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I've moved on... a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



This sofa is my biggest triumph yet. I mean, have you seen the colour?
Let’s be honest, most anything can be justified by a carefully curated Pinterest board – this swing, for instance, was a hard sell to my significant, overly-pragmatic other. (A conversation that went a little like: “But WHY do we need a swing in the middle of the flat?” “I dunno honey, WHY do we need an appendix?! You know what, NO SEX.” “OK FINE HANG YOUR SWING”) This sofa is my biggest triumph yet. I mean, have you seen the colour? And I know to some of you a 2.5-seater is basically an armchair but by London standards it’s half the flat. Yet, I managed it. I sold the idea of a baby pink sofa to a Viking metal-head who only owns black t-shirts with either thunderbolts or illustrated virgins sacrificed on it. And he loves it.


From left to right: Potz Wonen interiors, Annika von Holdt, Skandiform designs


As much as I like giving my boards all the credit, what really piqued my – and later his – interest was the fact that this sofa was built and assembled in London, not 10 minutes’ walk from where we used to live back when we were students. Deep in The Sofa and Chair Company’s extensive showroom floor, hides a little fantastical room, filled floor-to-ceiling with pastel-coloured foam panels, with a hole in the floor that reveals Narnia. Amongst the pushing, pulling, drilling and hammering, there are glimpses of a Mayfair headboard, or a velvet chaise longue. That’s how Rose was built, six weeks of adept hands stretching the cotton Kobe Samba-38 across a 2.5-seater frame, 38 buttons pulled deep into the blue foam (on the plush end) and finished off with a grey piping and matching dark grey legs. And the best part is, all it had to do was to travel just under 11 miles to get to its home.




six weeks later…
I am elated to announce the birth of rose haribo park jr.


Disclaimer: this was entirely a personal initiative as part of the #PCMove, but discount was kindly given by The Sofa & Chair Company.