I know I’ve been charged with the crime of ‘over-doing’ things in the wardrobe department – evident if not by silence in the comment section then at least by the rapid-scan eye flick of my PA that is uploaded into the smile that follows. . The empty smile, the flight-attendant-who’s-had-to-clean-enough-baby-spit-up smile. Yes, judge, I plead insanity (with a side of vanity*). But when it comes to swimwear, all I know is: KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. If we’ve socially accepted the pairing of exposed physical imperfections + tea-cosy-sized fabric for the sake of going into tempered water, then my swimsuits and I are going to do my best to slink into people’s blind spots. And to KISS, one must Calvin Klein, so forgive me if while I show some favs. Yes, one of my boob is bigger than the other.
*Am I maybe a poet.