I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Joanna Klimas Atelier Warsaw on ul. Nowolipki 2, last 4 from her lookbook

While in exile in Warsaw for the past week, I decided to take up on Polish designer Joanna Klimas‘ invitation to drop by her atelier. Everyone’s all WHAT EXILE!? Not literally, they didn’t shove me on a boat. Apparently it looks like I need to be reminded every now and then that, despite the fact that I spent my entire life in Europe, my technical anchor is in South Korea, therefore I must float around (My carbon footprint the size of an obese dinosaur). So when I go home to Warsaw, my passport gets a ‘tourist’ stamp. They really should include a complimentary ticket of a tourbus around my house.
Enough visa moaning, I must’ve told the story about 21 times the past week. The current problem is not as simple as it sounds, but as long as I get to leave and return on my own terms, it’s fine, right? BUT THE ONLY VISA I WANT TO DEAL WITH IS THE MAGIC PLASTIC CARD TYPE.

The atelier of Joanna Klimas was a collection of spaces: The studio, showroom, a small café and a small personal library. Her latest collection, inspired by aesthetics of Polish folk art was mostly unavailable, but her classic line carried a similar sense of tasteful quirkiness and twists. I also wouldn’t mind driving 40 minutes to the atelier to have a cuppa on the frosted glass-floored upper level…

Thank you Gregorz for showing me around!

Thank you Ellen for the bunny illustration! (This outfit)

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Kit and her ballet-appropriate Tabio socks!

Ballet & Shoes customization at Frame Shoreditch

What’s a Friday night without a bit of wild swaying to foreign music accompanied by a cocktail mix of friends

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& strangers? Frame of Shoreditch (Robinson Pfeffer PR) hosted a night of ballet with a session of ballet-shoes customizing a few weeks ago. The class broke about every micromuscle in my body… the last time I did anything that resembled ballet was installing shelves in the new flat – pointé and arms in fifth, but I think that was closer to circus tricks than anything… Which reminds me – when I was 12, I was offered a place in the Warsaw Ballet School, I wonder what kind of blog this might’ve been had I taken that path. Probably the same stuff, sans the Mexican we had in Brick Lane after the event perhaps. Do you like my Mr & Mrs Grand Plié shoes? I forgot to include the shot where Mr Grand Plié is stepping on the Mrs’ face.

* Not sure I’m in an ideal state to be blogging now but this is probably the only thing that seems to be constant nowadays so I guess that’s a blessing in itself…

Coat – ASOS White, Bag – Market in Vilnius, Top – Zara, Pants – Gift from the lovely Nadia of FrouFrouu, Shoes – Office

Walked around in the Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion exhibition at the Barbican feeling like my hands were tied behind my back. I had a grand sum of three cameras in my bag with a ‘Photography Not Permitted’ barbed-wire choking my wrists. Boo… Well, since I can’t share the experience I guess I’ll have to exaggerate a little so everyone goes and has a visit: There’s a giant naked lady following you around spraying £20 notes whenever you read the small captions. A strongly recommended visit!

Thank you Leonie for the photos!

Camera: Sony NEX-5, Furry Bumbag – ASOS,  Militaryesque Bumbag – Angels Sale, Skirt – Courtesy of Storets.com, Shirt – Gmarket

Just a quick one today: Immidiate Future, the PR agency that represents Sony sent over the NEX-5 for a ride around the block for 2 weeks. I’ve only done the introductory handshake with it so I haven’t got much to share on its usability or functions, but that grip was pretty impressive. The camera’s a hybrid between a DSLR and a point-and-shoot with interchangeable lenses, and most vital of all for us fash bloggers, it doesn’t need an entire bag of its own like my needy tank Canon does. In fact, concerning how many cameras bloggers sold for Canon the past few years, I really hope this camera will get them slightly nervous.

Be right back with a few testshots!

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