I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Shot with the Sony Nex-5; Note, photos were (colour, light, crop) treated in post-production.

I guess it’s about high time I did this review post on the Sony Nex-5 I promised about a month ago. Naturally, if I was at the reading-end of this promise I would’ve enquired whether the review was being delivered by a three legged donkey and could I please get my act straight. In fact it was. Delivered by a donkey. Don’t insult the disabled donkey.

I won’t go into the coming-of story of the model; that, including technical specs, you can read here. My experience with the camera, albeit short, did put me in a rather shaky relationship with my current point-and-shoot, the Nikon P5000. Note, I didn’t compare it to my Canon DSLR – it’s a little hard to compare the two; after a few days with the Sony I realised this wasn’t meant to be a replacement for a DSLR, it was meant to be the perfect sidekick. As demeaning as that might sound, a sidekick camera still requires quality colour and light interpretation capabilities, as well as tight control over aperture and shutterspeed. The sidekick can travel with or without the main deal, but most importantly it’s that camera you can ‘whip out’. Of course with DSLRs the ‘whip out‘ is more of a ‘unstrap gingerly and ease out‘…. My favourite bit of the Sony Nex-5 was definitely the detatchable lens. The one I had was a bundle lens with a mediocre max aperture of F3.5, but as you can see it works like a charm, and more lenses that provide more bokeh (blurred background) are available. With the 16mm f2.8 it might even be a decent camera for a set of outfit photos on a style blog.

So say, if I was someone starting a blog, wanted good photos, but did not want to commit to learning photography (because what good is it if it’s not hot or cold… learn the whole deal or don’t, there are no ‘photographers’ in the middle) this would be the camera to go to.

*This is not a paid promotion. (Unfortunately)

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  1. I was gonna say that the photos looked fantastic! Thank you for the recommendation! I have a Canon G11 and your Sony sounds pretty similar to it! Your breakfast looked yummy btw : )

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  2. the food looks so good^^ I also like those big chunky sweaters :)

  3. Well this looks pretty good for a point and shoot! Honestly, if you hadn’t said these photos were taken with a different camera I probably wouldn’t have guessed (maybe that says more about me than it does about the camera? hmm). Lots of stuff I want to eat/wear in this post, especially the woven top though I’d probably manage to snag it on everything I come into contact with.

  4. Yeah, I was going to say the same thing! I wouldn’t have guessed it. Not bad at all!

  5. amazing photos


  6. Right on time! I was researching for a new a camera to replace my Lumix LX3, was contemplating to get a point n shoot or a DSLR.. these photos looks good enough for a point n shoot. hmmmmm…….

  7. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ami Schaheera, UK Fashion News. UK Fashion News said: Nex5 Donkey http://dlvr.it/9Blhs […]

  8. I love the food pictures, and sony cameras always takes super clear pictures <3

  9. “This is not a paid promotion. (Unfortunately)”

    ahahah glad this is an honest opinion that’s not being influenced by money, though! seems like a great camera. definitely something I’d try to sneak into a concert venue. :) beautiful shots, btw!

  10. wow not bad! i was actually thinking about e-mailing you about this camera and what you thought hehe. thank you for the review! i’m really torn on what i should get… (i can’t believe i’ve only used a point-and-shoot until now). i guess the question is… how much editing did you have to do in post-production?? or maybe i deserve to finally treat myself to a dslr…

  11. Hm surprisingly not much editing – mostly lightening and sharpening but the colours are pretty vibrant and the whole thing is really easy to use!

  12. ive been looking for a new camera. my digital one just doesnt cut it. thanks for a really useful review:)

  13. I got so hungry ritght now..

  14. Oooooh detachable lense. Interesting indeed. I like that a lot of companies are trying to find some middle ground between point and shoot and outright dslr.

  15. Thanks for this review, I’m currently recruiting for a sidekick camera actually so this was very helpful. I love the look of the older olympus pen-EP1 but it has this annoying gimmick that it does… pretends to focus in and out before taking the photos whether it’s necessary or not. I just want something smaller and simpler than the DSLR that does the job, does it well and no gimmicks!

    I might take another look at the nex5. Any idea if it’s better than the pen?


  16. Ah that’s the camera from that day @ the Breakfast Club! I saw the photos before reading the post and knew you were planning to go again recently and thought, what a funny coincidence because you wore those grey riding pants the day we went (weirdly, I remember what other people wear more than what I do) – and then I realised, that’s me with the wrinkly hands and wrinkly shirt!

    I love the effect and I can tell the difference. It’s more hyper real, I think. It’s almost like a 3-D camera.

    Sabine (I think it was her) did a post about a pair of shoes that aren’t the type you marry but you’d have a fling with. This camera sounds like that. Hope you’re having a lovely night xo

  17. laura

    those shoes are gorgeous!!! i’ve been looking for shoes like that for so long rigt now. is it possible to get those anywhere/what brand are they? =)

  18. They were in Urban Outfitters, and from that small cutout there in the shoes I think I can read Why Red for the brand!

  19. Edward Scoble

    My main grip with compact camera is that the depth of field is pretty large (i.e. no blurry background) regardless of what aperture the camera is set due to the limit technology of the compact camera, so I can’t able to take some photo with a narrow depth of field (blurry background), and required to use either a film compact or DSLR.

    Along came shin and her mighty sidekick, I was impressed with the camera as it’s a pretty small camera with a large enough sensor to produce a shallower depth of field, that’s alone is the main selling point for me.

    Everything else is just gravy, after all it’s the person who take great photos, not the camera.

    (Okay I didn’t like the body of that Sony but there’s more than one compact camera with big DSLR sensor out there after all).

  20. I love my nex 3. its perfect for outfit shots and close ups with the f2.8 lens :) xxx

  21. I spy a fur fanny pack! <3

    xo Chelsey

  22. i’d love to own those rainbow tool, any ideas?

  23. R

    nice shots, yummy breakfast and a good review, what more could i want?
    actually, there is one thing… what’s the name of the picture book in the last shot??

  24. the eggs Benedict made me hungry! My favorite way to eat eggs. MMM

    I love the upclose fur fanny pack with the yellow blouse. Great mix of textures and colors. Makes me want to see the whole outfit… :-)

  25. I like the style of the drawings. Are they done with india ink?

  26. Yarh I think so, it was done by my friend Ellen!

  27. I have never really liked the point-and-shoots.

    Recently, because of all the unstrapping, I’ve gone back to an old D. 50 and use it with the kit lens and flash.

    Because its very light I can easily carry it with a wrist strap, dangling, like a charm bracelet, or hanging from the babies buggy… and for the web it works well.

  28. Sally

    Nice pics, did you keep the camera? What are you using right now?

    And btw, that black hole-pullover and the grey one is great. Do you know the brands?

    Xx Sally

  29. Haha I didn’t get to keep the camera, they snatched it away from me after 2 weeks boooo
    I use my Canon 5D Mark II now :) Gah as for the pullover I don’t remember the brands, but they were in Urban Outfitters, in the brands section!

  30. Amazing place!!! Love it!

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