I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

I still really want these,


Chloe Multi-Strap Pumps Net-a-Porter

but they seem to have disappeared off the face of the internet, and dang how is that even possible? Hey how’s the weather, I’m a size US8 UK5.5, quite rainy, eh? (subtle hint?)



All Saints Zipper pumps UK5.5 Ebay Page


All Saints Zipper pumps UK3 Ebay Page £29.99

I’m watching these on ebay, anyone want to join me and declare war, you’re most welcome (hello MM) (Then again how many people have half shoe-sizes?)

Update: Ellen let me know there are WHITE ones as well… but in UK3 … Go get em’ small feet people (Soooob)


This started it all:


Minimarket S/S 09 thru Fashionsquad



Alexander Wang unreleased Bottom-studded, TFS

Saw this on Juli’s Pigeon.Toed and WhoWhatWear Daily featured it recently, now everyone’s talking about it. Seems like a very doable DIY project, but the essence of this bag is not just the studs, but also the buttery soft leather and its slouch. I’m pretty sure no one’s thinking of purchasing an expensive new leather bag for a DIY… That’s not the point of DIYs, is it…

I’ve purchased this for now, I’d say possibly a better solution to anorexic wallets.


American Apparel Acid Wash Denim Bag £23.00

Well we’ll see how it goes.


Lastly, I’m thinking of selling some of my shoes and clothes soon, would anyone be interested?  I don’t know if this happens to anyone, but I’ve mysteriously lost feetfat (?????) over summer and my feet size shrunk half a size from UK6 to UK5.5, so many of my shoes don’t fit me. WTFruit, right.

I’m staying away from ebay though…

Well, be good now.

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  1. i love those Chloes too

  2. Those Chloes are pretty bomb, I saw a similar pair, but in a flat style at YesStyle.com for less than $50. The Alex Wang bag is okay… I think knowing what brand it is and on MK’s arm makes all that much better!

  3. i want that aa gym bag too! and why am i not surprised that SHE has the unreleased bag? oohh i would give everything to be her just for a day. :)
    those all saints zipper pumps just got me giddy and happy.

  4. Definitely up for bidding on some clothes, if the price is right…

  5. love those allsaints zipper pumps

  6. I think the stud bag is a very do-able DIY


  7. kat

    I’ve been dying for the Chloes too…. anyone know of them in a size 6?!?!? =)

  8. I started to LOL when you said that you’ve ‘mysteriously lost feetfat’. ahahha you are too funny. I am in love with those Chloe shoes now..

  9. ugh those zipper shoes are to die for!! i hope you win on ebay! :)

    and chel and i have been obsessing over that awang bag- it does have the perfect slouchiness. it’d be cool if someone could diy it!


  10. i still want those chloes too!

    thanks so much for your comment in our blog :D i’m so flattered to be put in your inspiration folder! haha :D


  11. i can understand the want for those Chloe heels! and the zippered ones… i wish i was a shoe size 5.5!

    love your blog, your style is pretty sweet.

    /maisie #1

  12. Those Chloes (and all the following imitations) haunt my dreams. They are SO insanely perfect, it sort of makes me want to cry. I have half size feet, 7.5. Too bad, because the white zipper heels are darn cute too.

    Very inspiring =D

  13. that AA bag is a awesome!
    i can’t wait to see how you wear it

    oh and i think i’d be a UK6..!

  14. clare

    i used to wear a UK7… and over the last ten years my feet have gone down to a UK5. sometimes i can even wear a UK4.5….. what’s with that?!

  15. lovely stuff. I wish my feet would grow.. my friends say my size UK5 shoes look stupid tiny because of my hight. Those minimarket shoes have been in my dreams for a while now!

  16. hahah my feet lost ‘fat’ too..about a year ago.crazy! either that or shoe sizes are changing!? weird!

    hope you are well love xxxx LM

  17. PS – love that shot of MK…she looks like she could be a beatles member…and i LOVE it. the bag is UM amazing too.

    xxx LM

  18. I love those zipper pumps–how unique! Great blog, by the way :-)

  19. So I’m not the only one with the shrinking foot problem?? A little relieved.

    I CANNOT stop thinking about those Minimarket boots….wtf they are freaking amazing!!

  20. Lol I think I was less insecure before I started blogging dude!!

  21. Oh no – changing shoe sizes is my biggest nightmare * * *

    and all those zipper back heels are making me *DRROOOLLLL****

  22. That feetfat thing happened to me also! fckuing annoying! But now some slightly too tight shoes fit so it’s good.
    And I need those minimarket shoes.
    Because I drunkwalked 20 kms and destroyed my wedge boots with zipper in front. Damn.

  23. oh my, i am 5.5 too! its an awkward shoe size as nothing is ever big/small enough. grr. so if you EVER feel like sending me your shoes, please, feel free ;)
    oh yes, those all saints are gorgeous. i wouldnt mind them if my feet were ridiculously small.
    yes, i am 15. it makes me feel kind of intimidated as most bloggers are older than me, but thankyou so much for the lovely comment, it made my day :)

  24. haha, hilarious feetfat, never happened to me before, i wish my feet were larger because then i could be taller:) anyhow, i LOOVE the chloe shoes, I STILL want them as well.

  25. boooooo, my feet are too small to fit into anything you would sell. :(

  26. i agree…the essence of that bag is the buttery softness that is the leather. alexander wang seriously kills me every single time. but i think you can find a comparable vintage purse somewhere and just stud away, no? :)

    thanks for the mention, you’re too sweet!

    those black zipper back wedge boots are making my heart flutter!

  27. I have a funny feeling that opening ceremony will be carrying the minimarket wedges soon. I also want to chloe mary jane platforms bad….

  28. Thank you for your lovely comments (: I try to be really thorough with my posts, I’m glad it coms through!

    I love the All Saints shoes so much… again it’s the exposed zip factor! Also Chloe have really improved their footwear, you might want to take a look on yoox.com as they tend to have pretty good prices.
    And I am very much liking your new bag… mmm acid wash.

  29. those zipper shoes are a great find! i like them better as boots.

  30. oooo i have that AA bag tooo!! As much as i dislike AA I had to have it

  31. oh and the zipper shoes? too cool for school

  32. I’m dying for those minimarket zipper boots! Why must they torture me!!!

  33. I am def interested in checking out your goods for sale-