I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Boucheron Quatre, an eternal classic

Black coat – CK. Ice-blue coat – Brics x Anywho. Leather halter-top by Topshop (found in Vintage store). Skirt – YesStyle. Shoes – Primark (over a year ago). Rings – Boucheron Quatre. Belt – LV via Vestiaire Collective.

Maybe it’s that time of my life, a particularly melodramatic chapter with lots of ellipses between sentences and one too many rhetorical questions, but lately I’ve been sensing a definite shift in taste. Taste in clothes, food, books what have you, although I wouldn’t necessarily label this the point where I grow up, seeing how I’ve once again spent an entire weekend playing Sims 3 and setting fire to my own house. One day I looked at my wardrobe and couldn’t help but frown at the abundance of flamboyant, low-quality pieces, including lots of the DIY projects that were done on a whim – ‘masterpieces’ that weren’t even washable. Then I had a look in our fridge and found that it was full of processed foods. But I popped that pizza in the microwave anyway, I guess I’d eat a rabid squirrel in any chapter of life, grown up or not. My point is, lately I’ve been leaning more towards finding the ‘eternal classics’ in design, the trenchcoats, black stilettos, white duvet-covers and wooden toys, you know the deal. Not that I can afford a Chanel 2.55, but surprisingly this attitude has been helping me to take a step back from the gurgling wave of trends and even spend a little less. So when Boucheron asked me to interpret the collection Quatre with a theme of Eternity I thought it was only befitting to the recent ‘coming of age’, and Kit & I shot these at the most perfect location – the circular Diana Memorial Fountain, around a section where the water texture resembled the row of diamonds and cobblestones characteristic of the Quatre collection.

Also, do pop by the Boucheron store on Bond Street (the guards have a remote for the door so don’t let the un-budging doors intimidate you like they did for me) and discover the store with your Instagram with the tag #BoucheronQuatre –  apparently they’ll be publishing some favourite snaps on their Facebook!

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