15 and had my head in the clouds (is that why you call kids wet-behind-the-ears), words including Principessa and Buongiorno… well that’s about it really. A few years back I’d been in Rome with my mother and picked up the few key words that helps you get around, but for the life of me couldn’t remember what Thank You was when I landed in Milan a few days ago to join Pennyblack for Vogue Fashion Night Out. So I muttered something along the lines of ‘Grassy Ass’ and got off the cab, then realised that it’s actually 1) Spanish 2) slightly insulting 3) terribly dumb… Ah anyway. It’s the eve of LFW, but here’s a bit of Milan for you.

Speaking of LFW, I’ll be contributing to Full Frontal Fashion again and Glamour.com (Style Tribe), so do stick around.

Thank you Pennyblack for having me over!

Illustrations by Angeline Melin for Pennyblack

If you happen to be in Milan tomorrow, join me at the Pennyblack store on corso Vittorio Emanuele for a fist-bump and some finger food! If you live in Milan, do sign up for the Blog & the City contest today (7th) where you can be entered for the opportunity to be felt up by one of the hotties (Fashion Squad, The Blonde Salad, Fashionvibe, JouJou Villeroy, Angeline Melin) and myself (lukewarm-y), and be styled from our blog market. You will also be entered to win a Puzzle Parka.

For updates and bragging throughout the evening, check Pennyblack on Twitter Facebook or myself on Twitter & Facebook. Although, it might be quieter on my end as my Italy roaming bill roll into the second page, at which point I roll all my possessions into a blanket and disappear forever out of sight from T-Mobile billing team.

All garments Pennyblack on loan, thank you Oliwia for helping with the shooting!

Yeah, I’m just going to give up with the fantasy of editing 200 photos and putting up a semi-coherent post within 30 minutes with the sigoth breathing down my neck. We’re meant to watch a movie, and he confiscated all my phones and watches to set up an alarm bomb. There’s nothing worse than hearing 6 alarms going off full volume at 11 o’clock in the evening; that and the dude on ‘are we there yet’ loop mode. ARG ok goodbye.

My Pennyblack slot is now active, so please check it out and stuff, you’re amazing, and that’s all I can say now……Fightclub is going in the DVD drive and will autoload on top of this window….

Pennyblack Blogger & the City project; Illustration by Angeline Melin

Yep, see that girl in the centre with the attitude? I call it the Nuh-uh girlfriend, no you di’n’t pose (and I believe the dog is giving me the stink eye?). Just wanted to drop a quick note to say that I’ll be joining four other bloggers for a collaboration with PennyBlack on a project called Blog & the City! Actually, this is not the usual crowd people associate me with (aka BR – Blogging Royalty), so I feel a little out of place, like a shop assistant caught in the background

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of a celeb snap, so to speak? See if you recognise the others!

First of the series rolling already here.

Sweater – Blogger’s Yard Sale, Skirt – YesStyle, Boots – Courtesy of Patrizia Pepe, Bag – PennyBlack

Location: Warsaw Uprising Square; Thank you Oliwia for the amazing shots; Thank you Jędrek for lending me the Canon 24-105mm zoomlens!

Significant Other: Ah Shini, you’re such a sheep!

Me: I know, this sweater makes me look like one, right?

Significant Other: No, I meant the way you parked just now – sweety, I’m forced to believe you have an IQ of a sheep.

Me: Screw you.