Mutated pants with ingrown waistband
‘Draping that mimics twisted muscle tissue, viscose jersey with texture to imitate ultrasound scans, jackets with in-grown waistcoat details with vests…’
Do you have a 9-to-5? because I don’t. I wouldn’t know what it’s like getting up every morning and picking a different outfit everyday. I wouldn’t know because I happen to be the maestro of bumhood and freelance webdesign means I can meet my clients in my underwear. Wait, that didn’t come out right. The first time I encountered Eugene Lin‘s work was on my first ever trip to Fashion Week, and even then he had violated classics into a twisted yet subdued collection. The Vanishing Twin, the inspiration and title of his SS11 collection is a medical syndrome otherwise known as ‘fetus-in-fetu’, where a malformed parasitic twin is found within the body of a newborn. Don’t google it if you’re squeamish. (Which means everyone will have opened a new tab now…) The clothes might have a disturbing essence to it, but to go back to my opening question, aren’t they perfect for the 9-to-5 office? And when that well-informed male co-worker goes Hey that’s the Vanishing Twin! you could always murmur that your grandpa had that condition* and bag that free guilt lunch. So.Evil.
*The Vanishing Twin is apparently a common case in pregnancies. (grandpa did not have baby, or did he?)
Answer to pop quiz from nail post: Tripod. Just wanted to see what you might come up with. You guys are hilarious.