I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.





Knit Jumper Vintage | Tshirt I Don’t Like Mondays | Pants, bag Gmarket | Shoes Cutesyshoes

It’s so wrong when you had a can of energy drink that looks like an angry brown poop (refer to pic in last post) and you still feel doozy woozy sleeepy.

I can’t wait till Sale season. I think I spend more when I forbid myself to shop. It must work the other way, right? Stingy when allowed to spend. Mini rebel needs some discipline because clearly, this thing I just bought from ASOS is DIYable inside and out.


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  1. first *evil laugh*

    Your photos are always so artsy. Love it.

  2. Hahaha! I *loved* Gargamel! Poor thing, always wanting some luvin’.

    I love the smooshy hat – perfect!

  3. There are sales everywhere here and it’s driving me crazy because I have no money… nothing to spend at all! Boo! Maybe I’ll have to try to replicate that ASOS shirt via a DIY.


  4. i’m very intrigued by this ring you’re wearing. i wanna see a close up!! it looks like an animal head, perhaps a leopard? but then again by eyes could be playing silly tricks on me. that asos shirt you bought is SO cool.

  5. adorable. i like everything.

    may i know if you have a list of preferred gmarket sellers? can you share it with me, pl? i figured we might like some of the same things (like sling bags). i’m a shoe freak too. i haven’t tried to look at the site. i really shouldn’t be buying more shoes :P

    thanks in advance!

  6. cardigan and boots are lovely. haha your post titles are the best !

  7. Heh, you look supercute in the second picture. And woahwoah that top is AMAZING.

  8. Your boots look really cool.
    And I love your face on the second picture haha.
    Ohh. I’ve spotted that tshirt on asos too and I thought it would make a great DIY too :D
    I can’t wait till sale too! I want shoes shoes shoes and shoes.

  9. Great outfit!!!
    Your ring is lovely and your shoes too. You look really good on the first photo.


  10. if amazes me how you can always walk in heels!! i worn my new fly london boots to the supermarket yesterday and a trip of 30 mins nearly killed me, it was only a 4 inch heel!

    can’t wait for the sale either! xx

  11. I recon that.

    Anyway, you loke lovely as always :)

  12. love the shirt you just bought!

  13. The shirt is DIYable completely but is easier this way so just enjoy! I like your jumper!


  14. The shoes are fabulous – lovely!

  15. Those brown boots are amazing!
    Love your blog – you write brilliantly and the cherry on the cake is all the great pictures :)

  16. the asos shirt looks good but i don’t think i have the patience to diy though… i like your jumper…

  17. Can’t wait for the sales either, but I seem to always buy stuff from the new collections instead of the sales! Mmm evil marketing strategies!
    P.S.: I gave you an award on my blog! YAAY =)

  18. this outfit is my version of a perfect casual outfit! I loves the cardi colour, those sweet boots and the beanie. And yes, you could probably have DIYed what you bought from ASOS but hey sometimes you just gotta let someone else do the work for you ;)

  19. girl, your beanie is killing me it’s so fab. Love the whole outfit, and I agree, sales are equivalent to life :)

  20. wow, that is definetly on my list of diy projects….
    love those boots, and that ring is extroadinary

  21. you make a very cute smurf, i love this look, its so right, right down to your hat! :)
    and wow, that is an epic top. i cant wait to see you rock it!

  22. Love your cardigan!


  23. I need to check out ASOS more often. And I really like your boots!

  24. Love the outfit! I’m going to go to asos.com right now.
    ps- i miss watching the smurfs!!


  25. come on don’t feel bad, just dream about how you’ll combine it in summer.
    you know next time you will think twice right?

  26. Tokkiya


    I found your blog that was linked to a blog written by someone I knew in high school back in HK.

    And when I saw that photo of your friend Ellen’s post-it note drawing, the drawing style seemed so familiar..so I went to the facebook profile of the Ellen that I knew and sure enough she had a photo of her taking a picture of you! (I know Ellen from her brother Daniel)

    Gosh small world.

    Anyway, quality blog :D

  27. LOOOOVE the boots!!!! The wooden heel is so good…


  28. awww you look so sad, cheer up luv. you have been busy lately it seems! hope you’re chillin out this gorgeous bank holiday weekend. i spend lots of moolahs whether or not it is sale season. don’t guilt about the asos buy…. tell yourself that if you DIY’d it may be uneven etc etc. i love the beanie i want one like that xoxo

  29. cute beani and boots the heels look like they are made of tusks:)

  30. i really love this look :D

  31. i love the color of this sweater!

  32. love your outfit, the cardigan is awesome, love it :)

  33. loooooves the way you’re rocking that beanie
    n that cut out shirt is to die for…i wish i could diy that or sumfin

  34. masz cudowny sweter! a to skojarzenie z Gargamelem, hehe, to mnie rozbawiłaś ;D

  35. Loving ur boots! U look great!!

  36. you are killing me, i love this outfit! the deep color and how comfortable it looks, yet you manage to look so pulled together & chic! (: with a tinge of grunge as well.

    nice! keep posting magnificent outfits, i love the blog !

    xx kate

  37. Perfection! In the details especially. I love the buttons on your coat and the way your boots scrunch up like that :)

  38. this asos top is very DIYable! :D now I’ still working on many destroyied denim shorts… but then, I coul try to do asimila one’s!
    your outfit is gorgeous, the boots are great!

  39. i love your photos. what type of camera do you use? and do you have somone take them for you or do you use a tripod? so cute… im in love with all of the photos. keep it up.

  40. Laura

    you’re pretty and your blog has became my favourite. your style is so lovely and unique!! i could continue writing for sooo long but i decided to keep this simple :)

  41. Dear Shini,

    thanks so much for adding me to your “Friends” blogroll! Check out this post I did about your gobsmacking DIY skills (click on my name above).

    Have a nice week

  42. Hi, I’m a less-than-a-beginner blogger, I simply love your blog and I think you can help me to improve my blog. I especially need some advice on how I can enlarge my photos, I tried to use Imageshack but I couldn’t see the photos on the post. can you give me some tips please? Oh and I know, I use a crappy camera but I will get a new one soon:-)I also want to thank you for having made me discover Gmarket!

  43. kristina

    I love that bag. I couldn’t find it on Gmarket though. Can you link me if it’s still available? Thanks!

  44. great outfit.. very chic

  45. Just got it thanks for the 411:}

  46. duddddee! you could have totally diy that shit out:) seriously though, i love yoru shoes.

  47. gosh.. those pictures of yours are sooo sartorialist-ish :) tis inspiring & i love that knitted jumper .. it looks like a blazer from afar. Although u did less emphasizing on your bags, i must say the slouchy bag u got there is ultra-coolness!
    Thanks for inspiring me :)
    *oh, and i lurrrve ur DIYs..they r just awesome!


  48. I LOVE that sweater and this whole outfit is just sooo cute

  49. i have been looking for a pair of boots like those forever..! and i love your cardigan

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