I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


Picking berries atop a concrete jungle…Neeeoow Yooork!









Times Square and its neighbouring corridors of awesome




















Sweatshirt – Masha Reva x SNDCT. Skirt – ASOS. Booties – Givenchy. Pouch – Kurt Geiger. Burgundy bag – Marc Jacobs Fulton; Thank you to Mathieu for the outfit shots!

If you followed the blog in 2011, you may remember the sad little tune on page-load that went a bit like ‘…but I would walk 500 miles for a visa… and I would walk 500 miles more… da da da undela undela la la la’. The first quarter of 2011 (around NYFW) I was on a crusade to attain a US visa, that eventually nobody would give, and since then I was genuinely convinced I would not set foot on American soil unless by sailing mistake. Veni, vidi… what’s Latin for ‘failed and cried over a tub of Ben & Jerry’? So imagine the excitement as I pass the ‘National threat | Just another Asian tourist’ threshold at the airport without incident – in fact, go ahead and pick one of these faces and stick it on my body as I’d be wearing it for the ensuing three days in the Big Apple.

It’s difficult to summarize, or even generalize, the effect of NYC to a first timer like myself. If one thing’s for sure, movies don’t spoil anything for you. The city is so awesomely grand that one could not easily fit a view within the scope of your eyeballs, let alone a camera lens, and the experience is composed of layers that simply can’t be bottled up and taken home. Little things like: the language of honks between the taxis (two short bursts mean ‘I had too much coffee and must go number one’ but unsure as I had an old taxi dictionary on me), the musty smell that rises from the subway vent, or how the sun sets in the MOST dramatic way possible; while on cloudier days, the sky looks like it wants to snack on Manhattan. Starbucks is ever-present (and surprisingly popular), yellow school buses (!) cruise the city around 3pm, and there are these random steam outlets along Fifth Avenue (can someone explain this?)… all of this fulfills my postcard expectations of New York and it makes me giddy. Three days was hardly enough though, just when I’d figured out the logic behind blocks! What an incredible city, I can’t wait to be back.

Thank you once again to Coty and Marc Jacobs teams for having me over! #MJDaisyChain

Write a Comment


  1. It’s my third time in New York and I still feel the same.
    Great pictures!

  2. beautiful capture!

  3. Yes yes yes yes yes!
    This post made me got well from my flu.
    I think that when you talk about NY, all resumes to that great picture of Times Square that you took.
    And well in general, all your pictures are very NY-er. A good scoop inside the big apple.
    Thank you!!!

    PS: Of course, amazing outfit too, and Mathieu did a great job.

  4. ahhh, i was looking forward to your post on nyc! & also in a shamelessly dorky way anticipating seeing how you’d photograph the city i call home! these are wonderful, as was expected, and more. (:

    i’m glad you finally got that visa and enjoyed new york! thanks, as always, for sharing your photographs with us.

  5. Your first time in New York, that’s so great! It is my dream to go there, and your photos are so beautiful, it makes me wanna go even more!


  6. As always, I’m in awe of your stunning photos Shini! You have captured New York so beautifully – looking at these photographs was a real treat. xx


  7. Beautiful, dreamy photos as usual. The little Kenzo flowers at the top are so pretty!

  8. Danielle

    Beautiful captures of NYC Shini! Congrats on finally getting there and experiencing the much-too-many-cliched yet mesmerizing city! :-)

  9. Emily

    I just wanted to pop in and say your writing is delightful! It keeps me reading your blog long after I have deleted similar ones from my feed. Truly, I love it.

  10. Irene

    You’re pics are great! They made me feel the real soul of NY, it’s never enough!

  11. I`ve never been there…but I have to.
    Always love to travel with you and to enjoy the images!

  12. Fabulous photos of steamy NYC. Love.

  13. Beautifull photos!

    From http://www.xeanafashion.com

  14. absolutely gorgeous shots. you, girl, are a master of photography


  15. WAIT there’s a Fashion Avenue!?

  16. Not only are your pictures breathtaking ( I feel like I’m there, taking in the experiences too) But the way in which you described New York is just perfect, I love that the city has so many inspiring things about it that aren’t even possibly significant to anyone else but each individual visitor.


  17. furore

    Gorgeous photos Shini! I can’t wait to get back to NY some day..


  18. furore

    P.S. The steam you referred to is the NY steam system used to heat, cool and even provide power to buildings apparently.

  19. My jealousy follows New York City photo diaries like clockwork. You captured the city’s most vibrant heart, and I can’t help but fall in love with it all. Beautiful! :)


  20. Great post, you really captured the magic of NY! I’m heading there in June to visit family and cannot wait! Xx

  21. sassyshann

    Amazing sweater & photos!


  22. Very cool photos. It’s made me really want to go to New York though!

  23. Amazing shots of the amazing city which I consider to be my home. Glad you had a nice trip and thanks for sharing!

  24. These pictures are absolutely amazing! love them! And Love NYC! :)
    xx Elle

  25. love your sweater and can’t say any better about how perfect your photos are!


  26. Great photos. Made me reminisce NYC.

  27. Wonderful New York pictures. I would love to visit this city one day.

  28. Have you ever heard of freaky friday ? Cause i could totally change my life with yours right now haha

    x Selma – http://www.mylittlefashionthoughts.com

  29. love it when i visit your blog and there are two brand new posts!!

    beautiful pictures, i’ve just googled “london to new york” that is how swayed i am by your pics, i waannnnnnnaaaaa gooooo!


  30. incredibly well shot and stunning impressions!!

  31. For some reason I thought you’ve been to NYC before – can’t believe it’s your first time! The steam is from the Ninja Turtles, duh. Try to come back in the fall, the city is lovely then. During the summertime the heat and smells are not so appealing…

  32. NY! I LOVE that place!


  33. So glad you love NYC! Gorgeous pics.


  34. Well, I’ve never wanted to go to New York but your travel pics are just so amazing! The city looks wonderful on them :)
    Hey Shini, could you, maybe sometime, make a tutorial on how you edit the photos? I love the fresh feeling about them but have no idea how to achieve that. Thanks!

  35. Valeriy

    @Rhoda Wong, http://sndct.com/en/catalog/men/collection/Botanical%20Layers

  36. Very nice pictures!!! And i love your bag!

  37. NY – still dream for me. for some time. enjoy charms of this city.

  38. Amazing photos! new york is such an amazing city!
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  39. So glad you FINALLY got there! I remember reading that post back in 2011 and being super bummed for you…


  40. Shini, I remember your visa crusades and I’m happy to hear that you made it to the States! Hope you had a well deserved blast! Also, Manhattan hardly qualifies as new photographic material, but you make it look so fresh.

  41. I grew up in New York City but left almost 40 years ago. I loved seeing New York through the lens of a visitor – I pinned some of your photos onto my New York City board on Pinterest. I love how you edit your photos. Next time, you may want to come to New York City in May, or in mid September – summer can be hot, humid and unpleasant.

  42. epic sweater!


  43. Amazing pictures!


  44. I was born and raised in New York City and always wished that I could see NYC the way someone visiting the city for the first time sees it. I love the way you wrote about my city…you didn’t glamorize it but truly stated the grit and the glamour of it all. Thank you for giving me some insite of what a first timer sees, loves, and feels. This post made me fall in love with my city all over again.


  45. Cristina

    Great pictures and gosh do I love how you write!

  46. How funny, I went to New York for the first time a few weeks ago and didn’t fall in love at all. I definitely prefer London to New York any day, but I can agree it is a very grand city, big cars, big buildings, bigger people… very grand indeed. ;)

  47. i love your blog! would love to meet the next time you are in ny! :)

  48. I love the style details, especially the shoes!xx

  49. Adore your photography as always, makes me miss NY even though I have to admit the 75 degree day out here in LA is pretty sweet, too :) xoxo chelsea at http://nowismagic.blogspot.com

  50. Camila

    Hey Shini, I would like to ask you some questions about living in London. I’m getting a scholarship of about £500 a month. Do you think it is enough to pay the bills? All of them, including rent? Please, let me know about the living cost in London. Thanks a lot!

  51. Gorgeous photos. I love seeing NY through your eyes.

    I’m a little confused though. Have you been to NY twice? Or did you only go once? Because I thought you went before fashion week but then I thought I saw some photos on Instagram like a week ago of you there again? Am I really confused? xx

  52. So. Much. Yes.

  53. Loved all the pics!


  54. your photos are amazing!
    I recently went to new york over the christmas period and eerything you have described is so absolutely true!



  55. I’m so stoked for you that you finally got to head over to NYC!! Immersing myself in your detailed photos I can almost hear the traffic and smell the fumes mixed with wafting food~
    I can’t wait to see your new post! I do hope your skin has been healing up >_<

  56. Good to see you back Shini! Hope you’re feeling better :) Looks like you had an incredible time, I really absorbed your photos as you can too easily breexe over them but I tried to imagine I was there and now the result is that I bloody want to go!

    Sounds incredible. Great jumper too!
    Lucy x

  57. New York looks amazing! Love to go to New York in the future:)

  58. What amazing photos of the city, seriously cool. The street ones seems so atmospheric, you can almost smell the musky steam. I’ve only been once, and it was a flying visit.

  59. Love Your point of view!
    Check how I see London;)


  60. Sigh. I’m from New York originally and nothing ever quite compares (actually, the only city I’ve loved as much is London, but in such a different way). NYC just has the zing, you know? And then you feel like magic.


  61. […] make it easier for me, at all. •   Park & Cube is a blog I simply adore and when I saw these photos taken in New York I just felt the need to pack up my bags, book a ticket and leave Paris behind […]

  62. And the most wonderful thing about New York is that it doesn’t matter how long you are there or how often you go – the city will always be new and surprising and wonderfully familiar and homely at the same time. At least I felt home the first time I went and still excited even after 6 years of living there… Apparently I am not the only one – NYC character trade they say.

  63. Is one of my dream trips. I hope to realized it soon too! =)

  64. wow. this photographs spoke to me. gorgeous.

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