Sweater – H&M, Pants – Zara, Boots – Venezia PL, Scarf – Gmarket, Coat – Black Luna Vintage | Thank you daddy for photos!
I do apologize that over the past few weeks posting has been incredibly sparse and a little forced at times, home is strictly hibernation grounds so to get dressed and arouse a fellow hibernator, which really is just anyone with a finger for the shutter, two legs to stand and a relatively good mood – no photography experience required (just anyone, I beg you, please) – is quite the carb-eater and considered a winter-sport. Do you ski? I don’t, I FashBLOG. Flying back usually does the trick of jolting me awake from hibernation, either the turbulence over the North Sea or a devil baby 3 rows down of some sort, by the time I’m back at my London flat I already have something to share with you all. Well well, happy start to another term.
That first coat is such a gorgeous colour :) And I love the brown boots, they look beautiful!
love the green scarf and stripes combi! lovely ;)
Haha from looking at the first picture I could totally tell you were at an airport! lovely photos
This is kind of irrelevant, but those yellow phones are so great. Especially against that coat.
love your outfit, great colors
ohhhhh, that coffee looks sooooo good right now!
i love your blog! your style is adorable :)
i loveloveLOVE that blue coat! i’ve been so tempted to get a blue coat myself, but coming from a country where it’s summer all year round, it’s so not practical. that photo overlooking the buildings is stunning.
HAHAHAHHA… my best friend hates the word blog… especially when I’m always talking about going home to BLOG. let’s see how he likes “fashBLOG”.
If that coat is velvet, I just love it way more than I have ever loved ANYTHING. Your photos are amaaaazing, heh, nobody knows about my blog yet. I should mention it as my “FASHBLOG”, see how they’ll like that ;)
definitely try doing some snowboarding if you’re looking for a winter sport!
the second outfit is perfect!!
do zobaczenia maleńka;)
*anyone with a finger for the shutter, two legs to stand and a relatively good mood – no photography experience required* THIS unfortunately for me = my mom = shakin hands (reason being – camera is too heavy) = blurry photos = less blog post.
So yes, I understand how you must’ve felt. But, your photos still look great! =)
Do zobaczenia!! Nice photos :)
I really like the sweater. I was really happy when I saw it came from H&M :) And the color of the coat is really cool.
I really love your outfit!!!
I love that blue coat!!That shade of blue is so nice!!
if you need anyone to take some photos of you in Warsaw, then I’d more than happy to help you :)
if you need anyone to take some photos of you in Warsaw, then I’d more than happy to help you :)
Hiya :)
I wanted to email you but I saw that you weren’t in London :) I just left :( but I think I will be back soon!! I love London so much and omg the food!! I ate so much haha, London has the best cutesy lunch places etc!!! I’m seriously looking into finding enough freelance work and maybe something part-time to be able to support myself in London! in worst case senario I move into a phone-booth haha :)
The shoe colab went amazing! I think you will like it :) I showed the company your blog and told them a bit what you do because I hope we can get you involved as well, its all on a small budget but there is a lot of creative freedom, which for me is always most important :) The shoes are now getting sampled in India and after the first samples are there I can show you the concept etc and tell you more :) :) :)
“do zobacznia malenka” ? ;O can U speak polish? :)
The title of your post makes me happy :))
I write again – this cobalt coat is such amazing! If you want to sell it, tell me :PP
There’s ALWAYS a baby devil on my flights… and they ALWAYS cry. Why would you take your newborn on a 12 hour flight anyways is beyond me.
Welcome back! :)
greats colors.
I’m from Poland and I am so happy that you like my country!!! :) Kraków and Zakopane are amaizing, aren’t they? :D
(And I love your blog!! You have wondreful style :))
PS. I hope that I wrote it correct :)
fantastic electric blue coat!
I hope your time spent in Poland was pleasure and nice :)
pozdrowienia :)
ooh, i see an outside-the-plane-window photograph there, yes? what an amazing view. the pops of colour here are perfect too, olive green, electric blue, and payphone yellow (hehe).
i still feel that spikes and studs to be out out out. even if i diy-ed (destroyed) my loafers. of course i’m going to go and contradict myself and post a shirt or something covered every inch with spikes. i’m ready to embrace romantic and pretty things!
don’t worry about not photographing the necklace–that’s not the point! the point is to enjoy it :o) plus, i know i can make better necklaces now. that was from my amateur blogging (ahem fashblogging) days and i’m kinda ashamed of it now :-(
lots of luvv.
– http://www.theclothingproject.com
Yay, more entries after this? YES!
Whoa the city shot looks uuuuuuunreal. Yep, exactly like that.
That blue suits you!
juliet xxx
Hi! I’m from Poland and when i saw that Parc&Cube was in my country i was really shocked! But i’m very happy of that of course too! And Joanna (comment from January 12th, 2010 at 8:21 pm) just wrote that what i want to write!
I really like Yuor blog and every day i’m here.
I can’t believe that You were in Poland… :D
I like the outfit! The coat is gorgeous!
The best of the best for 2010 :D!
Oooh photos are fantastic
cosy and lovely
and maybe special….love it anyway!
love that cobalt blue coat, really gorgeous!
I love your blog. everytime i visit this blog, im always inspired.
and I am so so so jealous that you’re a korean that lives in europe. im just not used to that idea and I wish i lived in europe.
new york is great and all, but i need a change in setting. haha.
keep posting great blogs :)
btw, who takes the pictures of you?
awesome outfit really digging the coat
i still can’t get over your coat. that color is so rich and gorgeous.
that blue is amazing!
Hi Shini,
hope your you had a good flight back to London! And no I don’t ski either only FashBLOG :D hehe.
Lots of love
i’m lovin your striped shirt dress!!
and the combination of electric blue and olive green is divine!
kisses from seoul,
what a beaut ariplane shot!!! we’ll be waiting for your post when you arrive in London!
[…] photos : Le Mâle, Jean-Paul Gautier ; Park & Cube ; Liebe Marlene ; Stockholm […]
[…] photos : Le Mâle, Jean-Paul Gautier ; Park & Cube ; Liebe Marlene ; Stockholm […]
Thick clothes look good on you!