I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


Chanel AW11; Peridot varnish

Sorry, thought a bit of heavy coats and tutti frutti woolen socks ‘n’ boots would do a good trick of reverse psychology-ing this heatwave. Ech. My brain is sweating. De facto I’m a bit of a tell tale and I can never hold things in (i.e AW/FW what have you) and usually end up blurting stuff out before it’s the correct time… but I won’t read the lyrics of fashblogger anthem and add the ‘now I feel like Autumn and layering‘ line, we just felt the oven dials turn into a beautiful toasty weather in London and I don’t at all dislike it.

Thank you Julie always for the warm welcome!

Write a Comment


  1. Dayum! I think the colours are great, the make-up looks beautiful! But indeed, with the weather outside I can’t think of think those winter-y coats just yet.

  2. Lov that green coat!!!


  3. Wow, the boots with the metal toe are really beautiful!


  4. great post…. ;))

    COVERS: Models PLUS-SIZE in Vogue June

  5. Gorgeous pics, the green coat is certainly my fave.


  6. chanel overload. i am beyond jealous. i just got a vintage chanel piece yesterday! i am OBSESSSSSSED.
    xx, http://wordbyjessie.com

  7. i like those boots with the metallic front. they could be used to kick annoying people in the ….you know what…

  8. Canary


  9. Chanel coats, you stop it right now.

  10. Awesome pictures!!! The shoes are amazing…alll of them! <3


  11. who doesn’t love Chanel? amazing.

  12. Those silver-toed boots! Oh man oh man, those silver-toed boots…

  13. Oh Chanel HEAVEN!!! x


  14. Great photos! I am wishing for some hot weather – it snowed last night :(


  15. I must have that nail polish, or I will die. Also, those boots in the first pic are spectacular.

    And you think YOU’RE having a heat wave, I live in central Texas and we’ve been hitting 100 degrees since March.

  16. Such a lovely book of inspiration/trend….a great coffee table book for lazy arses (like moi).

  17. absolutely stunning! i can’t take my eyes off these pictures! and i would do anything to own that nail polish

  18. I am loving the shoes and the new eyeshadow colors!

  19. True, I felt a little more sweaty just looking at these outside in the sun but I still think clothes for autumn are the best clothes to look at so I don’t mind at all, especially when they’re Chanel.

  20. Demian Lee

    Hahaha I LMAOed at the ‘now I feel like Autumn and layering’ line! lol Great photos as usual =]

  21. OMG, I want all these lovely items! :D

  22. haha the reverse psychology is not quite working for us in Australia, this post is on point!

  23. I hear you, sometimes the fiery weather of summer makes me long for winter’s cold. Love the Chanel obsession.


  24. wow, these little boots are pretty awesome, gorge details


  25. Loveeee this pictures :)

  26. really??how come you don’t like the warm weather? It’s officially summer in seoul and i’m loving it but i think it’s cos it was soooo cold last winter and i’m so gratefull for warmth.
    Hmmmmmm@_@ you are really tempting me with those chanel ugg-looking boots….u know how i feel about them uggs.

  27. @Fashion tidbits, My bad ;P i misread what u wrote. I’m glad you’re enjoying the sunshine!

  28. B o n j o u r,

    I hope you don’t mind my comment. I just think your blog is beautiful. I love love your photos, and this series was stunning. I can’t wait to move to Paris in August. One month of Parisian life, and going to vintage markets.

    Have an amazing weekend!!! :)


  29. Amanita

    I love CHANEL!!!!!. Karl is great and “delectable” designer. XOXO


  30. Everythings looks so warm and comfortable!


  31. Those loose eyeshadows are great! I didn’t even know they made them! (or this this a new thing)…either way, can’t deny that I am excited about Fall, although happy to bask in the warm sun for a bit longer!

  32. i dont mind sweating over chanel’s love them all :)

  33. That coat..The coat…the green one!!! Could you grab that for me?!!!
    It suddenly doesn’t feel so hot anymore hehhee…anyways i always end up buying winter stuffs in summer:D

  34. I need some of that Chanel polish in my life. Nails inspired by an oil slick? Well, that’s just the way I roll!

  35. amazing report! I love your blog…


    Juli from: http://www.juliphotodiary.com

  36. loving their use of texture!

  37. Everything that has a Chanel label is beyond beautiful. The quality and craftsmanship is worth any amount.

  38. Wow, I love all the accessories but my fav one is that black shoe with metallic toe

  39. Beautiful! I love your photos – and what they’re showing. Peridot looks lovely!

  40. Gorgeous details! I especially like the peacock colors.


  41. I love the looks… They will be great for this fall!
    Take care,

  42. POL

    Hey ! First time I wrote here. I’m french and I read your blog sometimes (sorry for bad english !)
    But today I have to say that I’m totally in love with this post. I’m a big fan of Make Up especially the Chanel one !! I did not succumb to the collection during the summer of 2011 but this preview of winter collection looks incredible and I already want all of the eyeshadows and the wonderful powders ! Magic. Fabulous and amazing ! (hey you know, I’m french but I have some vocabulary ahah)
    The nail polish makes me think about the “Black Pearl” ! no ?

    Kiss (is it corny to say Kiss in english ?)

  43. Would love to have any and/or all of these in my closet….even the Chanel coathangers….


  44. The boots is ɑ bomb!!

  45. All your photos are very very beautifuls, + i love your sense of fashion, keep doing this, i love your blog ! xxxx

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