I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Keep all bottles open and apply while each layer is wet

Vogue Girl Korea July ’11 Issue; Sally Hansen Double Duty (and Mega-Shine, later), BarryM Gold 289, OPI HLB11 & HLB10

I’m just gonna go ahead and call this ‘Skin-clipped-along-with-nail-hence-the-blood-stain-effect’ instead of rack my brain for cheesy names like Berry Kiss’d or Sunset flicker or Unicorn fart. I was flipping through Vogue Girl Korea and noticed Sandara (of 2NE1)’s nails in the Etude waterproof mascara ad. For some reason mascara ads never convince me – nevermind how miraculous the damn mascara brush, HOW CAN YOU HELP IT WHEN YOU HAVE NO LASHES IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHO AM I YELLING AT? Anyway the nails looked cute so I decided to give it a go. Ah, when was the last time you saw such a straightforward post here?

Write a Comment


  1. Aw such a lovely tutorial! Dara looks really pretty there and I think I spot the baby blue nail polish that I gave you! hehehe

  2. Great post! Gorgeous nailpolishes xxx

  3. Nice nails and lovely pics :)

  4. Canary

    I’M LUVIN IT :)

  5. oh man, i love this! i can’t wait to go home and try it out.

  6. If I saw ‘Unicorn Fart’ as a label as an OPI shade, I would probably like them more.

  7. glowgirl

    @Patricia Ann,
    Yes, me too!
    In some weird way I would be able to justify buying a ten dollar bottle if the name was unicorn fart!

  8. Yes, I quite like “Unicorn Fart”… also, is it bad that I squealed when I saw Dara Park?

  9. haha:) you’re so funny. the nails are pretty purrfect.

  10. Michelle

    Aww! I love Dara AND 2NE1. I like the nails, and I have the exact clear coat as you do! I’ll have to try it out someday.

  11. Awww Dara’s nails are too cute and way to go for painting your own!

  12. love it! especially that the idea came off a mascara ad …!

  13. Audrey

    Whoa. Gorgeous nails! Would seriously love to see your polish collection lined up by color. I think there are some shades there that are really beautiful You probably have an amazing vanity/beauty area as well. Very inspirational!

  14. Muahaha at Unicorn Fart!

  15. this is a awesome idea to try out on my hands

  16. what refreshing photographs and fun processes. i love the outcome of the nails. very very fun.
    xx, http://wordbyjessie.com

  17. Wonderful!!! I like it !!! :-)

    Fashion Crazy Ball:

  18. Oh I love it, I’ve been doing it with a pink PA lame nail polish on the tips. It looks so elegant and fun. I saw it on a Korean drama I’d been watching, Lie to Me. I love Kdoramas!!!!

  19. Nice idea, not sure I like the colour combination though. It’s a bit gruesome for me.

  20. Wow! That looks really pretty and a lot of fun – so I might try it out sometime. I love your nail polish collection too, just sayin’.

  21. vvn

    Umm it’s not so straight-forward to me… I’d love to try it but not sure how to go about it. Could you leave some more detailed instructions please? thx!

  22. Haha sorry, it wasn’t really meant to be a ‘tutorial’ really, but it is quite straight forward – first the transparent layer, then the gold, then the orange, and red… and then a top coat to finish it off. It’s like makeup, lighter colour first, and add on. Good luck!

  23. Yoony

    Creative! It vaguely reminds me of those old-time pongsungah Korean manicures made from crushed flowers. But 3 weeks later. And I like it!

  24. Yah! That’s exactly what it reminded me of, especially when you put it on it looks like the Bongsoongah colours are just fading. Ah I miss it, must try once!

  25. That fiery ombre nail art just rocked my world. Although the names you chose are more apt titles :) You did a magnificent representation.

    ♥, Jamie

  26. I’m going to try these colors. And here here, fellow Asian, I have no eyelashes either…


  27. Love it love it love it !!
    But will it work with other colors like blue !?
    I have tons of blue!! Hahaa ..
    Also, do the polishes need to have glittery effects !?

  28. wow! great post. beautiful and easy nail polish tip!
    i agree… i’m not one for unicorn fart either! x

  29. haha yes i dont trust mascara ads too

  30. LOVE this! Great tip! XO Rebecca


  31. Love it, Shini. It’s like ombre hair…but on nails.
    Thanks for sharing!

  32. Always love your post! :) Stay awesome.
    Looking forward to the next one.

  33. Yes!

    I like the fact that you were being yourself. I understand that most of these bloggers are caught up in marketing but most of it is so staged and ” I’ve been super busy preparing ensembles for my book as
    of late, so my husband and I took the weekend off and spent our time at my publishing friends summer cottage near the beach. I love pairing bright colors with neutrals so I wore {insert product here} and” BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH , your life is all photoshoots BLAH!

  34. Superb! Absolutely superb! Thank you for tutorial!
    I don’t believe mascara ads either! ;)
    And that first photo raises nail polish envy in me! :))

  35. I won’t be able to do this, shit at this kind of stuff! Looks beaut though


  36. thanks for the tutorial!


  37. I’m loving this tutorial! I am an avid nail polish collector, some would say I’m a nail polish-a-holic. You can never have too many colors. Ever. I’ve always wondered how to get this kind of result so, thank you for such a great how-to post!

    I’m going to give this a try tonight!



  38. I adore you Shini. You are hilarious and oh so clever.

  39. I love your funky manicure. I am a new reader to your blog and your writing and pics are great!

  40. ooh but i love unicorn fart! You should coyright that one. This combo kind of reminds me the orange semi permanent dye korean kids would get on their nails. I was even non-commital as a kid and couldn’t get myself to do it…and i’m gonna call it like I see it…take note mascara companies…we know those lashes are fake!

  41. totally love your post! i wish i have that kind of nails and nail polish (since my nails are so bad and i have some kind of trouble on applying nail polish) hhe ♥

  42. My imaginary green friend is giving me that look >.>
    ohh I miss the days when I could grow my nails that long.
    -damn you guitar playing left hand

    Gorgeous photos as always Shini!

    Love Clare

  43. Dee

    Those nails look so yummy! But again, I’m a vampire, I like shiny bloody stuff :)
    Lately I saw in a Korean period movie girls doing that crushed flower manicure you mentioned. It was really interesting because I am African and we do henna on our nails and the result looks about the same as a henna manicure a few weeks later. Can I say what a small world?


  44. Dee

    Those nails look so yummy! But again, I’m a vampire, I like shiny bloody stuff :)
    Lately I saw in a Korean period movie girls doing that flower manicure. I am African and we do henna on our nails. After a while it looks about the same! Can I say what a small world?


  45. What a nice nail polishes :)

  46. Wiki

    Do you speak polish ? ;) great blog ! xx

  47. Mara


  48. Queenie

    Hey Shini, do you own all those nail polishes??? All, I mean all the bottles in the first photo.

    That is an awesome collection!!!!

  49. I LOVE IT!

    VISIT MY BLOG AT: http://www.juliphotodiary.com


  50. Cat

    OMG. Unicorn fart. Trying to hold in my laughter and failing.

  51. CHIC

  52. That first picture is still so incredibly beautiful to me, it’s one of my favourite pictures from your blog.. and yeah, ‘Skin-clipped-along-with-nail-hence-the-blood-stain-effect’ comes close, it’s a bit creepy and yet kinda cool – not so sure about the glam part though. ;D
    I totally forgot Dara modelled for Etude yet I instantly recognised her, hah! She is so, so pretty.

  53. very inspiring pics.love your blog.xx

  54. and silly me thought it was the “i just scratched your eyes out” colourway….

  55. Omg, you have a killer nailpolish collection! lovin’ the nails, very creative

  56. […] inspired to re-arrange my […]

  57. It is looking great!

  58. delicious nailcolors!!


  59. Marlene

    Supercool! Oh yeah, and the nails, too.

  60. shini, once again, wicked tutorial.. :)
    i know you’re super busy, but don’t forget to share some of your tips and tricks with us.. you are so talented at DIYs and styling.. i still look up some of your old DIYs sometimes.
    haha, and you always make me laugh. :D
    keep up the great work!

  61. beautiful nails!!!

    Freaky Friday
    Freaky Friday Facebook Fan Page

  62. I KNEW I HAD SEEN THAT NAIL ART SOMEWHERE BEFORE !! But I totally like it, and I might actually give it a go too, when… you know, I got more bottles of nail polish.

  63. I cannot think of a better name for nail varnish than Unicorn Fart. Brilliant.

  64. Fire tipped nails- awesome DIY and I’m loving your polish collection.


  65. Kimberly

    Love this!! and I totally agree with you on the whole eye lash thing!! I am always yelling about it! haha

  66. What a fabulous summer style! Very light stylish and sexy!!

    Your Coffee Break


  67. […] TTS dök upp i huvudet. Först nyss kom jag på var inspirationen kommit ifrån, det måste ju vara denna läckra manikyr som legat och jäst i hjärnvindlingarna, […]

  68. This is such a helpful and well done DIY! The pictures are absolutely gorgeous too *_* Thank you for sharing!

  69. […] “Dip in the Jam Jar: DIY Gradient Nails” […]

  70. I didn’t like these colors nor model …. It’s a good tutorial though I will be waiting till you post something that I will like more… Thanks

  71. […] DIY Gradient Nails […]

  72. […] DIY Gradient Nails […]

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  75. Fabulous! I really like the nail art you did. Thanks for sharing the idea of the sunset nail art here. Please keep sharing some more nail arts and designs with us.

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