I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Meadham Kirchhoff SS13

Are you perhaps missing out on my chronic instagramania

Meadham Kirchhoff SS13 at LFW Day 5, ticket courtesy of Luisa via Roma; frontal catwalk shots by vogue.com

It’s clear with each collection that the Meadham Kirchhoff duo knows exactly how to bring eyecandy to the catwalk, but this season they left us all on a sugar-high on day 6 of LFW; heck, I felt like a kid on juice watching this show. I mean, would you just look at the details – flowers stuffed under the peplum, stamped-wafer fabric, ribbons atop ribbons, bead-crusted nails… it’s like they stood a cherubim-haired doll on a rotating stool and constructed each look. Another MK specialty, the walk & performance – the music was a sweet tinkling melody of a merry-go-round, which suited the round Topshop catwalk space rather perfectly, but instead of doing a circle, the girls weaved in and out of the decorated partitions picking up bits of flowers and then dropping them halfway down the catwalk. Infuse a bit of personality to the pieces, neeeat.

Many thanks to Luisa Via Roma for taking me along; see more of my shots in the Luisa via Roma Magazine.

Desgined in Photoshop/InDesign; Edward Meadham & Benjamin Kirchhoff portraits from London Fashion Week website; Text from my contribution for Ligature Magazine;

You thought I let you off the hook with the LFW stuff, huh? Not so quick I’m afraid – there’s a sackload of photos and all good stuff I want to share. Well, I could just bugger off and make soup out of them, but I don’t think the orphans would appreciate that, now would they. I’ve done something a little different this time and gone and designed a mini editorial in hopes to ball them into bite-size chunks…  Here’s Meadham Kirchhoff’s show from the 5th day, a really dramatic and fast-paced show – so fast that by the time I adjusted my camera settings the models were already retreating and I believe one smirked stuck her tongue out at me? So I stole their flowers in return. (cackle) Here’s a bit more about the show (and original photos) from my small contribution to Ligature Magazine.

For those trying to read that 5-point text in pages 6 and 14, they’re extracts from all the hatemail I ever got. QUICK GO GET YOUR MAGNIFYING GLASSES.

I know it’s over but do check Full Frontal Fashion for more photos of LFW