28th March 2011
USBs in the shape of miniature candybags by Furla
We all know how I feel about giveaways – I know how a lot of you feel about giveaways. I don’t like holding the hoops up as much as you probably don’t like jumping through them. BUT I think you’ll like this, and I promise, no hoops. Maybe a few somersaults but only because you want to, and I’m rolling with you, grass stains and whatnot. Heck, how about a garden party with Candybag prizes, lemonade and pizza available!
Watch this space!
Do you like my hand as model? If you haven’t noticed, it’s nude, rawr.
Oh myy, can’t wait!!
Ooh, exciting. I’d love one of those. What a stylish way to carry my dissertation around with me!
Although, I must say, my inner 5-year-old is interpreting these as the ultimate accessory for barbies.
wow, this bag is on my list for the summer ! so looking forward to this GA :D:D
ahhhh i want one of these so bad :D
I feel the same way you do about giveaways but this sounds so fun and I’m strangely attracted to those bags. Looking forward to seeing what you post :) Lovely hand modeling…nude….very provocative! :D
crap! your creativity and awesomeness makes me wanna scream!:) you’re so talented.
this idea is so cute! i tried to stifle a laugh when i read the ‘Do you like my hand as model? If you haven’t noticed, it’s nude, rawr.’ line hehe
These bags strangely make me attracted to them. hmmm… they really looking kind of like candy.
Ooh love the photo! You make a great hand model. :) Yay how exciting. Cannot wait.
p.s. thank you for commenting on my blog. HOpe you stop by again. :)
What a wonderful hand model! Though I wouldn’t say your hand is naked! It looks like it’s got some red shoes on. ;)
aww its such a cute ad
i saw those bags on their website they are so cute
Oh My :) I love it :) I’m not really into trends but having THIS BAG in my hand with all my stuff inside being naked must be so cool ! :)
I looooove these bags!
Great shot too!
♥ http://www.blahblahbecky.co.uk
Scandalous nude hands pictures, i love it.
again, a sneaky peak at shini-the-graphic-designer!!! :)
That bag is the most wonderful bag ever!!!!! I wish I could have one:))))
That is one sexy hand.
oh man what a hand slut~~~~~~
kekekekekKEkaekaekgawkegakwegaksdgl cute shini!
ahhh!! super cute and useful!
oohh! how interesting!!
btw you hand looks great! lol!
xoxo from Seoul,
Nostalgic Senses
As long as the giveaway doesn’t incorporate Facebook and that blasted “Like” button, I’m all for it. :)
OMG I will be SOOOOO participating in this one!
those Furla “canycolor” bags are so hot in France right now, every single girl wants one (and so do I), sooo pretty !!
Widziałam te torebki, są świetne. Idealnie nadają się na cieplejsze dni :)
furla candy bag!!yumzzz! will definitely stay tuned!
SHOP Ezzentric Topz
Did somebody say pizza? Count me in!
even a giveaway banner made by you is a little masterpiece! your whole blog is just a real eye candy. anyway, those Furla bags are really one of the cutest bags i’ve ever seen.
+ nudity and these umm… red high heels? how naughty!
a garden party, i must say, sounds lovely right about now! ;)
actually, i’m kind of in love with the USB sticks too~