Ask me ten years ago if I’d like a bag version of that bus handle I’d gotten to know so well – the circular, plastic reminder that once again I am on the late bus to school and we are one violent swerve away from swinging smack right into someone’s wet armpit. (My glasses would have permanent stains from arm-pubes during exam weeks) If you’d asked me then, I’d have raised an eyebrow, nay, even laughed, at the prospect of a bag that looks like a bus handle ring.
Seemingly, it takes exactly one decade for body cells to turn over, metabolism to slacken, for awkward ideas to become… well frankly, awesome. While my grip on the ring of SAVAS clutch take a familiar, ferocious grasp that one 18-year-old’s good morning relied on, it’s a heck of a stunner – a statement, even. Goes with practically everything, but best seen with puffy, foamy layers and monochrome co-ords as worn in this digitorial for Farfetch.