Shirt Men’s Uniqlo | Pants Gmarket | Shoes Nine West | Bag Public Beware | Belt Rockit London
I wasn’t familiar with Public Beware until Thursday after the exhibition set-up Ellen and I were gobbling away on a hamburglar and corn on the cob on the curb (say that faster 5 times) of their Brick Lane shop. The Japanese boutique stocks styles in all ranges and you’re bound you find something unique and interesting for a decent price. The bag cost £45 which is buckets cheaper than how much I’d pay for a bag of similar quality and size in a highstreet chain, and of course the ZIPPERS. There is a tiny collection available here in ASOS, but it really doesn’t do any justice to how much there is in the real thing.
I definitely recommend a visit to Brick lane when you’re in London, there’s so many hidden gems in the small streets. I myself don’t hang around there much and therefore probably missing out in the whole art student culture experience, but then again I wouldn’t know culture even if it hit me on the balls. I mean, you know what I mean.
that bag is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! great buy Shini
I have a similar one in black! But I saw a gray version as well and it was yummy.
uhh the length of your pants are perfectly cropped. i think sometimes cropped pants that are at a weird length can make even a tall person look weirdly midget. multiple zippers? does that mean multiple access to your goodies inside?!!
love everything about this!
wow, great bag! I like your pants, from which gmarket shop did you get them from? how’s the quality like?
really liking your blog/style. i think it’s awesome you shop at gmarket – very different than everyone else out there :0)
Omg. I need that bag. I just lamented how I need a grey bag but I can’t find one or afford one. Do you know if I can find that bag online somewhere????
I love how classic and neat this outfit looks!
I love it!
And what a nice bag you have there. I never heard about Public Beware before but I terribly need that bag!
I adore you, you are so cute and have such a great style!
One of my favorite outfits! It’s amazing how a white shirt can totally transform the way you look and your mood. Can I just say I want to steal your bag? Those zippers are so cool! xxoxoxo
that bag . THAT bag :) sorry it’s rendered me speechless with its gloriousness.
that bag is amazing, thanks for the tip, defintely hitting up brick lane soon!
your pants are lovely. your looks always have a nice class to them.
that bag is really really nice!!! i’ve always been meaning to visit brick lane but living i north west london means im just too lazy to do so lol…maybe in the next couple of weeks whilst the weather is good i’ll visit the market.
Love that bag! Gorgeous!
love the new bag!
Nce bag!! I have to pack and that makes me want to kill myself, at least I smiled when I read your post!!
LOVE your blog, I have been reading for a while now & it is definitely one of my favourites. :)
Lovely trousers!
I love your blog since finding it two days agao ^_^. Your outfit really suits you and I really really like your shoes.
mam nieodparte wrażenie, że taki styl, takie spodnie i taka koszula w nie włożona są dla Ciebie stworzone :) zazdroszczę, że wyglądasz w tym tak świetnie! i torbę masz boską :))
buziaki :)
i love your looks! you look so tall and slender and i love your trouser pants + gladiator wedges (:
I love the color and detailing on the bag!!
amazing bag. the zippers and the handles on the side…just amazing. it looks far more expensive than $45!
i love how simple and chic this outfit is!!! i really adore the way you put outfits together!
wow! I love love that bag. You find all the great shizz.
i love your pants they look so comfy
it’s a lovely bag, looks great for everyday use, and for only about $90 USD?! wonderful find :)
I love that bag!!! I must find some excuse to get myself to London…zippers, long strap…what more could one want in a bad? (ok, don’t get me started, but this is really cool, anyway!)
hot bag
the outfit is simply super chic and looks so comfortable.
wow. perfect look, monochrome looks sooooo good. and i really adore that bag. hmm, come to think of it, i think ive seen similar at aldos…
loveee the bag! your long hair is awesome!
I love your blog!
That pants on you are perfect..and the bag!
Oh beautiful bag ! ( and outfit )
Awesome bag/shoes!
I need to find a great bag like yours ASAP!
i really really like this!
i love this outfit!
urbag is siiiiiiick…loves it, i have a current obsession with exposed zipperness
ditto for the shoes, bangin ;)))
wow, your outfits is so simple yet unbelievably fantastic.
heck, you even make me want to go out there and buy capris.
Those pants look great on you!
wooooooo that bag is awesome!!!!! it reminds me of those pencil cases that are made of one long zipper that you can unzip all the way so all your stuff falls out..okay that doesnt sound good but nvm your bag is awesome!
oh and btw, you probably know this already but i thoguht i’d tell you anyways, you were featured on one of R29’s posts about crop tops! and of course you look zewwwwwwper cool in the pic:
love the bag so much with the outfit!
you have such great style, you’re blog just makes me jealous :-D
Hell yes, this is the perfect way to do casual chic. That bag is off the charts….love it much. And I’ll have to keep Brick Lane in mind for when I visit London.
Hope you’re having a great weekend
once again, your outfit blew me again, love the faith wedges and how you match it perfectly with your shirt and bag.
I’m heading to London in a couple weeks, so I will definitely check this place out. That bag is incredible, I”m loving the zippers. I’d really love to hear more places to check out in London!
the bag is cool !seems dat zipper is a trend now~
love the bag….
ill check them out when im down in london for gwf!
I really like your bag, really cool! :)
really like your hair in the 2nd pic haha i don’t know why.. but i just like it =D and the bag is amazing.. ps;im going to london this summer =D do you have any more recommendations loved to hear them ^^ xoxo
that bag is awesome. i think all girls should have at least one men’s shirt in their closet. did that sound weird?
love this outfit! i’ll also be visiting London late this month & hope to stop by brick lane :)
oh my! That bag really is fantastic. One day when I am strolling around London, I will have to keep a look out for it. Hehe.
Very nice bag !
I love very muuuuuchhhh !!!
those are the kind of pants i’ve been looking for but I can’t read the gmarket site!
i’m absolutely in love with your bag. and want a hamburger.
[…] Guess what i saw on Park & Cube? […]
wow your outfit is great and that bag… just amazing!
the bag is similar with hm’s
i love your shoes!!
Soon Nine West will stop operating in the UK probably by end of the season.
I love the bag!!! I adore grey big bags, oh my god I have to find some like this one!!!
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