I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.
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Left: Nicholas Kirkwood for Rodarte, Right: YSL

Sweater – Courtesy of Quiksilver, T-shirt, Trousers & boots – Gmarket, Bag – Topshop

An Asian will automatically find his/her way to a photobooth or a karaoke machine. It’s the law of nature, like bees are attracted to coke cans. But the Selfridges Shoe Gallery photo machine could’ve let me known beforehand that there was a human inside it – in the privacy of the booth I’d wriggled in hopes of teleporting out with the shoe I took in. Also, for some reason the only ‘shoe story’ I could think of was losing feetfat and just did not find it amusing so just sang shoebidoowapwap for 30 seconds. The photo was shoved out by a hand, from inside the slot. I now have an embarrassing shoe story, can I go back in?

Thank you Ad for inviting me down, and thank you Ellen for the shots of moi!

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  1. Whhhhatt? Shoe balloons, giant sparkly shoe sculptures, shoe cakes, AND hanging paper shoes all in one place? Not to mention the real sell-my-first-born-so-that-I-can-have-that-shoe shoes. This is a dream. This has to be a dream.

    And I don’t even consider myself a shoe enthusiast. I can’t even imagine how much shoe-induced squealing was going on at that place. But actually, maybe not. Because that wouldn’t be cool.

    This is why I’m not invited to these kinds of events. I would not be able to contain my squealing.

  2. haha that must have been embarrassing but still fun when you found out! I love your outfit of the day

  3. haha!you are so cute!
    this place looks amazing, and so you:)


  4. awesome photos!love all the shoes!


  5. gorgeous! love it

    check out my fashion blog at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com

  6. omg…i’m in love with that velvet-feathered black heels…ahh..my shoe-soulmate…..
    i might just dive in that pool of shoes…..those marc jacobs…flats are just adorable…my eyes are literally bulging out looking at these wonderfully-taken clicks….super-duper amaziing….!!!!
    p.s-the thing about the photobooth/karaoke…hahhhahha..i might just hide my face and go next time….!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. i love all the photos you take.

  8. Scary! But the ‘photobooth’ portraits look fabulous!

  9. Really beautiful shots as always

    i am so behind I still have yet to visit the new shoe galleries, and so typical that it didn’t look as nice when I worked there, lol oh well must get my boots on pronto!

  10. i really like this post so many lovely shoes! i just saw a really good diy for those ysl feather back courts i might try it as they are pretty good looking.

  11. These shoes looks really delicious!!


  12. hehe you’re so right about the Asian thing :P hey, do you remember our go in the booth when we were in myeongdong? lol

  13. talk about clever decor

  14. aaaa does the photomation here all the times, or it was just for the oppening of the gallery !! you are so lucky to see that and all the cake looks so good !!! so funny !!

  15. re photobooth has a person in it anecdote – I also talk or hum to myself in photobooths (it’s a thing I chose not to question) although if what happened to you happened to me I probably would have puked with fright in a capacious boot and run away.

  16. Gorgeous!! Love your photos, and you’re so lucky to be there, i wish i had the chance to play with all of the shoes, I know I wouldn’t stop screaming if I was there!

  17. your photos are always amazing! What a great event!

  18. Lovely gallery ! Wonderful photos :>

  19. Great pictures ! <3 Marc Jacobs ballerinas !

  20. it was lovely to see you again at LFW! best memory? you sitting at a table outside the marquee going “…i’m STILL bored!” :)
    okay this basically seems like the coolest event ever, i love shoes and cake! xx

  21. Just stop by to see what new things you have posted and again i am inspired by the post. Thes shoes are beyond gorgeous. remember my email about the the about my spring summer collection, well I’ve posted all of the looks on my blog. take a look , im know that you will love it


  22. Wishing we were in London right now.. and when is this coming to the US?!?!? Looks like so much fun :) Great shots!


  23. Ahh this looks so fun Shin! I’m so sad I had to skip out on it.
    I love photobooths too but it is really freaky that there’s a real human in there!!! EEEE!
    Let’s hang soon… since we are pretty much neighbs now.

  24. Jasmin

    love the shoes!!


  25. What a fantastic Shoe-Event.
    I’m jealous ;)

    Hugs, Val!

  26. I’d pay good money to see you singing ‘shoediwopwop’, Shini!

    Seeing this post just reminded me that I never did go to this!! I plum forgot. It looks great, love your shots and love that big glitter court shoe. xx

  27. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bere (TOT), S. Park. S. Park said: Nest Post: Your Shubidoo Story http:parkandcube.com/?p=6199 @Selfridges […]

  28. Wow…I NEED to go to this place! *___*

  29. Its shoes overload but I love it!!


  30. Ohoho. There was a person inside the machine? Hilarious, bet the manual hand/photo at the end was a bit of a shock. Totally agree about the karaoke and photobooth thing, I’m definitely guilty of those things. My this place looks like shoe heaven!!

  31. HAHA omg I would’ve been so embarassed if that happened to me! I’m Asian and I’m indeed attracted to karaoke and photobooths……..
    All those shoes look delicious, especially the one in the glass case. WHY, I COULD JUST EAT IT UP! <3

  32. I haven’t been there yet (I’m afraid to in case I spend all the money I have in the world), but I love your pictures. And you literally made me laugh out loud with the photo booth story!!! :D

    Briony xx

  33. Hello! now that’s what I call shoes! Love the black wedges in particular, and your pants!

  34. OMG! those YSL shoes are incredible!!!

    all those shoes are incredible actually! ^^

  35. those shoes are awesome!
    great pictures too!!
    looks soo funn there!

  36. oooh!
    I wish I could go there!!!

  37. I think everyone else has pretty much covered the amazingness of this post in their comments, but I’ll just add first that you look lovely in this outfit and second that I WANT THOSE MOUSE PUMPS! xx

  38. ‘An Asian will automatically find his/her way to a photobooth or a karaoke machine. It’s the law of nature’

    Dude you freaking rule. LMFAO.


  39. Now I want those mouse shoes, and I can’t find them online anywhere!

  40. Your photos are amazingly beautiful…

  41. Ha ha! Brilliant story…and of course you can go back. I’m sure whoever was in there would LOVE to see you again!

  42. Shoes with whiskers? Now I know what’s been missing from my life!

  43. What an amazing collection of shoes! Gorgeous photos as always :)

  44. Which brand are the latest shoes?