Recent adoptions, soon new to the family
Asymmetrical Shirt & T-shirt, Zipper vest, Statement necklace | all from Gmarket
(Gmarket Tutorials here)
Summer is definitely not here yet in London, I’m sitting here with my hoodie hood over my head and feeling the need for an extra pair of gloves. Alright it’s not that cold, but it’s not blazin hot like summer that’s what I’m trying to say. On one hand I can still layer as much as I want to, and layering is probably the only reason I wish we can fast-forward the months of June, July and August – but on the other hand you, stuck in a normal midsummer’s eve, will look at me and sweat from the eyeballs.
Also, is it just me or is everyone else feeling that the blogging world has been sluggish these past few months? I no longer find myself cautiously opening Bloglovin’ like I’m opening an overstacked refridgerator, the number of new posts flying out just aren’t as overwhelming as before. No, I don’t check Bloglovin every 30 minutes if that’s what you’re thinking. My genius theory is this, bloggers have finally started to get lives. As disappointing that sounds, here’s me thinking it’s something to be celebrated.