17th March 2009
Jacket, Shoes H&M Top FCUK Pants DIY slashed Uniqlo Bag Topshop Scarf Gift
I imagine wearing these pants in the summer would eventually tan my legs so they look like grilled salmon.
Vacation, spring, trip to Warsaw and New Word Alive just around the corner, just have to make that sharp turn… So much work still to do!
(Ellen, your hormonal friend would very much like a chestnut roll tomorrow kthxbye <3)
never realy thought of pairing yellow and black in the way of shredded pants+tights. love love love. and hey, i love grilled salmon;)
That’s fantastic. Big envy on your idea right now! And how you can pull it off!
I haven’t checked any blogs for ages.. just glad I came across this post and felt obliged to comment :)
Admiring the creativity and high quality of your blog and outfits as always! Much love :)
PS. Liking the new header.
yes, i would like to eat your summer legs! hopefully they are evenly grilled, mwahahaha!
awww you are sooo lucky to have so much fun to look forward to. i am looking forward to studying and hopefully getting in to law school soon… JOY!!!!!!!!!
love the hidden yellow ;) mm salmon legs ;P
those pants are amazinggg!!!
hey you could totally start a new trend with grill – like tan-lines!
haha, i love those pants, the yellow peeking out is GENIUSS!
mmm samon grilled legs:)
i love the pants!!! are the diy?
you are doing me in with the yellow, shame on you.
ohhhh mann i really wish i could do those diy slashed jeans! though im pretty sure thry wont suit my stubby legs. lovee the post and who knew yellow and black could make such a great comination? Genius!
love victoria,
ahh ive missed reading your blog and your adorable outfits while i was away!
lovee the pop of colour you’ve been using recentlyyyyyy
the red bowler hat and now the hints of yellow!
veryyy inspiring! especially since i pretty much only wear blue/black/white/brown :)
I wish I could pull this off like you do. But I must stay away, my short chunky legs would look freaky! Your photos are so beautiful shini. I’m in awe of the colors on your scarf.
yellow tights underneath those slasshed jeans.. how smart.
and im in love with those wedges
Love yellow! I need a tan to wear it though.
haha you’re amazing! I love theyellow tights.
And lol at the grilled salmon hahaha
that scarf is so pretty. grilled salmon legs, ha! speaking of which i need a tan badly.
likey your hair in a bun like that. :)
and peeping yellow is just genius. must try. as i have slashed pants like that.
we might fly to warsaw too. my boyf is polish. :) so excited. you must give me shopping tips when the day comes.
i love how the yellow shows through the jeans!
ps i’ve given you an award :)
Ah love it! Now I gotta find some old black jeans to destroy…. ;)
Love the outfit.
It would be rather funny if you had ‘salmon’ tan lines.
Did you razor the jeans?
Yellow tights! :)
You made me laugh with the grilled salamon-comment. Haha. I still really like those shoes and I’m kinda bummed that they don’t have them online or in stores here in Norway. Love the outfit too :)
so beautiful!! the way you pull it off so gracefully!!
such a beautiful girl!!!
WONDERFUL!!! I really love it!
I love your descriptive imagery of the grilled salmon legs. That is high-larious! One day come to the US and tell me so I can meet you and marvel at your awesomeness in person.
<3 Mae
Wow I just found your blog I really love it! Your outfits are great =) and thanks so much for posting about the bandwidth and format and everything!
Yeah, I think it’s cool that we have the same name too! I like the bright yellow tights showing through the jeans. I like trends that are fun to play around with…I mean you can make so many combinations of different tights and different jeans!
I want to read more fashion tutorials please! xxoxoxoxox
Love the way the tights look underneath the slashed jeans! Makes me want to take a pair of scissors to some of my jeans!
seriously adore/love your blog and style! i’ve added you to my inspirations! perfect yellow/black combo.. the jeans are wonderful so are the shoes. xoxo
Haha, but salmon do taste damn good. You will be damn tasty then ;)
Loove your outfit! Your jacket is so nice!
The tights and shredded pants is a sick combo. Great outfit.
Well hey there stranger,
Just popping in to say hi. HI. I’m diggin’ the new layout and header. As for me, I’ve changed a couple of things on my website as well, like the name: Plume et Lauriers. I know I know, I’m very indicisive, I’ve changed it twice within the past couple of weeks. But it’s just in my nature :)
Everything looks great here, and as always I love your outfits. The shoes are amazing! I’m irrevocably in love with them.
Take care,
Laura Marianne
Post Script: I was accepted at LLC :))))))
Love your scarf!
I love this. And you look like Sun in Lost, which is pretty cool. Asian power, hehe. :)
grilled salmon. you’re so funny.
wow, the yellow tights look great with those pants and wedges!
love this idea!!!!!
ps. my relatives are all in korea too T.T
but this time, they came to visit us!
and they presented me with the lovely purse : )
Mi Ji
great outfit, love ur jeans…
hah, i had an incident like this once…
only it was with a cut out swimsuit. lets just say i couldnt wear a bikini for a while :) nice to see the h&m shoes getting an outing, they look great!
love the jacket and those ripped beauty jeans! looooking fab as always!
xxx LM
Very nice pictures! Delicious colors. I especially like the first – the composition and the fantastic blue color.
I am loving this post and your last one. The yellow is perfect for the upcoming spring, or for anything. And yes…you might look like a grilled salmon, haha..but in the best way?
Love the hat in your last post. Great as always!
love the shredded jeans
and I was LOLOL over the thought of grilled salmon legs.
i love your pants. I have one too, i diy-d. You are in my link, i love your blog.
I love the yellow tights under black jeans! Black and yellow has always struck me as a very edgy, gutsy combo.
And I would personally like to thank you for your techy post. This is all the kind of stuff I should know but don’t. It helped me!
I adore this outfit. the colours are so delicious together, it’s funny how a little bit of yellow brightens it all up:).
i love how you put your tights underneath the ripped-off jeans. good idea!
as always, i love your pictures.
btw, who’s taking your photo?
Absolutely adore the rippe up jeans…I’ve been procrastinating shredding a pair but between needing to buy a pair first, I’ve stalled.
Love the pop of colour underneath the jeans too….fab!
oh jesus, i’m so proud of myself! just the other day i wore my newly ripped jeans with yellow tights underneath. and now i feel validated, because i’m not the only weirdo.
grilled salmon legs = epic
I’m pretty sure this is the radest thing I’ve seen all day
love you blog
(sorry for my bad english, i am french) you did a mistake it’s ” tournez à droitr après le bureau de poste.”
Thank you, for pointing out the mistake over ‘e’… This post is over a year old.
* droite