I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.
1/ Dirty make-up brushes

Click on the arrows to activate slideshow

 Berry, berry good: Pancakes and Berries at the Breakfast Club for days that could do with a good sugary kick-start. I personally prefer to ordering an eggy something first (they do a mean Eggs Royale) and then share pancakes for dessert. #threecoursebreakfastnaturally
 Ever since I was a kid I’ve been adamant about keeping bank-notes face-aligned and crease-free (what OCD?!) so I’ve only ever owned long-wallets. The size on this berry-red Chloe is perfect – especially the number of compartments – makes it easy for someone ‘loyal’ to just about every single store.
The ASOS Salon collection hath finally hitteth – pictured, one of my favourite pieces. Actually would love to layer it over lots of patterns like Lesya Paramonova’s debut collection (as seen on Style Bubble.)
 Scent of the season, Chloe L’eau de Parfum – Light, sweet & tangy. Sometimes I’d catch a whiff while cycling and wonder if there’s freshly cut grass or a field of flowers nearby. (Wow. Probably one of the  corniest thing I’ve ever written.)
 Strappy Mary Janes by Kate Kanzier:  thinking of pairing with light boyfriend jeans, slouchy grey marl tee and a boyfriend watch. (Or is it technically ‘Husband watch’ for newlyweds?)
  £25 a pop, can you believe it?? We’ve been looking for chairs to go with our new door-turned-dining table and found these FiftyOne Percent industrial chairs at Achica, with about an hour left in the sale. Been stalking that site everyday ever since.
 My little garden corner where half the plants are fake. From IKEA, naturally. Absolutely ideal for someone who can’t even grow mould, if tried. Give me a month though, I’m sure the plastic ones will wither too. Also doubles as perfume counter. (White ladder from ebay.)
  I may or may not have a thing for stilettos. And as you can see I went a bit mad with the Topshop bow heels – especially the yellow ones. I wore them on a night out a few months ago and woke up to only find out they were completely soiled. Must’ve been a good night out.
 Shwood wooden sunnies, hand-made in Oregon. Similar sensation as to wearing a straw hat due to lightness in weight. Gust of wind scenario: skirt flailing, straw hat flying, wooden sunnies crawling up into hair…
 I get asked often how I carry my camera around – Before: inside a failed knitted beanie (think beanie for smurf); Now: the Style Scrapbook x Kipling camera bag. A little worried about the chain being not sturdy enough, but otherwise the perfect size with handy pockets for peripherals.
 Pastel obsession, still strong with  Contrast sleeves top by Goodnight Macaroon. (Warning: if worn wrong, may look like supermarket uniform)
 Meh. I just don’t think I have a talent at stacking bracelets… this is really the most I’ll ‘pile on’. (That friendship bracelet may or may not have a colour palette inspired by Hermes.) Hare egg-cup from Liberty London

Write a Comment


  1. There is only one picture? Kind like confusing with your new layout.

  2. sorry sorry, slideshow is buggy for some reason! Will be fixed in a mo, thanks for letting me know :)

  3. What inspiration! Love every shot x

    Stephanie in Style

  4. I insist is very confusing to read the blog.

  5. please give it a moment, I’m sure you can CLEARLY see it is debugging.

  6. Once again, you’ve proved that this is the best fashion blog out there P.S. i love the re-design!

  7. Your photography exudes inspiration. You have such a careful eye that captures life so intimately – honestly, your blog holds most of my favorite web-related images.

    Isn’t it amazing the effect of berries and fruit on just about any food? They’re the perpetrators for abandoning all guilt. Ha ha! And that collection of pointy toes (what would you call a group of them?) is lust-worthy, my god.

  8. I really loved this post – all of the shots were perfect!
    Looking forward to read again (:

  9. Photographs and contents are gorgeous, as usual! Totally with you, re: wrist bling skillz, or lack thereof. Quick question – where is the watch in the last photo from? Thanks!

  10. Meiggie

    @Sophie, about the watch,you can see here. http:parkandcube.com/blog-redesign/

  11. Oh no the new layout is confusing me too. Old habits die hard I guess. Awesome photos


  12. oh,it’s so nice to find out that you updated your blog in the morning.
    like your new layout,but it’s a bit hard to read by my iPhone.
    I will read it again after back home!
    ps,you are my favorite blogger in the world!<3<3

  13. this interactive slideshow is too cool!
    Tina @ http://www.tinacious.me

  14. i am truly in dire need of a classic pair of stilettos. they are always chic and look great with absolutely everything in every single way. ah!
    xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/

  15. such gorgeous and luxurious photos!


  16. R.Y

    Shini, I have never read anyone else’s blog the same way I read yours (ok fine, I have, with Miss Luxirare – it must be something in your Korean lineages) . First I look at the photos in pure awe. Then I read the text, not really processing anything…then marvel at the photos…then read the text which complement the photos but they still don’t make sense due to the awe I’m experiencing. But then I have to read what you write because I know your humour’s gonna make my day. How do you manage to sound so down to earth yet so cool? Ahs well, another skill that I’ll never acquire. I really appreciate the kind of effort you put in blog posts and they are art pieces by themselves. And strange, I never thought I’ll have that much praise for something.

    Looking forward to more updates! :D

  17. i'dliketoremainanonymous


    hear hear.

    i would also like to add that when it comes to clean layouts, quality content and not miserable ranting about how they absolutely need item x, y, z or they will die, sharp photography/photoshop skills, and the obvious time, effort, thought and consideration that’s been clearly put into this blog, parkandcube definitely sets the standard and nobody else even comes close. not even for measly second place.

    really, shini you have completely spoiled us. or at least, me. i can’t stand sloppy bloggers anymore because i’m used to this perfection of a blog. i’ve given up reading too many blogs because i’d rather be spending my time on classy, A-game blog like yours.

    i just hope you know somehow, how much your blog means to some people like me and how much i truly appreciate all your hard work and clever musings.

  18. I’m like this close to screaming my head off in happiness, it means SO MUCH to me that you’d care to compliment like that and really makes me feel like I should try harder. In turn, I’d like to thank you for being a wonderful reader, and really seeing more than just the surface.
    Really proud and happy to have readers like you, anonymous, and yes you spelt it right. Aren’t just you a stellar speller!!

  19. HIGH FIVE, I too read Luxirare like it’s some wizardry. SHE IS A WITCH, NO?

    Thank you so very much for SUCH a wonderful comment, I read it on the day and thought, I am going to send this person a bouquet of flowers or a bucket of wet kisses or something… but decided I didn’t really want to scare you off, it’s creepy enough to know you have three ‘e’s in your email. ANYHHOO!

    I really appreciate it, like really. xx

  20. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you are my favorite fashion blogger! Not only do I enjoy your writing, photography, and outfits, but you can design and code like nobody’s business. I think I’ve always felt a kinship towards you and your website because of that last bit. No really, I’m serious. I even got this weird high from noticing that you used the St Marie webfont for your post titles. Dayuuum that’s a great font!

    But enough about the fonts; let’s talk about this new layout! I like that the photos are in a slideshow now as opposed to stacked like before. Admittedly, the scrolling I had to do in your older posts were tiring me out.

    Perhaps increase size of the arrow boxes? I feel like the clickable area is too small relative to my cursor. Maybe enable keyboard shortcuts so visitors can navigate using arrow keys or the j/k keys? Or have it go to the next slide when someone taps the image itself?

    Hope all my rambling was of some help, haha

  21. Hazel thank you sooo much, means A LOT TO ME. And you’re so right about the endless scrolling bit – even I didn’t like it at times so why should I pretend it’d be fine for my readers, right?

    Anyway, duly noted about the slideshow! I might be able to stab around in php, xhtml and css, but I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to Javascript so I’d have huge troubles adding new functionality… but I do plan on befriending someone who knows the language like, STAT, so I can use him/her as my own personal javaslave.

    Thanks again xx

  22. I really like your new layout Shini ! It’s very clear and the design is pure: I love it ! And your photos are always so good… clap clap clap ! ;-)

  23. Lina

    I am torn inside about the new design! On one hand it’s lovely and pure and on the other sometimes I like to spend a while, or a long while, gazing at one of the photos which just got impossible. Love the photos, anyway!

  24. I’m headed to the breakfast club this morning Woohoo!

    I love your little slider. Your blog always surprises me <3

  25. gorgeous photos!

  26. You have one of the best blog designs I’ve ever seen. Even the adverts look like they belong here (as opposed to being obtrusive and unwelcome) because everything just fits together so nicely. And don’t even get me started on your photography! Your blog is always a joy to visit Shini!

  27. Probably the biggest compliment ever, that ADS AREN’T OBTRUSIVE!? it was doing my head in since I’ve never had ads but I’m so glad they fit in alright, thank you so so much for the feedback. (Always a pleasure to visit your blog too btw!!)

  28. @Shini, You’re welcome, and thanks!

  29. Laura Y.

    Change is good. People just need some time to get used to the new layout. I think it’s great!
    Also, I started shooting film a while ago and I’m curious, what camera and lens are shown in photo no. 10?


  30. Schpank you! For photo 10 (as for the rest of the series) was taken with a Canon 5D Mark II and a 50mm lens :)

  31. Excellent new design! My only issue with it is on my part though, because my screen is so small that I need to go on full screen to see everything hahaha. But it’s great!

  32. Ah you’re right, thank you for letting me know!

  33. I tried to leave my comment last night (this morning), the Chrome crashed twice, I blame the food pic.

    Bahhhh I love the Kate Kanzier shoes,,,,it’s very er Vivienne Westwood.

  34. beautiful photos as always! loooooove that asks dress, chloe wallet, and those wooden shades! so awesome!


  35. Sheryl

    Absolutely gorgeous new layout Shini.

  36. Great article. Thanks for sharing.

  37. I absolutely love the new design! Wow.

  38. OMG, I have been in love with that asos dress since it came out, and it’s great to see that you like it and actually own it :)
    Maybe it’s just me, but is there a way you can make the pictures both manual and auto-slideshow cos it’s just hard to read and see that specific photo at the same time when the photos keep changing. but i know some people prefer slideshow, so if you can make it both ways then the new layout would be perfect!

  39. Thank you for letting me know, at that time the slideshow actually paused when you hovered with your mouse but now I’ve changed it so it’s manual and you can scroll at your pace :) x

  40. samira

    love love love the new layout!….brilliant!

  41. your photos are mesmerizing!!!

  42. Beautiful pics!


  43. Love your wit and beautiful pics~ the new layout is really nice on desktop but not so great on smartphones…

  44. oh yes, that I realised and I’m sorry it’s that way! I’m in the process of developing that side of things so hopefully in the near future it’ll all be easy peasy!

  45. lydia

    Only just found your blog and love it! so clean and visually appealing and totally love this post. Your photos are beautiful with a capital B! You have a new follower :) x


  46. Effie

    I really love the new design, simple and clear.
    Even if I don’t usually comment on your blog, I want to say your photos are so inspiring.

  47. lillian

    love your pictures as always. … but can’t pin them. is it intentional?

  48. nOoo I’d never make them intentially unpinnable, that’d suck! I can pin them through the pin marklet (the bookmark tool thingi), have you perhaps tried that? Thanks for letting me know anyhow :)

  49. lillian

    @Shini, must be the slides …. i can pin other pages :)

  50. your new layout is making me drool all over my keyboard – it’s quite unsightly. this slideshow makes me want to print each picture out and tape it to my wall. c’est la vie …

    pandaphilia style

  51. ugh, you don’t know how happy that makes me.

  52. Shini, Twój blog jest moim ulubionym – jest absolutnie bezkonkurencyjny!
    Przy okazji zapytam o zdjęcie numer 8 – skąd są te beżowe buty? Drugi rząd, drugie od prawej – piękne!

  53. Dziekuje, to bardzo wiele dla mnie znaczy!
    Te bezowe buty sa z ZARY ale mozesz je znalezc w wielo miejscu, Aldo tez mial dobry wybor ostatnim razem kiedy spawdzilam. x

  54. Love your photos! What lens do you use?

  55. Thank you! I use a 50mm lens :)

  56. Love the re-design of the site, especially the slideshows. And the photographs are just beautiful. I love flicking through your site!

  57. As usual, exceptionally beautiful photos…. those berry tarts/pancakes look delectable!

  58. ayy_ayy

    cool stuff!!
    i’m curious with the smell of the perfume. and those stilettos are awesome.

    hmm..it’s a lil bit confusing to fill the “write a comment” for the first time. the textbox isn’t as the same height as the label. i don’t know everyone feels the same like me or not. and the submit button, well, at the first time (too), i think it’s just a label. the “point finger” doesn’t pop-up. :).
    it’s just something that confused me when i see your new layout for the first time. but the others are all good. :)

  59. Ooh yup I did realise it might get confusing, but you figured it out, didn’t you :D? I guess it just takes that minute of learning how it works you’ll know how to use it perfectly the next time you’re around! Thanks for the heads-up though!

  60. Seems like you have a nice book collection! I love the glimpses of your interiors you sneak here and there in the photos, but never actually show the whole. And your little garden corner, even if the blooms are fake, is such a great idea!
    PS. I know that I’m repeating it time after time but I really love how the new design convenient is, thanks!

  61. Thank you!! You’re so right, I’ve never really shown it as a whole! I think it’s mainly the fact that it doesn’t really make sense as a whole…? starting with having a wall full of shoes next to the ‘dining table’, I know many who’d find that weird ;) haha

  62. i love all your photos! :)
    and the…Strappy Mary Janes by Kate Kanzier…ARE TO DIE FOR!!!

  63. Such lovely images and inspirational photography skills!
    Loving the new layout, its so refreshing and makes it more interesting to look through.

    I am also a massive fan of Breakfast club pancakes!


  64. I love this post. I hope you will do it again! I like the new layout. It’s like I’m reading a magazine :)

  65. Great pictures and shoes! Love the color combinations in each picture. And, of course, the food looks delicious!

  66. Saved as a favorite, I love your blog!

  67. I love your Blog!!! your photos are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration!

  68. Loving everything about your site! The posts, the photos, the design of the site itself! Following on bloglovin
    My Own Project

  69. Aw, this was a very good post. Finding the time
    and actual effort to make a top notch article… but what can I
    say… I hesitate a lot and don’t manage to get anything done.