I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



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Gucci clutch




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Skirt – ASOS. Heels – ASOS. Blouse – Zara. Bracelets – Bouton. Belt – ASOS. Clutch – Gucci

When we’re not sunning ourselves at the glare of our laptop screens, connected merely through an Ethernet cable and gunning down Nazi zombies on co-op multiplayer mode, hubby and I like to think we are pretty normal people. You know, like, wine, dine, and footsie under the table kind of couple. Having been together since highschool, to this day our dates usually involve a bus, the local cinema and cargo pants for maximum pocket-space to smuggle in snacks (our record is 2 massive Dorito’s bags and a bowl of salsa dip). If we reach first place that’s a hot night. But lately, and I’m not sure if it’s all the glittery holiday decorations or the fact that it’s dark before the afternoon is up, we’ve been arranging more dates out in town – eating food that wasn’t delivered by a motorcycle, wearing clothes that aren’t soiled with bits and Kebabs. I won’t lie, it’s exhilarating to experience London in a different light, and to know that by learning to do this we’re living the best of both worlds. One night we’ll burn through the night at home with back-to-back Big Bang Theory seasons and plastic cutlery takeaway dinners, and on another we can sit at a marble-top bar with the glittering liquor bottles and sip wine that’s listed slightly lower on the menu before the 7:30 show. We’re still taking it slow though, occasionally I have to kick his shin if he tries licking his plate clean (our version of footsie for now), and we remind eachother about the discretionary cough when someone belches accidentally. The other night we tried smuggling in popcorn in the Gucci clutch and had to explain that it was a gift and all the popcorn just came with it.

Bar: Les Deux Salons; Theatre: Aldwych Theatre. Photos of outfit thanks to lovely KitGucci x Park & Cube

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  1. Great post, you look lovely with this outfit, love your shoes and make-up! It is nice to dress up and go out on different places with a loved one!


  2. Emily

    God, can I be you for a day? : ) That first picture is everything. I saw it and checked “want” by the skirt and shoes, then scrolled down to the clutch and died inside.

  3. Danielle

    You look insanely good and I badly want that clutch!!

  4. Lovely photo’s..you look so demure….which of course you are!


  5. Sounds like a perfect life balance, though it is so easy to get stuck in staying at home in trackpants that haven’t been washed in a truly embarrassing length of time and are consequently all smudged with chocolate stains and bits of pasta salad. I suppose at least I can have a private joke with myself when I get told “you always look well put together when we go out”, because yes, of course I do, I have to overcompensate for the deep horrors of that were the rest of the week.

    Absolutely gorgeous outfit as well, the hair and make up are perfect.

  6. Danielle

    May I ask what drink that is on the fourth row picture? The one in the martini glass?

    You look flawless.

  7. I believe that was a coffee-related cocktail of some sort… :S

  8. Danielle

    @Shini, Thank you Shini!

  9. High school sweethearts: that is so adorable!!! I ADORE that skirt. I have a skirt like that – except much shorter… :s Great post!

  10. Stunning outfit! I love how textured the skirt is. Your blog has become a “to-do list” for when I make it overseas.

    An aside,

    I also sneak a lot of food into movies: burritos, candy for my guy friends, a pint of fried rice… What else are big bags for?! If you ever want to do a collab. post on how to remain fashionable while lugging greasy foods into a theater I’d be so down ;)

  11. I know how that feels… Pizza takeaways and BBC Sherlock one night, Park Hyatt in Tokyo and Bellini’s the next. Life is best when it is full of contrasts :)

  12. Oh my goodness I need Sherlock back in my life…

  13. @Shini, I would kill to get one place for that early viewing on the 15th … Know anyone in the British film institution? And they get an interview with the cast as well!

  14. Love the clutch!


  15. gorgeous!


  16. Aww you look gorgeous! Love that night-time make up on you.
    I’ve been to that French bar before, had food there and it was way too little. ha!

  17. beautiful outfit!… loved everything about it!


  18. stunning outfit! You two seem such a sweet couple! Me and my fiances dates are also trips to the cinema :P Although ive never tried to smuggle things in, really should as its super pricey!

    Hayley xx

  19. Loving that skirt!!

    xx Nicole

  20. Loving that skirt!!

    xx Nicole

  21. you and your hubby sound so cute!!
    beautiful photos and love your outfit

  22. Love your skirt!

  23. You look lovely, love this ladylike outfit.


  24. This post makes me feel old, I’m too lazy to go out but your life actually looks very riveting through your blog. Also, all your posts have a timeless sort of glamour to them.

    The Fashann Monster

  25. amazing photos and love the way the photographer captures the essence of london at night! x


  26. Thank you! I take all the photos on the blog unless otherwise stated ;)

  27. 왕팬

    @Shini, What about the photos of yourself?
    They are amazing as well!

  28. Beautiful outfit! Great pictures! x


  29. nDing

    loveloveLOVE the outfit :D. I wish I can find the perfect balance too in my future marriage when the time comes! ♥

  30. what can i say but swooooooooooooooooooooon~!

  31. Wow! Such a beautiful photos! You also look stunning :)


  32. wawa ~ ~ really good gorgeous, noble scenes, very much like these photos

  33. the date i’d love to experience with my future significant other. lovely outfit. cheers to more fun dates of you and your husband xx


  34. Great photos chick, I lovenlondin such a great city. Your clutch is awesome!

  35. […] post Co-op gameplay appeared first on PARK & […]

  36. The skirt looks gorgeous on you!
    It is very impressive of you to sneak in TWO bags of dorritos haha.
    In the Netherlands you would have been caught red-handed. :p
    I would love to visit magicle London again next year after my final exams, but I’m not sure yet with whom or how.
    X, Jessy

  37. This was such a cute post :) And the photographs are incredible!


    Sade XO

  38. You look stunning!

  39. U look stunning!

  40. You look so classy, all your pictures seem to be taken from a movie!


  41. So wonderful. Your photography is amazing and you’ve captured everything I love about London by night.

  42. Sarah Nizomi

    those are perfect! and god, I want the skirt so badly..

  43. ollyvia laura



  44. 왕팬


  45. I’m adding that skirt to my christmas list! ;)

  46. I know how it feels! I’m always a homebody and most people think it’s coz I like reading or watching movies when in all honesty, I love playing games…

  47. I am so much loving your skirt! it’s absolutely perfect :) great outfit!

    Ester @ Drawing Dreaming

  48. 누님 이쁘당 >.< 사진들 다 잘 나왔어요~ 여덟 번째사진은…대박…

  49. Looks like such a classy evening, the photo’s are stunning. Why not glam up once in a while :)

  50. DAMN!
    I saw this skirt on ASOS, liked it but i’m too “petite” to wear it!


    Des Bises
    Mademoiselle Stef

  51. Joan Tay

    your look so classy!

  52. Aww, that is so romantic :) And you look absolutely STUNNING!