I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jersey Jacket – Gift (Unknown), Lace top – COS, Blouse – Silence & Noise, Belt, bag – Vintage, Pants – Topshop, Boots – Zara, Necklace – DIY.

Just a quickie before I nap into oblivion and accidentally wake up next morning; this was outfit for day 4! Alrighty, bed is calling and I don’t want it to switch onto voicemail, goodni..day.

Thank you Jill of Streetstyle London for snapping these for me!

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  1. Great boots, Shini.

  2. excellent belt.

  3. you look great – as always!

  4. I love the boots!

    juliet xxx

  5. Fabulou boots!!

  6. wow. i love the turquoise pants and the dark brown boots together… i really can’t get over how amazing this is.

    i love your blog. it’s amazing.


  7. i love your jewels.


  8. Love the colors in your outfit and your hair looks gorgeous!

  9. love your coat and belt:)

  10. Great play with colors and the feminine touch with the lace, darl! and love your boots. thought they were Prada’s for a moment there. ;)

  11. these are so lovely. jill did such a great job of capturing your personality through these (well, the small part of your personality that i know). really beautiful. i love the turquoise trousers with the old western looking belt and the dark brown leather boots. very aztec-y. is it a lace shirt? really lovely combination, and totally modern with the grey jacket. you’ve got such great style. xx

  12. I like your boots!


  13. Sweet and stylish esquerian-ish outfit. What’s that lovely neck piece you’re wearing?

  14. Duh I didn’t read your previous post….:D

  15. Really like the lace top from COS, I really like the store but I haven’t bought a single thing from there yet!

    Love the outfit! I wish I could wear boots like that….unfortunately my short legs restrict that option.

  16. great look


  17. awww yay fun! nice jacket shini :D

  18. damn fashionable!


  19. I love the top/lace/bib combo, it’s so imaginative Shini. The boots are TDF, I saw them in Zara when I had one pound in my pocket and cried all the way home.


  20. awesome! love that shot of blue mixed with the grey :)

  21. okay, this is weird… was just about to comment that i’d missed seeing/shooting you that day because i didn’t recognise your outfit (which i love: i LOVE turquoise) & the photos, but then i saw.. i shot it! that wouldn’t be very modest of me then. i didn’t even remember seeing this, altho now, i do recall shooting you.

    i’m feeling really run down, too.. slept most of the afternoon away. feel better shini!! xox

  22. i am head over heels for your pants, especially when paired with those boots. the diy cowhide bib is genius as well.

  23. Wardrobe Warrioress

    Love that studded jacket and the spiky necklace!!!


  24. I can’t believe I missed this post! You look incredible!

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