Jeans – Filippa K. Shoes – NAK
and city
Jacket – Citizens of Humanity. Jeans – Filippa K. Bucket bag – Mansur Gavriel. Stilettos – NAK

You remember Filippa K, longish hair, yay tall… you know, the chic from that class after lunch break. YES, HER. We’re talking about her again because my two objectives in life are a) obsessively getting rid of icons on my phone’s task bar (one crucial reason why turning on notifications on Instagram will eventually lead to earth’s implosion, or at least another eruption of Krakatoa) and 2) waking up looking like Filippa. Every day I fail at either or both, as I pour out of bed looking more like a potato than anything. Prepare the lard, kids, momma needs to go out for meetings.
I don’t have kids. Or a life, really.
So, for this second story, I quite bluntly asked Filippa K what the brand’s ABSOLUTE essentials were – the ‘5-piece wardrobe’ if you will. Figured, if my DNA won’t cooperate, I might as well pour some dough on the problem. And for the past week or so of retaining these clothing samples, I’ve successfully managed to fulfil task no. 2 (at least at a half-ish measure) by simply… going to bed fully dressed in a sorbet coat and a pair of jeans, and then waking up and letting out a feeble ‘tadaa…’.