I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Wax-coated jacket that memorizes every crease

Braille studios in Dalston

I remember, this was the day I was contemplating being subhuman and staying in bed with dirty hair instead of going out to visit Ben & Sam of Braille. Time and time again I keep having to remind myself that this blog is not a platform where I report on the latest collection of brands, and especially not menswear because don’t we all just pretend to have boyfriends to cover up the fact that we’re social outcasts? Ok maybe that’s just me. Also frankly, I don’t get paid skittles to spend hours travelling to press events and then struggling to write things up.
But whad’ya know, I visited Braille that day and I had to eat my words. I realised that, even if I were to visit a studio producing hacksaws and lawnmowers, if it told a good visual story it’d be worth ‘reporting’ on. This is indeed Braille’s AW11, but this is also the birthplace of the collection, where Ben & Sam painstakingly sewed on each button and produced the pieces without the help of any interns – reason why they named the collection ‘Our Damn Hands‘.

Thank you Michael from SpotComms for arranging this all.

Leo DiCaprio lookalike model is Erik from Sweden – email me for his details, I will sell it to you.

If I was any good at dressing my Ken dolls I believe I would’ve played many more scenarios other than deranged beach guard meets Barbie or bachelorette party surprise-appearance Ken… basically the ones that require more than the sculpted boxers and a ribbon around the head. I don’t really mind what my man dresses like, as long as he’s God fearing and has unquestionable integrity, but when it comes to garment musing I find myself having more appreciation for menswear than womenswear. The Braille pop-up shop was open in Shoreditch in December 2010 (how long have I not fed Ken whom I’ve been holding hostage in my backlog…) – the SS11 collection, ‘Colt’, was inspired by modernist designs of Palm Springs and the natural landscape of Agua Caliente Canyon. The designs display an unmistakable Graphic Design attitude with calculated clean lines and symmetry – and sure enough, the founders (Samuel Kientsch and Benjamin Vorono) are from GD backgrounds. Oh the sweet sound of hope instilled again concerning my own future… sounds like kaching but that’s probably my new ringtone.

Thank you Michael from SpotComms for inviting me down!

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