I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

It’s already the wee hours of Boxing Day here in Poland (is that the day boxes were born in a barn? I KID. Goodness, you must think I have a take on everything), but I still wanted to wish you a very warm and happy Christmas !

Food for thought: It’s only natural that we celebrate the birth of an individual only if his/her story of life and death were worth remembering. So for Christians it may be encouraging to read the Easter message on Christmas to remind ourselves of why the birth of Christ. And perhaps for those unsure of the faith, it might be worth investigating the life & death (and resurrection) of Jesus before entirely dismissing the birth story as a fantasy or an exaggerated tale.

Merry Christmas all you naughty readers spending time at your computer while you should be going trick or treati…no, wrong holiday…while you should be singing carols by the piano with your family and consuming illegal doses of chocolate! Hope you don’t accidentally find yourself under the mistletoe with your cousin.

It’d be a nice time to read this passage from John 1:1-3 today, just to clarify that Jesus was with God since the beginning of time, and Christmas is the time when he left the emerald courts of heaven to be born in a barn as a lowly human, then to finally save us from eternal damnation by dying on the cross. Sounds like a good fantasy plot, eh. Well, beats the one about a reindeer and his red nose.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.

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