30th January 2009
Jacket, Skirt H&M Tshirt Zara Leggings AA
Boots DIY Studded Scarf FCUK
All-nighter again. Thanks scarf, that was a good nap in the train, good pillow. I dream of being horizontal and snoring.
Jacket, Skirt H&M Tshirt Zara Leggings AA
Boots DIY Studded Scarf FCUK
All-nighter again. Thanks scarf, that was a good nap in the train, good pillow. I dream of being horizontal and snoring.
Oh! I love that skirt, where did you get it?
you’re my freaking fashion hero, I hope you know that :) The skirt and the boots?!?!? can you get any cooler…
thanks a lot for your super sweet comment : )
wow are you using yellow nail polish??
i really like it!!!!!!
great skirt and scarf <3
Lovely combination. Cute skirt!
… And thanks for the comment :) It’s so nice of you to say that. I like yours as well!
i LOVE this look on you! x
Ohh I never saw this skirt at H&M, when did you buy it? It’s great for me because I just can’t do anything by myself, even though this exposes zipper skirt would be rather easy.. :)
Have a nice weekend!
I LOVE your skirt, it’s soo gorgeous, I wish I found that at H&M. and the diy stud boots are amazing.
omg LOVE. The scarf + hair do looks ninja-ish. so awesome. & the quality/composition of your photos are so nice, one day you can create your own lookbook with everything! :)
i wish my school scarf was like that!
so i could sleep on bus ;)
and your photos are realyy pretty
i LOVELOVELOVELOVE this post! and the mood of these pictures are so soothing! sigh i fall in love over and over again with your posts :)
Anything that resembles or is anything like a pillow or blanket is amazing…I really want that scarf.
And that skirt? I need a zipper skirt ASAP…thanks for reminding me!
And as always, your pictures are amazing.
love that zipper skirt.
i’ve bought a zipper million years ago to do my own but i’ve just been so busy, i mean lazy… lol
omg this entire outfit is wonderful & so is your blog. you are beautiful :)
Love your scarf! You’ll hate me for saying this, but I wish it was cold enough here in Hawai’i to wear one!
Your skirt is so cool.
I’ve never found one in h&m. So sad!
And your shoes are Amazing.
you poor thing. i also dream of being horizontal, snoring, and below thirty degrees celsius. ah, woe is us!
i love your outfit. i love every outfit you do. but i love this one the most. it’s so lovely, you are great and putting stuff together. you just got saved to my february inspiration folder!
omg the skirt looks fantastic i want it !! i neeeed it !
I adore the scarf and those boots look fantastic!
i know it’s already been said, but love that skirt. is it current?
You look amazing! I love the boots:-)
DIY studded boots… so cool, I love the idea! and the result is great, too :D
i have that jacket.. but wish i had that skirt too! haha
hey babe, absolutely adore your style.
we should keep in touch..
check out my website http://www.thestolenorchid.com..
still underconstruction but yeahhh!!
add me on facebook or myspace.
or search Sally Hang on facebook
lol hahah
sally. x
the leather on leather looks amazing.
and i love that skirt!
its so great that you live in england as it means i can actually buy the things that i see you in…
Your photos are amazing! And so is your outfit.
LOVE it. I love the cowl contrasting with the leather and leggings.
another great outift. that skirt is adorable!
well, actually, those balmain were already copied by Zara. see here. They cost 119euros. huh.
Really like this outfit!!
i love your skirt…how come i never find anything that cool at h&m??
I loove your scarf (well, your whole outift infact!) it looks so cosy :)
your cream scarf actually looks AMAZING on you love..you wear it very well.
xxx love LM
I love your style, frick, you’re SOOOO inspiring!
love your entire outfit, l-o-v-e all your bracelets too!! great blog!
xoxo from las vegas