Shot with the Sony Nex-5; Note, photos were (colour, light, crop) treated in post-production.
I guess it’s about high time I did this review post on the Sony Nex-5 I promised about a month ago. Naturally, if I was at the reading-end of this promise I would’ve enquired whether the review was being delivered by a three legged donkey and could I please get my act straight. In fact it was. Delivered by a donkey. Don’t insult the disabled donkey.
I won’t go into the coming-of story of the model; that, including technical specs, you can read here. My experience with the camera, albeit short, did put me in a rather shaky relationship with my current point-and-shoot, the Nikon P5000. Note, I didn’t compare it to my Canon DSLR – it’s a little hard to compare the two; after a few days with the Sony I realised this wasn’t meant to be a replacement for a DSLR, it was meant to be the perfect sidekick. As demeaning as that might sound, a sidekick camera still requires quality colour and light interpretation capabilities, as well as tight control over aperture and shutterspeed. The sidekick can travel with or without the main deal, but most importantly it’s that camera you can ‘whip out’. Of course with DSLRs the ‘whip out‘ is more of a ‘unstrap gingerly and ease out‘…. My favourite bit of the Sony Nex-5 was definitely the detatchable lens. The one I had was a bundle lens with a mediocre max aperture of F3.5, but as you can see it works like a charm, and more lenses that provide more bokeh (blurred background) are available. With the 16mm f2.8 it might even be a decent camera for a set of outfit photos on a style blog.
So say, if I was someone starting a blog, wanted good photos, but did not want to commit to learning photography (because what good is it if it’s not hot or cold… learn the whole deal or don’t, there are no ‘photographers’ in the middle) this would be the camera to go to.
*This is not a paid promotion. (Unfortunately)