I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.




Denim Shirt Mum’s | Dress Zara | Shoes ALDO | Bag Gmarket




I had my eyes on these MUJI acrylic organizers for a while now – my drawers were starting to look like they were doing their own DIY with all the necklace chains tangling and getting attached to jeans and bracelets snagging and shredding tshirts. I might as well throw in the half-done Rodarte knit dress, maybe it’ll reproduce while it’s in there. What, you didn’t know half-knit dresses were asexual?

Anyway this is me procrastinating. Unfortunately my Prioritizor machine broke down and the warranty expired a week ago so I can’t get that fixed, hot dang. So after blogging I plan to take a bath, then get into bed with the laptop to ‘work’ into the lights of dusk. Yes, I think that’s a good order for this evening.

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  1. Nikki

    Ooh I really like the organisers! They look so simple. Good luck with the work (:

  2. ahem.. well you know .. if something breaks.. the trick is to give it a whack et voila! *wink wink.

  3. i like those muji boxes!!! so simple and so organized!!!! I can’t wait to get my own place where i can finally buy stuff that i like. living at home everything is mismatched and nothing is organzied and there’s just too much stuff everywheerrreeeee Y.Y when i move back home its gonna be like living with a tribe..in a what-feels-like 300sq ft apartment -.-

  4. A really great outfit. You’re full of surprises. I’ve been eying off some of those organisers too! They are so expensive over here though.


  5. Acrylic organizers are god-sent for my jewelry & nail polish as well!

    And I adore your ring collection =]

    La C.

  6. I just had the similar problem with my drawers. Jewlery was getting lost or tangled with clothes and garbage etc. etc. It was becoming a jungle in there. Those organizers are darling, too bad I only used some shoe boxes to organize mine.

    Love love the shoes btw.

  7. Sounds like a good evening to me! Enjoy it. ^_^


  8. I never really ‘got’ Muji before, but looking at all of your lovely objects organized in such a concise manner…I think I finally do.

    Also digging the night photography.

  9. J.

    These are definitely your best photos yet :)

    And those acrylic organizers are awesome. I have a big one (it’s floral) – very useful, but the clear ones seem more practical.

  10. i can never stay organized, i love the look of these clear ones, very sharp, though for me it would just show all the random crap i keep around better. Though yours look very cool with all the black and white

  11. I like your skirt! And those organizers look lovely, I may need to get some for college next year. Also, I’ve realized that you look like the actress you plays Sun on the show Lost! http://bl.ultramaxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/sun.jpg

  12. daang dude.. loving the simple and monochromatic photo of the jewelry organizer. awesome

  13. o, o te buty mi chodziło :D cudownie połączyłaś denim z sukienką!
    kisses! <3

  14. Love the white tights against the black dress and shoes.


  15. hahahha so cute how you always seem to be on your tippy toes when you take photos with flats. muji ftw!!!

  16. I recently bought an organizer for my jewelery as well. They are super handy!
    I love your outfit too, it’s very fresh. Now I feel bad that I trashed these white tights I had in my closet, what the heck was I thinking?

  17. the clear organisers look amazing! i’m been looking for something like that for ages, my jewellery is always tangled up! :)

    i think it’s pretty amazing you can still do work at 2:40am and after a bath too! i’d be fast alseep…

  18. I sometimes try to organize myself, but I always end up throwing everything around.

  19. I love organisers and things like that, that’s why i like ikea so much hehhe

  20. you have been quite the the busy bee worker recently… puts me to shame watching modelinia and bbc iplayer with an exam coming up haha. ooh did you get the winkle pickers? crazy stuffz. i cannot rock pointed toe shoes so i cannae wait to see how you wear them. xxxx

  21. zara

    i MEANT worker bee. not bee worker. i knew that looked wrong. xoxo

  22. I like the white tight..very unexpected with this outfit but fresh.

  23. I love your shirt!

  24. I like your Lbd weared with denim jacket! Definitely adorable!

  25. I love Muji! You can always find gorgeous things there – simply and cool.

  26. Muji…droooool. Everything is so perfectly packaged, sitting in the right spot, lined up all nice. It’s heaven to the organizationally-obsessed. I don’t know if they have the Container Store (check it out) over there, but I have to keep myself from entering that store. It unleashes the crazy in me.

    I’ve never thought of a denim, white stockings, and black dress combo. It’s great!

    Half-knit dresses are indeed asexual. I swear I read about those things in a bio textbook while learning about yeast.

  27. I love the organizers and how the shadows are amazing!
    And the ring with the unknown thing on it is to die for! (is that a tiger or?? I can’t Identify it hahaha. I’m such a dork).

  28. I love Muji! I went to the opening of their store in SoHo two years ago and nearly died. I wanted to buy everything, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to lug it all back to Atlanta. I love their simple design concept. I had to do an edit of the interview Theme did with the creative director, Kenya Hara. I love his explanation of the Japanese design concept.

    It’s here if you want to read it:

  29. lol and the DIY….i like what you did with the denim shirt….i really liked the man bag that you bought from gmarket but trying to navigate the site will give me a headache :)

  30. rhe aldo’s are pretty and i like your dress…. the organizers looks really elegant too… perfect for girly gals …

  31. that denim shirt is great, so versatile!

  32. cute outfit!!!

  33. I adore your shirt! :D and these organizers’d come in handy here too :)

  34. tip

    REally digging the white tights with this outfit. I love your uncanny ability to layer clothes so cohesively~
    Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate you taking the time to visit the blog! I took it to heart and I’m becoming more comfortable with the camera an I think it is showing through a bit!

  35. I really need to get one of those organizers because it’s not even funny anymore how messy my drawers are. I like your denim shirt!! Really digging the red buckle boots from post below! xxoxoxo

  36. I just love your style, and great outfit! :)

  37. So, I ‘ve kind of just devoured your blog, and I think you might be my new favorite. fyi.

  38. Not a big fan of the shoes but I absolutley love everything else. I want all your jewllery too, specially those two rings on the pic before last. Where did you get them?


  39. great outfit…
    love the white tights.. i should get ones for myself

  40. I seemed to have missed so many of your posts, I don’t know how they escaped me. I love this outfit, the jean jacket and the shoes are amazing. And those organizers look like they’re perfect!! Haha to the necklaces becoming their own diy, i so know what you mean.

  41. I definitely need some organizers like yours. Of course love your outfit as usual ;)

  42. my prioritiser machine has been defunct for a while now. it hasnt been a priority to get it fixed either :)

    looking lovely as always, the knot on the shirt is cute!

  43. awesome look and pics!

  44. Those organisers are really pretty. I wish Muji stores here were as big as the ones in Asia. The Hong Kong stores are huge and I love their snacks!

    I really like how you wear those boots in so many different ways!

  45. I have a shirt quite like that in chambray. Although I don’t tie it in a knot often…

    just because presents are the best, aren’t they?

  46. gah! denim shirt! love this look, it looks amazing with that skirt and boots.

    as for organizing, theres no such thing for me. i just kind of jumble things all togther and hope my mother doesnt open my closet…

  47. adore everythig in this post!

    x karla

  48. ooooh! I love those aldo shoes!! *looks on site*

  49. Ladyface

    where and when are those aldo shoes???? can’t find them anywhere. I love them…