I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket & Shoes – H&M, Knit Dress – Market in Vilnius, Jeans – Cut Zara, Striped top – Topshop, Necklace – Courtesy of Mimco

Short film by Mimco, featuring Emma Balfour

Mimco approached me with a proposal to send over a piece from their new collection for me to interpret into a photoshoot, video or a bellydance, as long as it illustrated the theme of the collection – a story from the fluttering pages of a Victorian-age débutante’s diary, an Unpredictable Revolution. Within a fortnight, a jelly-acetate necklace cluttered with slick hardware arrived with a heavy red book. The cynical graphic designer in me couldn’t help but chuckle at the cliché of finding the book dug out and containing an antique key and wax-sealed letter, but the package sure delivered the mood. The brief suggested a few different storyboards that could be elaborated on, and I figured this revolution can start from me so I did my own mish mash of themes: Noir – Castaway – Ritual – Nature – Overload – Kaleido – Reflective

Thank you Ellen for helping me out with the photos!

Photos taken at ASOS AW10 Press Day; 2,3,4 – ASOS White; 5 – ASOS Africa; 6 – ASOS Green Room;

I always let press day photos simmer in the pot for a good few days because I like my PR pasta rich in flavour – meaning I will necessarily keep those kind souls who invited me waiting for the coverage just so I might be in the back of their heads for at least a few days. It’s not really a PR strategy, rather a glorified justification for laziness, but it sure sounds like a convincing bulletpoint in PR for Dummies, doesn’t it?
So you’re assuming this ASOS pressday was about a week ago, and it was evil me who’s put lovely Susie on hold and gone for a shower and a new life. Well internet, this actually happened in April – that’s right, 4 months ago. The fact of the matter is, or as my highschool Bio teacher liked to say, the mact of the fatter is, I’ve been the one on hold for 4 months and 9 days, all in the name of protecting the regal awesomeness of ASOS. Awesomeness of ASOS, try saying that five time faster. I’ve been politely hushed at least twice to embargo this post until the right timing and I just couldn’t help but notice how much dearest ASOS have grown, from ‘As Seen On Screen’ to ‘As Seen On ASOS‘. But finally, here are some images of the new in or coming soons at ASOA, worth the wait, I think.

More photos here!
Wearing: Cardigan – Uniqlo, Shirt – Gmarket, Jeans – Courtesy of MiH for Liberty, Boots – DIY studded Vintage, Skirt – One of Susie’s leftovers that she just gave o_O <3

The yardsale was on fire on Sunday, what a blast! Who knew there was life before noon on Sundays? I arrived a bit late (fashionably retarded, that’s me) but there were already so many people loitering around the tables, eyeing each piece that came out of the seller’s suitcases. Some stuff didn’t even make it onto the table, I hear. My Chloé blouse was the first to go, and thus started the how to become a yardsale millionaire without addition skills. If you saw me pause before calling out the total price, that was me contemplating whether or not to use fingers. THATS WHY I STUDIED ART.
I also couldn’t help but overhear “Ann Demeulemeester… one pound…Preen…2 pounds…” over from Susie’s table and thought I must be hearing a collage of sounds jumbled up in a wrong order but it turns out her most her pricing was indeed £1!! And there I was, requesting £12 for a cashmere sweater that didn’t even have a brand tag. #ohtheshame.

Talented Vicky was our residential sketcher, as DSLRs are now so out of trend; she made her models stand in a pose while she sketched within a matter of minutes. Miss Frou Frou and I did the usual PDA – my love for her and her blog is beyond expression by ramble. Star blogger Alice was incidentally in town with her sister (blond hottie with polkadot skirt), and you won’t believe how tiny she is. Wrapping my hands around her waist (wait, more PDA here) was like grasping my thighs. Tom and his lady Worthington cordially paid us a visit (and ate all the wonderful Satay Chicken), as Ferry the Ferret changed outfits twice. Kit sold a pink porcelain pig cookie jar (to Susie, no other), and a mannequin torso (to…Susie), and later informed me she disinfected her coin pouch when she got home.

Thank you Susie for being such a gracious host, and Kit, Fiona, Zara, Nadia, Steve, John and Tommy for making this one heck of a party. I’ll be expecting another yardsale for third week of August 2011, 2012…infinity and beyond if you don’t mind please.

Sweater – Gmarket, Skirt – Courtesy of Storets.com, Bag – Solar, Socks – Courtesy of AA, Shoes – Topshop, Belt – Vintage, Shoulder thing – DIY

Clockwise from top left: Cracked-sole Boots; Bag; Pleat Dress; Tiered Top; Trousers & leggings; Multi-buckle boots

Quick post before going back to squat in corner making last minute pricetags for tomorrow’s yard sale – apparently Kit and some others are making banners as well?? Are we doing elections or summink!? Eery feeling, this rush of confuzzled panic + ultra-sleepiness…

Some picks from the latest in Storets.com – they were so kind to send over a generous box a few months ago, it just took me ages to put up. Storets is like a condensed version of Gmarket, sans epileptic window fireworks and out-worldly shopping procedures, MAIS avec the usual too-pretty Korean models that make me cut their heads off as in above collage. SMUG. FACE. I has. HA!

Hosted by Susie of Style Bubble;
Sunday, 22nd August 2010
24a Benwell Road, London, N7 7BL;
(Invitation by Susie!)

I’m sure you’ve seen this around already but here it is again: Zara (Geisha Rock) threw the idea of a blogger yard sale in the air, Susie (Style Bubble) caught it and fanned it out – it’s so illegal we decided to tell everyone about it. There will be none of that handbag-in-cloakroom policy and we’re encouraging hot food BBQ near clothes, so don’t you dare go off and have a normal Sunday in Brick Lane. I’ll be hopping on the Piccadilly line hopefully with 60% of my wardrobe in a suitcase (serious downsizing needed!), but most likely will be returning with the same full suitcase, just not my own junk. Do drop by, Fiona (Save Our Shoes) kindly has arranged a raffle as well, but please help me return with an empty bag.

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