I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

The Prada S/S09 Collection footwear really caught my eye; from far away they look like ordinary shoes, but closeup, the models were actually wearing socks with sandals!

Prada S/S 09 Footwear & Accessories Style.com

I’m sure if you’re Asian you would know what these socks are (overshoes?), but I don’t remember seeing them anywhere in Europe (maybe H&M? does anyone know?), but I’m sure they’re dead easy to make. Once I get to London I’ll try coming up with a tutorial. There’s this sassy Marie Antoinette feel about them, with the fabric, ruche and bow…

For now just a few examples:

Asos Terry De Havilland Wedges Korean NuryShop Overshoes

Asos Oasis Platform Sandals Korean Gmarket

The key is to have colourful shoes – but gold socks with plain black sandals may look good too…

Edit: Anna just let me know that these were the socks&shoes combination that got the models tumbling down the Prada runway, thanks, I had no clue!! It’s crazy though, a pair of heels could ruin a model’s career… Good thing that Katie Fogarty took those off in the end!

I still think the idea is noteworthy though, hopefully it’ll work better on heels that aren’t 345inches high…

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  1. Hmm…interesting! I don’t know how I feel about them! lol

  2. Haha oh yes the oversocks.
    That is quite fascinating they did that. And yeah, those are pretty easy to make. It’s like making a drawstring waistband with…socks. Haha.

    Can’t wait to see the end result :)

  3. Oh yes those were the deadly little socks that had the models tumbling: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I2PW_DQskHA

    Its horrible to watch. Miuccia said when the shoes are sold they would sew the socks in, maybe you might have to as well!

  4. I love this idea, I have a weird thing about my toes so this would do perfectly!

    Happy new year and thank you for stopping by!

    MM x

  5. […] […]

  6. I think the reason they made the models fall was because the socks were so smooth and silky. Maybe if you got normal cotton ones it wouldn’t be so bad.

  7. Just watching that video makes my feet hurt. Too hard to watch.

    I, too, am doubting the look that they are going for. Although, they do look comfy enough for arouond the house slippers.

  8. Another thing you could try is putting some pattern of fabric paint on the bottom [on the heels, balls of feet, etc.] to act as grips or even use shoe inserts with a fabric surface [like the patterned ones Dr. Scholl’s] to create more friction between the socks and the shoe.

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