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I've moved on... a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.






Jacket Reiss Sample Sale | Zipper Top Dorothy Perkins | One-arm ‘dress’ Topshop | Jeans Gmarket | Shoes H&M | Bag Public Beware | Sunglasses Warehouse


What are your interests outside fashion & graphic design? [Lorraine]Fishing in pond with barbeque fork.

Well, in all seriousness, I’m a Second World War/military history freak. I may have mentioned this earlier, but I’m more familar with guns and military equipment than fashion designers. I may have also raised a small red flag on some governmental database somewhere during my self-directed design project googling Nazi church, Hitler Youth, admissions into Hitler youth…

Although, I do like throwing forks at fishies in ponds just to see if they poop when they get scared, but unfortunately there aren’t that many ponds in my viccinity to sustain that hobby.

Do you watch Korean dramas and which are your favourite? [Phuong]

I do watch the occasional Korean TV Series, but I’ve only watched a handful. I find myself frequently hurling PG13 insults at the slow-running storyline and end up skipping a few episodes in the middle. The latest I watched was Boys over Flowersbased on a Japanese Manga, which I could say is currectly my favourite only because of Macaroni Hair (tall dude in the middle of the pic below), but I watched it in 2 days which is saying something since it’s 25-episode long.


What music do you like? [Lorraine]

I don’t really stick to one genre – it could as well be elevator music or thumpy music from cars passing by. When I was young I used to be a hardcore Christina Aguilera groupie so I hold quite a strong allegiance to her still, but nowadays my playlist is quite colourful. The base line is though, that it needs to be something I can sing along to. So preferably a female vocalist with a distinct singing voice. Other than that, I like metal, K-pop, HippityHoppity… Well the only thing I can’t stand is Techno and Trance.

Younha – Delete

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  1. I love that jacket!! that colour is just jawdropping!!

  2. I agree – the jacket is amazing but so is the rest of the outfit! Every piece is noteworthy.

  3. zastanawiam się, jakim cudem udaje Ci się znajdywać takie świetne torby :))
    kurtka jest IDEALNA. nic dodać, nic ująć :)

  4. your pictures never fail to impress me!
    i love the colours..

  5. the 2nd photo is so cute!! :D I loved Christina Aguilera while growing up too (teenage years, got hooked with “fighter”) lol!

  6. it’s really interesting to learn that about you ! and i love your bag ;)

  7. Fab jacket – awesome colour! :)

  8. Nikki

    Omg I love Boys over Flowers too !! (: Haha it really was enjoyable to me. Have you seen My girl? That was funny too.

  9. oh, designers are such a copycats,
    I have almost same bag, but other brand –

  10. what a colourful jacket!

  11. Yen

    I love BOF hihi
    Kim Bum is so cuteeeee haha

  12. christine

    I love bbf!!!! i can’t believe it’s over. although i thought the ending was rushed. Jihoooo is sooo hotttt

  13. i love the color of that jacket :-)

  14. the second pic is really cute…im really into kpop right now but yh im the same, if i like the sound of something then its cool

  15. haha tangerine watched that show. she loved to fill me in with all of the drama everytime an episode aired. We gave all of them nicknames, and your macaroni hair, was our perm boy.

  16. Love the jacket and the shoes :) were you not warm in all that today though?

    hahah I’ve been boiling!

  17. Boys Over Flowers = win. Although I’ve only seen the J-drama I’m going to watch the Korean version soon.
    The guns information is both fascinating and could come in handy someday, who knows.

  18. Omgosh the best part of BOF is the beautiful boys! I love Lee Min Ho and Kim Bum! I couldn’t watch it in two days cuz I was watching as it came out hahaha. That was a great 2-3 months.. I love your outfit too hehe=)

  19. the layering on you looks pretty cool… nice boots to go with all those tops… and i always like how you pair your outfits with a bag…

    i love the flower boy manga in japanese too… i love how the girl revolve around this rich handsome young man.. totally romantic

  20. I love that color on you. So, so much!

    La C.

  21. I love the jacket! The color just pops and it looks wonderful on you! The second picture is so cute! I like music that I can sing-along too (watched too much disney movies) and I can’t stand slow songs, it bores me to death. xxoxoxoxo

  22. That bag is so cool. So is that jacket. I also like your photographer’s white shoes.

    ps. I’m pretty sure it’s red, albeit a really washed out red…although it does vibe pink.

    and no, despite an abundance of oxfords in my closet, no girl for me…pity party starts now…

  23. perfect :)

  24. I love your jacket. :) Love how the colour just pops!

  25. OMG I’m in loveee with that jacket! That color is amazing!

  26. second photo = has got to be my favourite photo on this blog so far!
    and yay :) boys over flowers. and yes, your description of the “macaroni” hair is SPOT on !!

  27. I watched bof first 18 ep. in one day!
    Go Jun Pyo is the lovee of my life!!!
    Seriously :D

  28. Look at you rocking that orange!! (Or is it more like an orange pink?) I love the shot with your sunnies. :)

  29. That bag is so amazing and your outfit is perfection!

  30. ha! pretty sweet cameo if you ask me! the gradient on those babies is just plain awesome! adore♥

  31. Haha, you’re so cute! I love the second photo and the color of your blazer is awesome!

  32. okay now I can’t look at that shirt without seeing pink. I think you’re right…but if it ever comes up again, I’m going to say I thought it looked more pink than red all along.

  33. Okay, if one of those is a dress, then daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn it’s short!! Still, you are, like, the queen of layering.

  34. now i have to go see that drama!!!!

  35. Congrats, you are on whowhatwear :)
    So loving the studded bag – it is darn cheap for that great design!!!!

  36. Wawawoom! You look amazing! I love that jacket’s color. And what, you can get shoes like that from H&M????

  37. I LOVE your jacket [hearts]

  38. Oh miss, the SHOES THE SHOES THE SHOES – REALLY? H&M? AHH!!!

    What a wonderful outfit.

  39. congrats on appearing in WWWdaily :D

    i love coral with grey. you look so adorable. those shoes are killing me.

  40. Shini–Love-love-loving the jacket! Looks great with the ensemble and bag.

  41. Your glasses are awesome!!
    And So is your jacket! I love it!
    Thank you for answering my questions!
    Haha. That’s so funny you love war things, weapons and such. You just look all so innocent and so on hahaha.
    Haa I used to listen K-pop a lot but I don’t anymore… But that’s cool you are!

    And i’m still in love with your bag btw and i should stop using “!”s.

  42. love the color of the jacket

  43. Adore these glasses, and still, your jacket :)

  44. i just started reading your blog and i have to say i love your style : ) but get this…guess who i saw today on whowhatwear? you!

  45. YAY that;s my question, and BOF is also one of my favourites! menn i would’ve finished it in two days too, if i didn’t had to wait for subs, and eps to air HAHA. the glasses look so cool on you ^^

  46. Katie

    i know Korean dramas take forever to move on. The story line like you said can get pretty annoying. Sometimes I will just fast forward and watch in five minutes. i liked BOF tho, even if in the beginning it was kind of bad.

  47. oh haha. BOF was wonderful. i watched that show every week as it aired, and then i would discuss with indigo what happened. while watching, i didn’t think that jun pyo’s hair was super super horrible, but looking back, it is crazy bad. XD
    but indigo and i had nicknames for every character, macaroni hair was perm boy, jihoo ended up being michael jackson (idk, indigo think he looks like him), playboys 1&2, leading lady, and best friend. great times. everyone in the drama esp. kim bum has become so popular now! :D

    and you put up a younha song! i love her, she’s got such a pretty voice. but i’m a little bit disappointed in her latest album. i really liked the someday album though. :)

    and…that jacket is the most gorgeous color!

  48. Aaaah I am so in love with the Public Beware bag!! Its got such unique design!!

  49. Tip

    Interesting to know how passionate you are for history Shini. I was once that way for politics/gov’t while obtaining a B.S. in it, however, now it no longer interest me in the way it did. You seem quite multi-dimensional and I really enjoy that about you. I am currently seeking my other dimensions.

    Lovely jacket! Enjoying the boots as well.

    Please stop back by the blog if you have time and tell me what you think. I have made changes and your opinion is highly valued to me.

  50. hello from hk shini!! hahahaha my boyfriend is a huge history freak too. hk went through a phase of mega korean drama adoration but i never participated in such adoration myself. HUM maybe i should have hahahaha.
    i wanted those hm shoes too but it’s always hard to find my size :/



  52. the second picture is so adorable (::
    hahah loveee. and lovee the fact that you dig history and watch boys over flowers!

  53. suu

    i am in love with BOF! especially ji hoo. he is such a charmer and guardian angel like:)
    anyway, do you know how to speak and write korean?

  54. oo love the colour of your jacket :D
    my bestfriend only makes me watch those korean game shows with the funny old guy host and that “We got Married” show which is also quite interesting hahaha

  55. I was just on whowhatwear and guess who I saw? YOU! You probably know, but I felt like telling you anyway.

  56. great! I love this colors! and this shoes are supreme!

  57. Hi! I wrote a little article about your website. It’s Dutch, but I swear it’s full of praise. (I have this strange feeling that that’s no good English, but okay, you’ll understand. ;)) I love this outfit, like always. I’m feeling like a arselicker, but it’s true!

  58. i love that bag. also your comments section is so nicely set up.

  59. I became obsessed with watching Boys Over Flowers all because of Lee Minho, to the point that I became relieved it was only 25 episodes long so I could start living my life again.

  60. love ur sunglasses and jacket
    I like korean tv series … the one I really liked was “my name is kim sam soon” hehehe

  61. ahh boys before flower, hana yori dango, meteor garden…all the versions of that manga is great! i haven’t seen boys before flower, but i will soon.

    and i also love your jacket!

  62. love the jacket.. amazing color and great trim.
    jealous! haha.

  63. hahaha macaroni hair! that’s another way to put it i guess! :)

    the jacket color is so great. i love when you post pictures with it on! it’s more refreshing than…….. peeling open a grapefruit! hehe

  64. I love Boys Before Flowers…..jun pryo!!!!!

  65. the Boys Over Flower series are so famous here in Indonesia too !
    Every girl loves F4 ! hahaha.
    I really really love your blog !