I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



Park-and-Cube_Dagmar-white-pants_02 Park-and-Cube_Dagmar-white-pants_03

Top – Dagmar



White trousers – Gap


Leather Jacket – Francis Leon. Top – Dagmar. White linen trousers – Gap. Shoes – Kurt Geiger. Bag – ZAC Zac Posen

This is me attempting reverse psychology with a pair of white trousers after years of championing the ‘bib’ solution (i.e dark/patterned clothing) which caters to my infamous Flying Food eating technique. For example, one could tell that I ate recently by the fact that there’s food on my husband’s clothes (Babe try a bite of this, OOPS SORRY = a spoonload of pasta on his lap). A pair of white linen trousers from Gap should in theory overload this chipmunk brain’s computing powers and bring balance to the universe… (?) But if that’s not the case then I’ll switch to treating it as a blank canvas and Jackson Pollock on it throughout the day with breakfast, lunch and dinner – heck, it should still go with that chromosome-y Dagmar top in either scenario. Speaking of Dagmar, it’s one of my favourite Scandi brands that I’ve had to make pen-pals (aka potential shopping legs) in Stockholm for, but just the other week I found out that they’re stocked at Harvey Nichols and Harrods… D’OH. Guess I ought to write goodbye letters to those kids now…

On another note, I’m very glad to be back doing another style series with Gap for the Styld.by platform with a few of my favourite white pieces from their summer new-ins. Pieces also to be known hereon as guineapigs on which my reverse-psychology theory will be tested… All I can say now is: check back later for my debut art piece of a white dress splattered with coffee and curry – we’ll probably throw an opening gala with champagne and all that.









Jacket – c/o Francis Leon. Skirt – ASOS (on sale now!). Shoes – Jeffrey Campbell (‘inspired’ from, Acne Terra). Bag – Coach. Lace Top – Motel Rocks. Belt – LV.

Today I woke up when it was already dark out, and had a steaming cup of apple cider for breakfast not too long ago, spiced it too – a swig of vanilla extract, a dash of ground cinnamon – good stuff. New Year’s resolutions? Haven’t met him. Instead of making an extensive list of must do‘s and must quit’s, this year I decided it might be easier to condense all that into one line: Get it together, woman; and this blog falls right in the middle of it. P&C has been growing into a big part of my life (time-wise, if anything), yet I still have absolutely no clue where this is going. I feel foolish doing outfit posts, knowing clearly it’s not anything worth documenting (thanks to one too many ‘screw this, nobody cares, I’m wearing track pants tomorrow’ during fashion weeks), most of the travels I do are in the mercy of some generous sponsor (that now all seem to prefer the tall, pretty ones with 6-digit followings), and in truth I’m making just enough to pay for my dedi-server every month + snacks.

I know I should be content with what I already have, especially my readers many of whom I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know better via emails, but every day we’re bombarded with what we don’t have, and it sucks because it casts a shadow on your own achievements and efforts, equally amazing in their own right. Ultimately, I’m afraid that I am wasting my time doing something completely unimportant in the large scheme of things – am I really loving my neighbours and fearing God? (Ironic to be saying all this under a vain outfit post, but hey, would you read this more if it were under a moody pic of a misty field?) All questions to answer in the coming year. Do we have any more end-of-the-worlds in 2013? I could do with a deadline.