I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


The ‘meh’ emoji is all-encompassing, and wholly made for this time of year. You know the one, with the mouth that looks like that pen-mark you make when you try out pens in Muji, that dash that just could not care less about being straight.

meh – this one.

Got your tree up yet? – meh. Time for some Mariah Carey? – meeehhhh. Sent out all your gifts? –meh (shiiiiiiiiiit?!). As usual, my impeccable timing have left me soiling my pants a little – what with a pile of gifts looking bored in a cold corner in the office, and my sheer repulsion for the local post-office taking physical shape and casting sarcastic (?), sticky webs over the whole thing. It doesn’t help that I’ve donated the last of our blue IKEA bags in the last charity shop round, which means WHAT DOES ONE USE TO TRANSPORT LARGE AMOUNTS OF SMALL ODD-SHAPED BITS AT ONE GO?

…the yellow lipstick case, just stuff some tampons in it and stun the giftee with your resourcefulness.
Coach x Basemen cosmetic pouches, Lipstick – Bobbi Brown



Come to think of it, I may in fact employ the same approach to gift-sending as to taxes: painfully last minute, and usually involving some form of begging/wailing in a public place. Hey Carey, all I want for Christmas is some TaskRabbit coupons so that my mother doesn’t write me out of her will all over again. (It is however, becoming a bit of an endearing annual tradition)

As acting ambassador, I thought I’d call in some Coach x Baseman bits that might spark some Coach gift ideas if you’re still stuck. I’m especially pining for the yellow lipstick case, just stuff some tampons in it and stun the giftee with your infallible resourcefulness.

In collaboration with Coach as the season’s digital ambassador.

Coat – Versus by Versace. Flares – Frame Denim. Bag – Coach ‘Crosby’ patchwork. Scarf – Coach x Baseman square Turtleneck – Lands’End


Dress – 2ND DAY. Flared Jeans – Frame Denim. Bag – Saint Laurent. White top – Zara.


It’s one thing to be circling a beautiful piece of furniture and imagine one day taking it home to display it like a trophy, and another thing to be able to sit down on (a very yellow) sofa and talk to the designer of the piece himself about what he had for breakfast. I am no expert, in anything – except maybe making e-commerce check-out pages and pizza pockets – and with a ‘blogger’ background I’ve always seem myself an observer* of the industries, be it fashion, food or in this case, interiors. But frankly, I revel in this fact, because I still get to see things curiosity (and ask how you spell Gabbana), and a lot of things are still exciting for me. Collaborating with brands like The Conran Shop being one, asking some of my design heroes what they would tell their 10-year old self on camera, being everything else.

‘You can still carry on playing’, was in fact Russell Pinch’s (awesome) answer to that question, one that set the mood for the rest of the evening where a very cheerful crowd (including some of my adored readers) sat around the panel for the LDF #TheConranshopEdit Designer Panel Discussion, glass of prosecco in each hand. What a great night to be reminded that we do what we do best by playing like a kid – letting your imagination go wild, not taking things too seriously and once in a while eating glue.

*On the downside, this does mean I can’t contribute as much informed opinions/judgement, but on the upside I’m the girl in the conversation circle that is eating all the canapés while the rest are busy talking (a full-mouth is tactically also used to wave off my turn to shed my thoughts on any given topic)

Jader Almeida









Click below for the recap & interviews ↓ (PLEASE excuse the holding thumbnail WTF Youtube)

Magnus Long


Russell Pinch





In collaboration with The Conran Shop. Video by Philippa Langley.


When the going gets hot

Belted popover shirtdress – Gap. Shoes – Isabel Marant. Blazer – & Other Stories.


Printed top – Gap. Culottes – Charlie May Bracelet – MyFlashTrash

ParknCube_CondeNast-Gap_0026 Park-and-Cube_Summer-Work-Play_09




Park-n-Cube_Gap-StyldBy_CondeNast_JUN_005_1 Park-and-Cube_Summer-Work-Play_08


Linen roll-sleeve popover – Gap. Jeans – FrameDenim.

I must be one of those folk for whom the season of summer is a general questionmark for their closets wherein rumpled sweaters form burrowed eyebrows along the top shelf and winter coats and beachwear generally hang side-by-side in this arrangement:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? because the other day it was cold as balls – excuse ze language – and today I am wearing a singlet that may also be translucent. At this point I am just happy that we decided to place the office desks a few feet away from the windows facing the street, because this half-naked Asian lady violently fanning Vogue inserts is now shaking to the beat of Ciara’s Goodies. Hey wait, it actually might be a good time to move towards the window, given that I’m not really getting any work done. They throw money when you strip, right?

Here’s a few summer get-ups, mostly consisting basics from Gap. Let me know if I’m doing it right, from a scale of the-cold-never-bothered-me-anyway to she-had-dumps-like-a-truck-truck. Was never too great at maths, if you couldn’t tell.

Photography assistance: Simon Schmidt

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