I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.




Pullover Uniqlo | Scarf Vintage | Jeans H&M | Shoes, Bag Gmarket



The shoes finally arrived! Someone rang the doorbell in the middle of the night, or so it felt like at 9am, and if it weren’t for the lovely shoes I may have locked the dude in the gas & electricity meter cupboard. NO ONE messes with the sleeping beast. (For those just tuning in, I bought these two from Gmarket, a Korean webmarket – here’s the post with guidelines for how to get around that crazy place) (For those just tuning in, also, I do not like waking up at double digit AM hours. Just because I go to sleep at single digit AM hours)

I must say, one of my biggest pet peeves is when shoe makers other than C.Louboutin paint their soles red. Not only are red soles Christian Louboutin’s artistic signature, but today they’ve come to represent women of certain financial status, occupation or style. It doesn’t bother me greatly that high street retailers ‘replicate’ trend designs to make them more affordable, but it does bother me when they replicate a signature, a supposedly timeless factor for any designer.

So… for those who skipped the above paragraph for any reason including illiteracy, I sharpied my sole black because the pretentious red annoyed me greatly.

As for the quality of the shoes I wore today, meh – 3 out of 5 maybe – the heels are wobbly, like most Asian-made heels (remember that the next time you’re buying). I guess I got what I paid for, but the design is satisfying so I guess I will have to grant them entry into the shoedrawer without a visa.

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  1. lovee the shoes on youuuuuuu. a little disappointed to hear that they are semi wobbly and have red soles :( i would do the same thing about sharpie-ing them blackk!

    thanks about the layoutttt :) it was inspired by you and garance dore. i love the simplicity of it all! i hope you don’t mind!

    (am i the first commenter??)

  2. Ugh, I know what you mean. The fringe boots I bought from Forever 21 have the same effect. I feel like I walk funny wherever I wear them – like I don’t know how to wear heels or something.

  3. ME TOO with those F21 boots. I end up concentrating more on not snapping the heel than looking straight while walking… very annoying.

  4. Glad I’m not the only one who was scared walking around in those Wang knockoffs. They were comfy but I only wore them once, certain either of the heels would snap at any moment.

  5. Mine snapped after wearing them twice.

  6. Danielle

    Oh, I’ve had a nightmare experience with some F21 shoes–the heel snapped right off of one about 2 hours after I wore them first. I was really angry, needless to say!

  7. my wang knock off i bought from f21 have the wobbley heel!

  8. Be careful! Mine snapped off while I was walking.

  9. My F21 A. Wang knockoff’s heels broke off actually and I had to get them fixed at the cobbler.

  10. i love the shoes, but are they real leather? the outfit is also lovely.

  11. Nopez, not real leather! I don’t think the price would’ve been like that if they were leather.

  12. It bothers me when cheapie shoes have red heels too!! Grrrrrr. I love both pairs though, hot stuff!

  13. Sherry

    I’m thinking about getting those chloe knockoffs (once I figure out gmarket – thanks for that post btw :]) but I was wondering: are they designed to show the tops of your toes or are they slightly large on you?

  14. Hm it’s slightly large on me, (half a size) and I’m sitting down… I also do think it is designed so the ridges of the toes show, it’s quite a trend in ballet flat nowadays to have really short toe-sections. I think the original Chloes have really short toespace too.

  15. You’re sooo right about the red soles! it’s so true! Love your new shoes too!

  16. forget the wobbliness, those shoes are look soo good on you. but maybe you’ll slap me for saying so after you come home one day hobbling because of fail shoes.
    so how come you make seemingly simple outfits look so damn cool aye?

  17. Kudos for sharpie-ing the red! It aggravates me as well because it’s just a disservice to loubs.

    great post.

    btw, i committed your no leggings as pants peeve. apologies.

  18. lusting over your shoes! but i totally get what you mean by getting what you paid for..
    sometimes you can’t have the best of both worlds..

  19. I like the style of those shoes though!

  20. to są buty idealne, przynajmniej z wyglądu, a to najważniejsze :D
    jesteś moim guru w sprawach butów, naprawdę :))

  21. lovee the shoes.. too bad they are not comfy, that’s my number one rule for my shoes =/ the platform looks like they would be comfy though! and i hear ya about waking up too early… i suck at it!

  22. I love the shoes! I still can’t get over the fact that I can’t find ANY shoes in my size at Gmarket. I need to cut off a toe or something. ;)

  23. I think I have the same look-alike shoes from ASOS but I love the design of yours better! You look very beautiful in the post below! First time seeing you in lipstick! Pretty! xxoxoxo

  24. LOVE the new shoes!! never realised about the red sole thing but i totally agree with you after thinking about it! :)

  25. xDD can’t believe you painted the sole !! i get it though ;)

  26. they may be a 3 out of 5, but i fancy them greatly. i don’t mind so much about the red sole. may the shoe gods strike me for such blasphemy, but i find it hard to believe that he was the first to think of the contrast color sole. devil’s advocate am i!

  27. They look nice so let’s don’t think about anything else hehe

  28. The shoes are great though. And I have a pair of Oh Deer pumps with red soles. I get a lot of questions on those…for a while I debated getting rid of the red sole because I was tired of answering questions!

  29. Haha just ignore them or tell them they ARE Lous! lol

  30. i like asian’s shoes, they are more cutesy and suits my taste better, but i guess the quality deteriorate too. the peep-toe boots from gmarket certainly looks hot… and was wondering when could i afford my 1st louboutin.

  31. Love the shoes! And they look better without the red heel anyway. Thank goodness for sharpies!!

  32. for some reason they remind me of the anna demeulemeester’s…will the sharpie stay on or will you find yourself having to reapply?

  33. It’ll stay on the arch of the heel, and that’s the point really since you only really see the arch when you walk, but the bottom wore off immediately.
    I kinda scraped the arch a bit while I was sitting in Starbucks and I guess I’ll have to reapply there…

  34. akki

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while. I LOVE your style! these shoes are great, too.

    I bought my first pair of F21 heels — a tan gladiator type. I haven’t worn them out yet but just trying them on, they felt so ambivalent, as if the heels weren’t sure if they wanted to snap or to attempt to hold me steady. but they’re still cute ;)

    I definitely need to hit up GMarket. I agree with another commenter — I love Korean and Japanese clothes. they’re more feminine and varied than the cookie cutter clothes in the States. most women here look the same…

  35. Staar

    THese colours look so great on you…and I totally concur on the whole red soles. It’s just plain wrong for anyone but CL.

  36. I LOVE your blog! :D
    greetings from Mexico :P

  37. Kristen

    I had to order these when I saw them on your blog a couple posts back. After diligently following your gmarket instructions, i think i was able to successfully order them. I opted for the black pair as well… I just wanted to be sure though, are these the first shoes on top of the drop down list? It didn’t help that the names of the shoes were in Korean on the English version of the site haha! I tried to match up the characters best I could but I just wanted to make sure.

    & one more question; besides the wobliness how would you rank the comfort of the shoe itself i.e. footbed, laces, etc.? Thanks so much!

  38. Yees they are the first lot, abcdef! Besides the wobbliness, which kinda comes only when you’re trying to walk fast or powerwalking, the foodbed and the laces are fine, actually quite comfortable for the first 2 hours when my feet weren’t literally dying and giving up. I’m a size UK5.5 so I had to get a UK5, and despite that it was small it was quite comfy. Woohooz

  39. Kristen

    haha i lied, last question!
    can you post the link of the chloe knockoffs & that tank dress from a few posts back?
    Thank you soooo much :)

  40. Sure thing, Chloes are here, and Tank Dress is here!

  41. ah the curse of the wobbly heel, i wonder why so many asian made shoes suffer from it? I have a pair from china and it literally feels like the heel is connected with a ball and socket joint haha. they look great though. yeah new look had a thing with making their soles red (except theirs were rubber soles… classy), twas annoying indeed! oh and glad that you liked the spam on the last post haha, i just thought that usually the comment appeared automatically and it went downhill from there xoxo

  42. dear god, this shoes are amazing! I totally agree with you on red sole and signatures… good idea to paint the heels in black!
    gorgeous look!

  43. the shoes look better on than off! and i totally agree with you on the red soles! i forgot to thank you for the gmarket guideline!! i haven’t tried it yet.. ’cause i’m afraid i will buy too much haha.. but i will use your guide when i have money =D!

  44. The multi-strappy flats (? are they?) are so awesome. And you’re totally right, it’s a trademark and nobody should mess with a trademark!

    (I also like that you rolled your jeans outside in in stead of inside out! That could be a trademark :))

  45. the shoes look cute!

  46. Love the outfit! The shoes are sooo hot! And I totally agree with you about people replicating signature styles! Booo!

  47. oooo, i like how you changed the red:D its lovely.

  48. the first time I got heels I was sure it was my fault i couldn’t walk in them until i splurged on my first nice pair. good quality is a must for heels. those chloe knockoffs are amazing, though I don’t think i could deal with that much toe cleavage.

  49. i looove your shoes!!!

  50. Loving those laceups!
    We added u as one of our favorite bloggers. Great Blog, I always have fun going to read your postings.



  51. Shoooessss :D I like them! And that pullover looks so comfy!

  52. I think I love the red scarf most of all, it is just perfect for wearing with jeans & a white top.

  53. i love both of your shoes! also your gorgeous long hair! i do hate it when other designers have red soles like the jessica simpson heels i saw! D:

  54. The Aldo ones weren’t as expensive as I thought they would be. I got them at my local mall – which I never set foot in as I hate people – while looking for a graduation gift for my cousin. They were $100USD, but I noticed that Aldo’s prices in GBP are funky. And they haven’t hit the website yet, either. SCORE! haha

  55. i like those shoes better than the real ann d. ones! i too stay away from shoes that are a signature to a designer. props to you for black marking them..i don’t think i could’ve ever done that

  56. heyyy,

    i love g-market. but being only half is in english and i dont speak a word of korean i need help. I have found these boots I am in love with and have tracked down all over the net trying to find somewhere to buy them from and gmarket seems to be the only place.

    in need of desperate help and you seem to have g market sussed.

    please wb thank you charlie! xx

  57. the shoes look good!!! I agree with you about the red soles..it’s stupid to copy something so iconic. I’m never sure about sharpie-ing shoes thouhg..like when camille sharpied her Marni wedges (which made my heart skip a gazillion beats btw). I feel like it’ll scratch off really retardedly???

  58. I have a question about painting the sole with the sharpie. Does the black actually stay on or do you have to keep repainting it?

  59. It’ll stay on the arch of the heel, and that’s the point really since you only really see the arch when you walk, but the bottom wore off immediately.
    I kinda scraped the arch a bit while I was sitting in Starbucks and I guess I’ll have to reapply there…

  60. I love your sense of style and your whole blog…

  61. In love with your outfit – it’s soooo cool!

    And I’m following your amazing blog :)


  62. I love that you sharpied them black and not the other way around!

    p.s. Another killer outfit. It’s a shame the shoes are only a 3 because I’m guessing they look fantastic with anything and everything (judging by how well they go with jeans).

    p.p.s. I know what you mean about people wearing band tees they have no idea about. When I wore the Metallica tee to the Irish pub the waitress asked me where I got it and we got talking about the band tee store. She followed up with ‘I would have got an Iron Maiden one’. Yes, Iron Maiden rock. So is that why she wanted one? Nah, it was cos she thought it would make her look cooler and help her…wait for it….score! Noooo!

  63. i was wondering when i would understand the “border patrol” title haha

    there are so many red soles in koreaaaa and wobbly heels + heavy bags = boyfriends holding bags. lol

  64. “I must say, one of my biggest pet peeves is when shoe makers other than C.Louboutin paint their soles red.”

    I HATE THAT TOO. I have a couple pairs of shoes that are not Louboutins but have red soles anyway. Love the shoes, hate the soles. Have considered taking shoe polish to them but am afraid I’ll end up leaving black marks all over the place.

  65. love those heels!

    shame about quality!

  66. haha probably you think I’m pathetic to admit that now but I once painted my soles with red nail polish, which lasts extremely well. Maybe black nail polish would be better than a sharpie?


  67. Love both ur new shoes, especially the laceup heels! I have just started my blog, feel free to dropby http://head-over-heelz.blogspot.com

  68. ahhh Shini your posts always make me laugh because you write wit such wit :) love the whole outfit, i’m very impressed that you walk around in Gmarket heels, the only shoes i buy from there are flats

  69. Great sense of style and painting the sole black..totally i’d have done the same…unless they were lou’s of course! LOVEly xo

  70. Teehee… it’s cute of you to sharpie your sole black! Good initiative on your part. :)

  71. I really REALLY want the Chloe-esque flats, and you’re making them look so good! Are they comfy?

  72. i actually like these booties with the red sole better, but i understand why you cover them.

  73. Allison

    Before it was Louboutin’s “artistic signature” it was Louis XIV’s. And I would argue that it hasn’t come to represent any sort of status, but rather that tradition has been dissolving since, oh, the 17th century..

  74. Your Gmarket guide was completely wonderful otherwise I’d never know how to navigate that website. Seen some cute things, never purchased yet. By the way, I absolutely do not blame you for sharpying the sole of that shoe. I would do the same. I don’t think I’ll ever really be a Louboutin sort of girl (I simply don’t make enough money :)

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