I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Favourites from START London

Start London (Part of FarFetch boutique network), 42-44 Rivington Street, City of London EC2A 3BN

Right, I will now embark on a mini quest with the objective of sussing out cool shops/boutiques in London; if I can’t get my rear lumps to a gym this Olympics of a year then I might as well power-jog (or bus it, whatever) to places where I can actively practice the art of wallet-ry restraint and tone my forearm with the beast that bears the name of Canon.

Where else than START London to commence on such majestic quest? On my pre-Christmas visit I buckled for this little Charles Anastase polkadot number and decided it wouldn’t hurt to try it on, for what good is restraint when there is no direct challenge, non? I stepped out onto the dressing room landing to scrutinize myself in the mirror – the too-tight sleeves embossing polkadot craters on my arms (think it was two sizes smaller, come to think of it) –  clearly not a pretty sight as the shop advisers all scurried away to attend to a very un-straight shoes-display. As I was twirling, drunk with denial, the mirror suddenly wedged open and Mr Philip Start clambered out from what apparently was a stock room, and for a second I saw myself as a dapper man in an especially well-tailored suit (helloMr Start) and peed a little. Guess that was my own special inaugural starter pistol for the quest, so to speak.

MOVING ON. What better topic is there but a swig of voyeurism to diffuse the the aftertaste of woe from previous posts? Here’s a handful and a half of junk I carry around in my bag, numbered for convenience’s sake because I don’t possibly know enough directional expression – living in Poland and not speaking the language fluently has taught me that pointing is the best way of communicating.

Samsung Wave II – On a test ride for a fun project (Courtesy of Spreading Jam) but already 70% sold on the Korean typing capabilities.
LC-A+ camera, usually takes about 4 days to realise that I’ve been shooting sans film.
Moleskine 18-month scheduler The one and only platform I practice handwriting. After years of keyboard bashing the handwriting now resembles one of a second grader.
Balenciaga Purse Spray – Only a recent addition to the sack family, wearing still leaves me wondering where I possibly might have rubbed up so intimately against another woman to smell like a stranger…
Lipcoats – Lipbalm by Yes to Carrots, Lily Beige by Chanel, Gloss by Topshop
Extra battery pack for the Canon beast when the mojo level is low.
Coin pouch, gift from my mother. The mouth opens up like a water sack, sometimes I pretend I drink my coins.
Vidi Vici compact foundation
London Transport for London Oyster card and other loyalty cards to places I’m not loyal to…
Envelope wallet by MMM(bought in Yoox), hands down best wallet I’ve ever owned, in fact, so great the money refuses to stay in it…
Cards for Park & Cube. The one with boobie drawings on the back that I stick on your car windshield.
What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell – my own portable Do Not Disturb: Sleeping sign in public transport.
Leather satchel bought in a market stall in Vilnius, Lithuania. Starting to show evidence of cellulite but she is my only love. At least during weekdays.
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