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It’s fascinating, this human obsession to scribble names into things we own… come to think of it, it’s not actually even about marking things we own, because how many toilet cubicles would you own then? I’d own about three tree barks (along with ♥ three clueless crushes of the era – unfulfilled, naturally) and desks in all the schools growing up. No, it’s really like an inside joke, isn’t it, and a guessing-game for the woman sitting across you in the bus – just like the fact that not many know that my ‘B1G B008S’ licence-plate is actually a plea for larger chesticles instead of an identifier. (what healthy outlook on life?) Anyhow, I’m sorry there isn’t more of Milan in this post, day 2 was spent with Bottega Veneta – fondling the intrecciato bags and fussing with the initials to go with it. What I adore about Bottega Veneta is is their Less is More belief when it comes to branding, especially in this Initials project – just you and the bag. Unless of course you have my kind of priorities and choose BBE (Biggest Boobs EVER) to be your chosen initials or RW for you insane Ron Weasley fans. One little thing that bothered me was the typography of the letters and I believe the world would be better if they allowed different font choices… or not. Typography sadly doesn’t solve world hunger. Regarding the ‘IS’ on my bag, my usual initials would read PSY, but ‘psy’ also happens to mean ‘dog’ in Polish and I’ve had enough of racist jokes growing up so… I figured ‘IS’ can mark the first of post-marriage name scribbling!
Thank you to Ykone and Bottega Veneta for a wonderful trip.
About high time I peel this T-shirt off myself before it pickles into a permanent layer… I’ve worn it non-stop for about a week now and I’m running out of dry-shampoo to spray under my armpits. So if you so ask nicely I could demonstrate a few more ways to wear it. For example, I find that the t-shirt goes handsomely with duvet, fluffier the better – but any tog will do. As for kicks – yes do kick your husband/bf/dog/cat to go turn off the pesky alarm. Alternatively, pair the t-shirt with a smear of pizza sauce on the sleeves for a nod to the DIY trend. I ain’t kidding though, it’s super cliche, but when you’re that someone who own attention-deprived chesticulars it’s also super fun to wear it out and see people trying to open your blazer a little wider to read the rest of your t-shirt. It excite mes because that’s the most intimacy I get, like ever. I think I’ve just said ‘super’ enough times that it doesn’t register as word in my brain anymore. Super, Suuper, Souper, Sooper, Supre, suoupre…
Also doods, Uniqlooks is holding a style contest involving UT – simply photograph an outfit with your favourite UT and upload into Uniqlooks for a chance to win an amount that I can only describe as ker-ching! SUPER FUN, innit? Enter here.
Don’t lean on the walls, they’re wet! and made out of lego! (aka hopeful pieces of coding which I hope will endure the weather of the interwebz) It’s my great pleasure to welcome you to the new layout of Park & Cube. After many months of extra-curricular hours scrubbing and hammering, here it is – not perfect but a lot of thought and work went into it, I really hope it’ll grow on you. The new design has actually been up for over a week already – the period that I personally call hamster playground – so I also wanted to thank those kind, concerned folks who tested things out and sent feedback over that week.
I know many still prefer the straight-forward scrolling marathon – so I’ve made the Classic Blog Mode is available here:, please feel free to access the blog through that link if you wish to skip a step. The reason for the change was because I was mostly feeling sorry for a lot of fun content that was being buried and forgotten in the archives, so I wanted to fish some out and re-share… but I won’t be hurt if you’re only calling to see what’s new!
Click around doods, and if you’d be so kind to let me know what tickles you most my day would so be made.
Muchas thanks to Jen for being
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Next time you’re out shopping for a pair of scarf-print trousers, you know, with dodgy stitching and a waistband scrimped out of an old pair of jeggings, I recommend you pop into H&M and pick up a copy of the summer issue magazine. Then come home, dig out an big old scarf, and give your sewing machine (or mum) a good rattle. I personally was like this through the entire procedure but I promise it was a lot of fun. Best bit? Use the leftover fabric to do Erica’s (of the emporium that is Honestly…WTF) satchel DIY that’s on the other side of the spread. I’ll pop the full DIY up live next week, so go dig up a big scarf in the meantime!