I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Bloglovin has been a part of my daily routine for about a year now. Everyday I’d wake up and do 560 push-ups, gulp down a can of red bull, throw a dart or two, and then I’d turn the laptop on to check my email and Bloglovin’. (After that I shave everything except my sideburns)

I’ve loaded up the bookmarks list, tried using one of those RSS readers, relied on memory… but nothing seems to beat Bloglovin’ in the efficiency of blog reading. The nature of design & fashion blogs have changed so much that the contents should ideally be read within the layout design, so an RSS snippet just don’t cut it anymore. Bloglovin’ is such an easy way to follow your favourite blogs (any blog, not just fashion), I recommend it, if you haven’t tried already.

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  1. Sara

    That’s how I found out about your blog! :)

  2. Always love your witty writings! :D


  3. Thank you for your summary! I always wondered what the point of using blogloving was because I use Google Reader.

  4. I am also a believer in Bloglovin (reading it through right now :D)

    juliet xxx

  5. Yes – bloglovin is a great tool: simple to use ; efficient!


  6. Yes. Now the just need to come up with a mobile version. Note I said “mobile” and not “iPhone app” because so many times we crackberry users are left in the dust (hello, yoox.com, I’m talking to you!)

    Until then, bloglovin works quite well with Bolt browser for BB, in case anyone’s interested.

  7. Bloglovin’ is such a great thing!

  8. Like you, I go to Bloglovin as a part of my morning routine. I love it. Best way to follow blogs I love. I follow your blog on it, that’s for sure!

  9. Thanks for this.

  10. I check bloglovin’ first thing too. It’s crazy to think about how I used to just check every blog from my bookmarks with them often not even having any updates, such a waste of time!

  11. I’m a bloglovin nuser( and follow your blog there of course) and don’t see how anybody could use anything else, its so intuitive and you can still get the full effect of the blog layout.

  12. I should probably use it soon…my Blogger Reading list is such a frustrating tool.

  13. I use it too, every day! I tried switching to another reader, but well, like you said, nothing beats Bloglovin’ :D

  14. I love it too – and just started using it. I’m up to 3 followers now and am following 50 lovely blogs that make my day. Thanks Shini and I’m always looking for your new posts…

  15. shini, this is so adorable. your totally right – bloglovin is great and the best way to follow blogs.

    p.s. am popping up my photos of you this morning.

  16. I looove Bloglovin too. SO well designed (and leaves Google Reader completely in the dust). It’s like my little morning newspaper. I met Mattais & Carolina recently and they are both really sweet, so now I love Bloglovin’ even more haha.

  17. Hey there, I just stumbled upon your blog and thought I’d just leave a message to say how great it is. It’s always a nice surprise to discover a great new source of inspiration!

    Lucy Laucht: Daily style & inspiration

  18. My only question is-What do you throw your morning darts at?

  19. Hi,

    Great site. I am also South Korean and I grew up in the U.S. I just started to use Bloglovin. I love some of the photos you take.


  20. I recently made the switch and love it. I talked with Matthias, one of the creators, back in February and was impressed with his mission. I recommend it to anyone.


  21. I love how you wrote about your daily routine… and I was laughing at the shaving everything comment.

    My routine is to check my google reader for the blogs I’m following. I do have bloglovin but I don’t get to open it much.

  22. Yeah, ditto to what Leah said ; )

    I didn’t put up a bloglovin’ thingy until recently – I didn’t even know what it was. I somehow thought we either belonged to blogger OR bloglovin’, and now, having just started, am feeling the same inadequacy I felt when I started facebook, twitter, blogger.. let’s just say I’ve got more than 3 followers and less than 3000, and you know what? Who cares! It’s fun. And like you said, a nice way to start the day.

    As for shaving…

  23. I’m using it right now…SO handy!!!



  24. I just signed up!

    How do you get your own blog listed on Bloglovin? I didn’t see info about that on their site.
    Thanks, Shini!


  25. I love using bloglovin’, it’s so much more convenient.

    Btw I really like your blog, I just discovered it off Jen and Jill’s blogs!


  26. keeping up to date with blogs can certainly seem like a workout… how can so many people hold down a job and blog at the same time? elbow grease and hope.

    Lola Re

  27. Nice photos, love the girls pale green dress over jeans x

  28. I’m sorry, who :)?

  29. you are such a lovely lady with GREAT style!! found you on bloglovin. i just joined and am going to follow you. check out my blog for lovely finds and art:dresses, i would be so happy if you did.

    xo m.fay

  30. That is such a cute little movie! Your blog is really great too.

  31. Passionista

    I’m signed up for Blog Lovin too! Meet you over there. :-)

  32. Rossella

    great explanation


  33. Love bloglovin!