I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a changeā€”a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Sweater – Mum’s Geiger, Pants – Zara, Shoes – Kate Kanzier, Bag – Vintage DIYed, Scarf – Highland store, Shirt – Make Lemonade Shop

And who’d have thought that the bush I stuck my head in was full of spiders?

Well, as part of mandatory health & safety precautions – bit like how the bodyguard tastes the wine for poison – my photographer (aka le sweet-sweet manfriend with a disposable camera) stuck his head in the bush first. He told me later that he got home and pulled out spiders from his hair, despite the one we shook off after doing the photos. Whose genius idea was it? I don’t know, don’t look at me.

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  1. But sometimes isn’t it worth a few spiders in the hair for a great picture? Which that is. I love the pairing of the mom sweater and the pastel plaid scarf!

  2. Your sweater is ridiculously adorable. Love how it’s your mum’s, too.
    In any case, the shot with your head in the ivy busy is awesome.

  3. hahaha… worth it though? great photos shini!

  4. hahaha yuck! I probably would have scremed if I’d found spiders in my hair…great shots though! Love the sweater/jacket..

  5. I love these photo effects! and the photos in general – just feels very you… x

  6. ohhh the price of a great picture…

    and what a great picture it is indeed!


  7. Ahh that freaks me out just thinking about it, I’m not good at all when it comes to insects, they make me scream and jump around like a terrified child. If they’re not on me it’s fine but as soon as they touch me, blech!

    Great photos, I’m crazy about those shoes!

  8. Oh dear, that makes me shudder. Your pink (nude?) pumps really helped me get over that though.

  9. Love love love your sweater and scarf! oh gosh I can only imagine myself head banging if I ever found a spider in my hair.

  10. Is * La 5th con Bleecker st.

    what amazing sweater!!

  11. I love the sweater

  12. hahaah, love that you stuck your head in a bush full of spiders. eeek. xx

  13. Spiders or not, it makes for a lovely shot. I want your cardigan, it looks like the comfiest thing ever.

    tweet tweet tweet


  14. The pictures look so vintage i love them i love your sweater so much your outfit is very cool!

  15. No bueno on the spiders, but it would’ve been awesome if that tree was shaped in a perfect circle. hehe. tree ‘fro!

    -Jane @ Brunch at the Beach

  16. omg what? spiders give me the spooks! you on the other look really sweet and cute with that rainbow scarf and sweater. loving your boots too!

  17. Kyudane

    So beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. So great colors!

  19. It’s not nice to find a spider in your hair esp when the hair’s all tangled up…not pleasant when they set up a home in there *shrugs*

    Nice photos, what disposable camera was your manfriend using?

  20. That sweater is really cute. I really like it with the colourful scarf. Sucks about the spiders though, I’d be terrified!!


  21. i love how the top half of your outfit is quite autumnal, but the white pants and nude shoes make it so much… springier!
    beautiful as always!

  22. dodz

    i love tree beard i have one on my home.

  23. Tom Tuttle from Tacoma

    i really like this outfit. and it suits you very much. i think i still like shoes that aren’t too ‘fierce’. it’s just me.

  24. Well, it was worth it, you got great pictures, and I love those shoes!

  25. You look so cute in the first pic! :)


  26. Wonderful outfit and photographs, I love the combination of colours!

  27. How did you get the pictures to have that colour palette? Love it, even with the spiders.

  28. Spiders? Not so nice…but the outfit? I Love! I love your mum’s old sweater and that scarf is really lovely, it’s the same sort of colour palette of those trews from the photos that Kit took of you! I miss disposable cameras, It would be fun to buy one and take some shots too, nothing like a bit of old school fun!

  29. that’s such a cute cardigan, shini! ^^
    oh goodie. can’t wait to see some of those pictures that we snapped. send away asap :)

  30. That sweater is all kinds of cool! Love the grain on the photos, I thought they were made by some sort of retro 70’s camera. Disposables- who knew?

    See you tomorrow for some food action.


  31. Your story terrifies me. I may never be able to stick my head in a bush again. Well, at least I didn’t have any plans to do so in the near future. Ok, maybe I’d do it for that adorable sweater.

  32. that head in the bush photo is the best one!!! spiders or not, it’s super cute.

  33. EWWWW I feel sorry for you guys hahahahaa. but a funny story. and beautiful pics as always. i love this simplicity

  34. hahaha great!
    Lovely set of photos nontheless!
    I think I need your sweater…it’s wonderful!



  35. Hey, you look absolutely awsome!! and this scarf!!!<3

    btw, i've read interview with you on lula.pl and its really really nice!:)

  36. It wasn’t all that bad. Needless to say that Shini didn’t really get any spiders in her hair/clothes… unlike me! Still had tiny baby spiders stuck in my jumper (and my closet) 2 days later. Creepy.

    I just noticed the black (electric?) cables coming out from the wall in the 1st picture. British construction FTW! If something like that ever happened in Poland, you’d immediately get tons of people “sharing” the power supply… if not the bill.

  37. just found your blog, and i love it.

  38. Lovely pictures, and what a simple yet colourful outfit! Maybe I should dig out a disposable camera…

  39. Beautiful outfit, and the pictures look great. I love photos taken with a disposable camera.

  40. wenlin

    been following your blog for a while =) i love the first photo!
    and my condolences to your manfriend, haha! is he korean too? you don’t seem to write about him much. write more about yourself, your family, your man friend/friends etc =) it would be nice to know more about you…

  41. Sticking ur head under the bush full of spiders was so worth it – AMAZING PICTURE! love ur blog!!!!!

  42. i love the photography here…. hope all’s well girl!

  43. I’m in LOVE with these photos. They are sooo amazing. Good job girl. xx

  44. sarah

    omg! where did you get that jacket?! I had the SAME exact one when i was about…5 and i remember it clearly because i literally wore it every day.
    and I was so sad when my mom had to give it away because it got too small for me.

  45. oWHH really? it was my mam’s, bought from Geiger aaaages ago! I’ve never met anyone who’s owned anything from Geiger yet, you sure it was the same? Exciting!

  46. Sarah

    hahaha, yeaaap,i just asked my mom and she said it was from Geiger. She said there was a kids and adults size for it and so she couldn’t resist buying it for me.
    how weirdd that we had the same thing. bahaha
    too bad we gave it away…