I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.





Jacket KappAhl Top, Leggings Topshop Belt Mum’s Shoes H&M Hat Christie’s (The Hat Company ebay) Bag DIY Studded Vintage

The blog was starting to look like an essay blog, huh. Sorry about the last post, I promise I’m usually a very forgiving, cheery person! :D I just don’t like when people challenge my knowledge in my own damn profession. I know my shizzle, that’s why I get paid for it.

Beautiful weather in London today btw, looks like spring is finally coming around.

(Check out The Hat Company ebay store for high quality bowler hats by Christie’s. Handmade with beautiful lining, and at £25, so affordable.)

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  1. Lovely hat!

    If the coins collection goes well let me know, and I will buy one for this time of crisis…


  2. love the bowler and the leggings. you look super cute in hats.

    p.s. your answers are posted…hope you like your feature. ;)

  3. LOVE this!! And never you mind about those folks.

  4. amazing diys! your relaxed look is inspiring..if only the rest of us could pull it off so eloquently..

  5. love the shoes!!

  6. since you’re wearing a bowler it’s okay to be a little feisty. It’s like a clockwork orange. But instead of moloko with knives it’s fonts and graphic design. Tt’s super annoying when people make idiosyncratic arguments against general advice.

  7. heeeey you found a red bowler!!!!! :D

  8. ohhhh my!!! yahh me and my sister are really close and i KNOW she’s going to be SUPERRRRRRRRR jealous when she sees your hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. oh my shini your looking really pretty there with that hat! too bad hates dont really suit me. I really like your shoes and you last post was of some help to people who don’t profess in web design so thanks for the post! it really was helpful (:

    love victoria.


  10. oh, that belt!!! I like it sooo much! and the hat is really cute!!
    Is the weather nice in london? I hope it will be nice on Easter!!

  11. everytime i read your posts you make me smile. you have a way with words even when anonymous gets you riled up. the hat looks super adorable on you. i can’t wear hats because of my weird shaped noggin.

  12. ahh your facial expression is so adorable. plus you’ve got the best hair. black, long and shiny/healthy is my fav. do you know i realised most of the korean ppl i know or have seen have really gd skin and healthy hair? whats the secret! xx

  13. lovely outfit, that’s something i would wear today, it’s kind of cold here (finally!!!).
    i liked the last post, haha go girl!!



  15. yay you got a red bowler like the minimarket one you were lusting over!

  16. Love the hat. And I totally understand your last post, I wouldn’t like to get challanged on something I knew I knew (oh no, what a sentence…).

  17. you pull that hat off so well!! i saw something similar at a store in seoul… now you’re making me think that i should have bought it haha

    can i reply to comments on my blog? i have no idea… but since i do not know, YES omg driving in korea is sometimes a nightmare with mean 아저씨s giving me the evil eye… haha anddd i wish you could watch 꽃보다남자. i was skeptical at first, but his clothesssss oh his clothes. haha

    oh and i don’t think bloggers know how useful your post was on making blogs aesthetically better. you have advice that some people have to pay lots of money for! so thank you :)

  18. you look fantastic in this hat…don’t think many could pull it off like you do! nice work! xxx LM

  19. love the outfit! The hat is so cute

    Click here to visit me at Vintage Tea!


  20. I love your style, and of course the red hat!
    Your style is very special, I like that.

  21. love how you’ve styled this!

  22. Love the new hat, Shini!

  23. What a glorious outfit!! I love the way you belted the loose shirt, and the boots, and the hat to top it all off!

    And yeah, I always check the boys’ section! I got this navy suit blazer there (perfect fit, hits me at the hips with cropped sleeves (I guess since it is, after all, a boy’s suit jacket..) with gold buttons (not as cheap as the ones I replaced the black one with, since this one actually has some weight to them, haha) a couple of years ago and it’s basically my spring jacket. So easy to just put on and throw things in the pockets. And it always dresses up an outfit!

    You should definitely start checking.. though I get a little weary with the condition of the jacket and smells and what might have happened to them.. you know? Kids will be kids..

  24. love that hat!


  25. I love everything about this! That’s so beautiful.
    The hat is seriously cool!

    And thanks about my blog! Especially from you hehe I feel so flattered! ;D

  26. oh the hat!
    i wish i could wear them, but i’ve been told i have the wrong shape head…

  27. The hat is so awesome on you! Great outfit! xxoxoxoxoxoxo

  28. Ah! You’re a genius, thank you so much!
    I’ve asked multiple people, but they never knew or didn’t respond.

    Now I know who to ask when I need help, haha :)

    Such a lovely hat and I’m still in love with your bag

  29. You look like the new Charlie Chaplin, reinvented with a hot red hat. haha. And ouch, the bugger that tried to defy your knowledge! Sheeeesh!

    x x x

  30. LOVE your hat! Bowler hats are the cutest :) Have to check out that website!

  31. Lovely outfit as per usual :) The hat really stands out!


  32. I still can’t get over that bag! So pretty!

  33. I need those shoes from H&M were they a recent purchase?

    The whole outfit looks lovely. Love the hint of red with the hat.


  34. yeah you got the hat! looks fabulous!


  35. The red hat looks awesome on you. This type of hats wouldn’t suit me I think but as everyone else said, you make it work!

    By the way I posted a pic of my studded vest but I’m still not sure whether to continue or not. What is your expert opinion?? :)



  36. i loove the red hat

  37. I love your style:)
    These photos are great. My first time at this blog, I will be back for sure:)

  38. shini, i LOOVEE your bowler hat. sooo cute. just like the one from minimarket hahaha. i also found that hat company store on ebay when i was searching for a taupe colored bowler.

  39. damn Shini!!!!
    perfect hat AND perfect wedges.
    love * * *

  40. Your hat is so cute. Adoreable, delicious, beautiful..etc…

  41. loooove the hat and shoes.
    and your blog is soo dope, i really liked the blog advice haha

  42. I have a red bowler hat like yours, bought it for £35 from Beyond Retro **ouch**, they go with everything!!

  43. Can I borrow your red hat?


  44. I heart you. Thank you for the web design tips, super helpful for sad little newbs like me.

  45. you are too much! your last diy was killller and the red hat is making me melt!

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