Blouse Mum’s Valencia Pants Zara Boots Ebay
These boots get more attention from men than women – one guy walking by actually stopped and turned around. Could be either wtfart is she wearing or holy cupcake I want those. (Or was he checking out my rear end?) Creeping suspicion that it’s the first one though.
For those wondering about the processes of my ‘photoshoots’: First my beszt friend Ellen takes my outfit photos outside, then I gently escort it home where I brutally vandalize by cropping and editing colours & lighting. My camera model is Canon EOS 400D, but as I’ve said to a few, it’s a particular lens that makes the photos what they are – and which lens, is my little secret.
Indoors (i.e home) outfit shots is me struggling with the tripod and remote – which usually ends up with throwing the remote to see if I can hit the shutter button.
Doo.Ri inspired tights still not ready, taking über-über longer than expected… But I do like that it’s going in a more personalized direction – instead of the exact replica.
Christina worked on the real tights backstage at Doo.ri, I think they’re done one by one.
I was just going to ask where you got those amazing kick ass boots, and of course they’re from Ebay. GAH! I was THISCLOSE to buying a gorgeous pair myself at a thriftstore, but resisted when I saw the sole came unglued at one pair. :'( Boo.
Anywho. I cant wait to see your gorgeous tights! =)
lovely blouse :)
great outfit! the blouse is amazIng!
muhahah hey your camera setup is better than my… press the 10 sec self timer and RUN FOR IT hahahah. hey whatever works, to each her own. anyhow, i get tons of scary looks from old people, i do not know why. i’d rather get the men or women staring. oh and i am a total procrastinator and it works the best for me. like right now i have a paper due tomorrow haha
yayyaya i’m exciteed
thank you for the sweet comment dear.
the t-shirt thingy was just an experiment and i amazed how it came out good.
exchange links? pls let me know. have a wonderful week ahead!
i am inspired by these outfit! and your bangs are amazing.
man, you look so cute and hradcore like cupcakes riding a harley davidson.
that boots definitely look stunning.
ooh, i can’t wait to see the tights!
and i heart the bagginess of ur pants with those crazy combat boots
I love your pants! Great outfit.
I think all guys like boots like that. For themselves and for their girls.
Great boots! The guy was probably secretly jealous! :-)
whatever your secret is, i’m jellis your photos come out so great! i don’t have a remote for my camera, so if i’m taking tripod shots i always have to stand there waiting for the 10 second timer to go off. are the boots hard to walk in because they’re so heavy?
mmmmm awesome love the androgynous looks!!
better than the boys do :) :)
and p.s. i bet the guy was checking out your junk in the trunk hehehe
i love how your entries always have funny little stories :D
camera remotes are the best and your hair is so pretty ~
i love how you mixed the ruffles with the combat boots. you always work those outfits soooooooo geeewwwddd shini.
Woahh it’s totally cool how you mix feminine and masuline aspects of clothing together! I can never imagine wearing those kick ass combat boots ;) Bet all those guys were like totally drooling.
can’t wait to see how they turn out!!!!
Those boots make me want to stomp around…
I can’t wait to see your latest D.I.Y.
I love the combination of beads that you chose! the colors are gorgeous!
i love the b/w photo. and procrastination is great for your health. until you’re very close to your deadline.
btw, killer boots.
oh my gawsh that is hawt!! how do you do it? _-_ you got serious talent :L luv the combo of edgy and feminine!!!
xxx <333
Looks nice,…
cute blouse, it’s such a great contrast to the boots!!
Hahah I force different friedns to take outfit pics ;D I have the same camera but these days I harly ever seem to get it right. Oh well lvoe love love the pants
i love the boots. clearly the guy was just jealous!
Visit me at Vintage Tea!
Really? I always thought that Londoners (or is it -ites? I can’t remember, not enough coffee this morning) were more liberal about interpretations on fashion. But then again, if someone’s hating on you, then it means you’re doing something right. (Or at least that’s what they say – who “they” are, I’m not exactly sure myself… but it does help make you feel better, right? ^_^)
And yup, Encore Western plays westerns ALLLLLLL day. It used to be a major genre that became super popular from around 1930-1970s. Any major movie star from those time periods did at least one western. I saw a Gregory Peck one last night in “The Big Country.” What a sexy beast.
I agree, procrastination is good for everything.
nice outfit, love the ruffles on the shirt and the boots.
cant belive you’re getting more attencion by the guys than the girls on the boots.
“ndoors (i.e home) outfit shots is me struggling with the tripod and remote – which usually ends up with throwing the remote to see if I can hit the shutter button.” – haha, that is so me! ;) love the boots! great find!
Your boots are definetly looking great!
That blouse is also really amazing!
Haa I wish I had a good camera and a Tripod! So I could make cool pictures of myself hahaha.
Everything turns out sooo bad with my camera. If I can call it so…
And about the shoes, They are not louboutins but Lanvins :D. They just copied the red sole! They just have no imagination!
wow you look wicked.
just stumbled across your blog. have to say its lovely
Can’t wait to see them finished!
i can’t to see the finished tights, you are SOO handy, seriously. haha, tell me what lense! i need a tripod majorly. what are you studying at central saint martins?
I like that you balanced out the tough boots with a ruffled top. It looks great.
that blouse is gorgeous!! Can’t wait to see how the tights turn out–you’re so creative, my dear :-)
As always well dressed.Envy of those shoes.I like to come back here to see your blog:):):):)
thank you for the sweet words dear! changing your style from time to time is good. time to get your big shirt. i would love to exchange link with you. pls let me know. thank you!
Fabulous outfit!!! You pull off the androgynous look quite well ;)
It’s okay, I find that there are certain demographics attracted to certain things. My red docs, for example, get undue attention from large black women. It’s quite wonderful actually.
Ah yes the joy of photoshop! If I had your legs and height I too would be stomping around in flat combat boots.
i think everyone should say a loud and resounding YES to procrastination.
can’t wait to see that diy by the way.
i’ve been eyeing those tights as well. can’t wait to see what magic you work with your diy.
I love boots more than anything else I think, they have more personality!
I am so in love with this. Is so yummily slouchy and stuff, and you just gave me the chance to use that weird saying again :D
Cant wait to see them finished!! They look really cool so far
Once I went to university, I became the queen of Procrastination. :( I don’t like procrastinating, but I can’t stop!! Haha, I need help.
You’re right about the sequined tights taking a long time. We looked at introducing a sequined range but it all took wayyyyyyy too long. I always respect anyone who gives it a good go.