I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

My handwriting is an embarrassment. I told you, too much type type type x time = retarded scribbles.

OK I’m just going to pretend ALL the above was written with my left hand.

I’ll make it as easy for those far away and possibly unconcerned for the party that’s now migrated to this rainy island, but over the next 5 days it might be rather stormy in here. Obviously you don’t come to this blog to read up on the hottest and latest of London Fashion Week and it’s not like I can do hottest and latest, I can do lukewarmest and backloggest if you want? No. There will be much curating going on here for your benefit, and please do have a peek at Full Frontal Fashion (of Sundance Channel) and the Next Blog from time to time – there will be cows and fences flying around in that storm.

Also on a separate note, I’ll be a part of a small collaboration with Uniqlo on their new fashion community Uniqlooks that launched today – just one outfit per month is all, although my love for that brand warrants many many more.

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  1. Such an awesome post! Love it. :) I can’t wait!

  2. Shini, you clever clever girl! Always a treat to read what you think & now it comes with pictures too! Even better! (>人<;)

  3. hehe that was very cute…and clever! :) Excited for you and excited to see your posts!

    -Jane @ Brunch at the Beach

  4. hahaha god i love you shini

  5. very clever! as you usually are
    have tons of fun, and i look forward to your pictures – lukewarm and all!

  6. glo

    uniqlo? YESSSS!!!! haha.
    have fun @ LFW… wish i were still in london… TㅅT

  7. LOL!! What an absolutely delightful post!! I totally enjoyed that! Looking forward to your fashion week posts!

  8. Retarded scribbles? Not at all! I really like your handwriting. And cute & clever idea, with the notebook.

    Wishing you a great experience at LFW. :)

  9. Have fun at LFW!
    The little book is really cute :)

  10. Oooo…luck girl!!! :D

    Have lots of fun fun fun !!!!! :D

  11. Haha funny, so you spent the whole of after midnight blogging this? When did I mentioned about steaming with my kettle? Hmmmm 1:30am? And still painting my nails? xxx

  12. this is so much fun, awesome post


  13. hooray! I can’t wait to see your LFW coverage. And your handwriting is pretty nice… my dad can write with his left and right hands, but his handwriting is almost unreadable with both!

  14. can’t wait for your updates :)))

    xoxo from rome

  15. Martha

    so funny!

  16. Have fun @ London Fashionweek!

    Giveaway: Win 100 euro giftcard from ASOS.COM

  17. such a fun idea to tell about fashion week, instead of tons of over posted fashion pictures. You will have lots of fun I bet:) I’m kinda jealous.. if there’s one fashion week I’d really wanna go to.. its Londons fashion week..

  18. cool post :) I think I’m obsessed with little notebooks, at the beginning of term I always have one in a different colour for each module I’m taking with the name clearing written in big black marker on the front … LOVE the colours of this one though

    I wish they would make ‘studious’ notebooks in wacky colours like this!


  19. Sounds super fun!! Can’t wait to see your uniqlo outfits and make sure to have x100 more fun at london fw since you didn’t do nyfw! Go shini! Love your handwriting btw

  20. I adore this post! Well done, you :D

  21. oh, i love your handwriting! and this is such a funny post.
    /dreamsbyalice @ tumblr and blogspot

  22. Looking forward to seeing your outfit! How long the collaboration will be going for?

  23. Ooh I think a few months!

  24. love this!!
    Have so much fun

  25. Have an amazing time!!! Can’t wait to see the photos

  26. I love this! It was great to see you again today. Has it been six months already?

  27. happybee

    whoa, i thought that was a font! o_O your handwriting is actually pretty charming! :)

  28. omg! this is so so awsome!
    you are such a creative person!!
    I enjoyed this ALOT!!

    Love from Seoul,
    Nostalgic Senses


  29. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Emi Morizawa, UK Fashion News. UK Fashion News said: Ready? http://dlvr.it/GtZ7Z […]

  30. that is so freaking cool. i love it.

  31. This is so cute shini!! Have an amazing time!!!!

  32. You are so incredibly cute and not to mention, clever!!