I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Gucci ‘Babouska’, Sonia Rykiel Round-studded boots, Jak & Jil blog

Round Studs: check, Victim boots: on it’s way. I am planning to stud the hell out of these.

Jacket, Jeans, Shoes H&M, Top, Bag Topshop

Church, spaghetti, strawberry & waffles + cappuccino, good friend. Other than the fact that I have to write a damn essay tonight I say it was a pretty great Sunday.

The Warlords, google images

Brilliant cinematography, Takeshi Kaneshiro, and bucketloads of studs… bring it on. Excuse me for all the dead bodies in the last poster.

Drape and sheer, my loves this year.

Raquel Allegra Tie Tassled Tunic, Distressed Tunic, Sheer Cape Dress, Not-so-basic-tee

Click on an image to view them bigger

What I’m actually quite fascinated with is that knee high/leathery leg accessory.

Since I’m on that DIY carousel, and despite Camille‘s wonderful tutorial, I’ve decided to put shredding on my list, hoping for something like the Sheer Cape Dress up there though. Wooohooo.

You need to get:
pliers (better if specifically made for jewellery), Jump rings, 2+metre average sized chain, 0.5m slightly bigger chain, ruler to measure during making.
First, hang the chain on your shoulder for measurements. The back U-dip should come between the shoulder blades, and the front between the breasts.
At the front dip, cut the chain in half and as shown above, and link a jump ring. Cut the thicker-ringed chain as long as you want it (I cut mine to 14cm and folded in half – therefore having double) and attach that to the jump ring as well.

Do the same in the back dip. Then, using the rest of the normal chain, connect the front end with the back and make a hoop around your waist. Remember, you have to be able to take it off and on – so either you use an hooking/unhooking device on the waist chain, or make it large enough to slide off.

Yeah, I’m a bit late on this trend…who cares! My mummy still wears flares…who cares! (THAT RHYMED)

The chains I bought have a slightly less grunge but a bit more fairy-like aspect to its metal and chains. I found them in our school shop so I’m presuming they were stocked for the jewellery students. As I said, due to the nature of the metal, it looks more like princess jewellery. Make sure you choose the right chain (read: thicker and more sturdy) for the right effect.

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