I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

MOVING ON. What better topic is there but a swig of voyeurism to diffuse the the aftertaste of woe from previous posts? Here’s a handful and a half of junk I carry around in my bag, numbered for convenience’s sake because I don’t possibly know enough directional expression – living in Poland and not speaking the language fluently has taught me that pointing is the best way of communicating.

Samsung Wave II – On a test ride for a fun project (Courtesy of Spreading Jam) but already 70% sold on the Korean typing capabilities.
LC-A+ camera, usually takes about 4 days to realise that I’ve been shooting sans film.
Moleskine 18-month scheduler The one and only platform I practice handwriting. After years of keyboard bashing the handwriting now resembles one of a second grader.
Balenciaga Purse Spray – Only a recent addition to the sack family, wearing still leaves me wondering where I possibly might have rubbed up so intimately against another woman to smell like a stranger…
Lipcoats – Lipbalm by Yes to Carrots, Lily Beige by Chanel, Gloss by Topshop
Extra battery pack for the Canon beast when the mojo level is low.
Coin pouch, gift from my mother. The mouth opens up like a water sack, sometimes I pretend I drink my coins.
Vidi Vici compact foundation
London Transport for London Oyster card and other loyalty cards to places I’m not loyal to…
Envelope wallet by MMM(bought in Yoox), hands down best wallet I’ve ever owned, in fact, so great the money refuses to stay in it…
Cards for Park & Cube. The one with boobie drawings on the back that I stick on your car windshield.
What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell – my own portable Do Not Disturb: Sleeping sign in public transport.
Leather satchel bought in a market stall in Vilnius, Lithuania. Starting to show evidence of cellulite but she is my only love. At least during weekdays.

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  1. where did you purchase the wallet? i’m quite positive i need one in my life!

  2. i love your square business cards! they’re more memorable like that.
    this entry is so nice, visually. it’s funny though, my parents always taught me to never look at the contents of another persons purse – but i really do love “what’s in my bag” posts!

  3. The wallet and the bag are beautiful! I like MMM’s website too, haha.

    If anyone from the US is interested, you can find “Yes to X…” products at drugstores. I’ve tried the carrot products a little bit before and they seemed all right.

  4. I love the MMM wallet – such a cool idea! Also, I know I’ve said this in the previous posts that you’ve featured it in, but I adore your bag!

    I need to replace my 18-mo moleskine (just finished mine this year) but sadly I can’t find one with the same layout that I had before! ;( They’re such good planners, though.

  5. Oh my god, I love love love that wallet. SO COOL
    i need to find something like that immediately… i dont know how i’ve never thought of it before.


  6. I love how you organized everything AND your blog post. : ) The envelope wallet is too cool!

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  7. Rebecca

    Where do they sell that wallet?

  8. I love your bag, your wallet, and your coin bag especially. And i wish I had one of your cards; theyre so aesthetically pleasing.

  9. Demian

    I’m literally LMAO, especially at “my own portable Do Not Disturb: Sleeping sign in public transport.” Best product descriptions ever!

  10. Love this post!! :)

  11. ooo…I would like to own the MMM envelope :D

  12. yes, the envelope wallet… simply beautiful!

  13. I love your Card and this envelope wallet!
    Definitely I love your blog,real style and a lot of new things for me every time I come :-)
    Have a good day!

  14. love this post!!! you seem so organized :P hihihihihi

    xoxo from rome

  15. I love that Margiela wallet! This is such a cute post, I love how you lay everything out… so graphically! ;)

  16. love this post!
    and i love your wallet, it’s simple and i think i need one in my life :D

  17. that envelope wallet is awesoooooome! <3

  18. Haha having only just seen your last post this came as a welcome pick me up! I’ve suddenly got ‘Things can only get better!’ stuck in my head, glad you’re being so positive


  19. I love the artful display of the contents of your bag. I currently have the same book on my night stand :)

  20. What a coincidence! I just did a WIYB post too: http://sputnik–sweetheart.blogspot.com/2011/02/whats-in-your-bag.html Love your wallet by the way <3

  21. I love that wallet. I don’t know how I ever lived without it.


  22. Ah I love the flat MMM wallet. I go on Yoox to check out cool stuff every now and then but you told me to stay away cos of their selfish shipping cost. I have MMM’s sister wallet (not true) to have a catfight with yours later, my MCM wallet.

  23. IS THAT A CHALLENGE? meet me later near the bikesheds, bring your knuckleduster

  24. @Shini,

    Dude, you know I don’t wear any type of claustrophobic finger jewels. We could always ‘whip our hair back and forth’ repeatedly til our neck aches and see who wins ;P

  25. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by S. Park and Ami Schaheera, Ami Schaheera. Ami Schaheera said: WIYB by Shini Park @parkncube aka 1 of my fav fashion blogger http:parkandcube.com/?p=7371 (coincidence?) […]

  26. Amazing wallet!! I love this post… Oh, can you please tell me what camera did you use for taking these lovely pictures? I’m thinking of buying a new camera..



  27. Oh I want to do this on my site too!!

    I missed commenting here. Hi Shini! Hope things are doing great. :)

  28. I love posts like this!!! I’m so nosy – I love to see what everyone else has in their handbags! Think I need to do one myself soon :)

  29. tom tuttle from tacoma

    MMMmmmmm. really handsome wallet. loved the way you wrote about the balenciaga spray. how do you like the scent? can you describe it your way? thanks!

  30. You know, I still don’t know how to describe this scent. It still feels like lesbian rub, but I hear it takes about a month for a scent to grow on you? Well by then I won’t know what it smells like, if I’ve learnt how to disregard it as foreign smell… Will get back to you if a suitable adjective pops up.

  31. Carrie

    I love your satchel and wallet!


  32. lovely pictures! what camera do you use?
    such a cute wallet, aswell.

  33. For these shots I used a Canon 5D Mark II but everything before this post was done with Canon 550D!

  34. Dear Shiri,

    I hate you. I had successfully saved money for a month, but now I find myself NEEDING to spend it on that wallet. What’s more, now I’m having trouble finding it, and I predict sleepless nights due to this situation.

    This is me right now: http://i56.tinypic.com/2e1ulug.jpg



  35. Aaaaaahahhaha who is that?

  36. @Shini,

    That’s Queen, I mean, Kim Heechul. He exists merely to serve as reaction-gif fodder.

  37. love this!


  38. every woman has at least one lipgloss/ lipstick in her bag. i swear they dont even get used. well thats my case anyway! im sorry to hear about your visa troubles. Visas are a bitch to get.

  39. Your bag is just perfect, the size, the color and of course the short handle/long strap-combo. Love love LOVE it!

  40. Thanks for the peak inside your bag. I’m swooning over that wallet, and apparently everyone else is too!

  41. Such a beautiful wallet… I’m looking for a nice one right now.

  42. Jennifer

    I feel inexplicably sorry for your muji pen.

  43. HHaahahaaaaaaa

    Had a bit of falling out with the pen, should be glad it was even a part of the shot, ungrateful object.

  44. sara

    Hola!!me gusta mucho tu blog, yo he creado uno hace poco y me gustaría que te pasaras y si te gusta, que lo siguieras, un besazo!!!


  45. The third photo with everything all laid out is awesome! As is that gorgeous wallet!

  46. I love these organized photographs
    and what an exquisit wallet!

    congratulations on the expo in NY, I read on style bubble that you were having trouble getting a visa.. such ridiculous policies!

  47. Ah I love these kinds of posts, satisfies my curiosity! I too love that Wallet, it’s so simple but so beautiful too!

    Also sorry to read about your frustrating Visa issues. What an absolute pain BUT congrats for the exhibition!!

  48. Beautiful wallet and business cards! I also am a huge admirer of that bag…my Lithuanian roommate needs to take me to one of those markets one day!

  49. unidentified message

    Ever since i saw that wallet of yours i wanted to sit on it like a furry fat cat so you cannot find it. I just feel that if i buy one i will be copying you, but its such bliss not to have a non chunky wallet that you cannot fit anywhere.


  50. unidentified message


  51. Coolest coin purse evaaaa. And I really need to start bringing a book on public transport, good idea! So nice seeing you today missy! xxxxx

  52. Oh wow! I’m loving that wallet, and lol is that bag expandable?

  53. ana ilka

    girl If I were you Id pretend I drink my coinsack AND getting drunk because of it :)

  54. Jean

    Wow, that envelope wallet is just too cute! On a side note I did a double take when I saw the “joo min deung rok jeung” in there because I haven’t seen one for so long! I know my mum has hers but I got my Korean citizenship taken away when I turned 21 (no double citizenships allowed at that time) so I guess I won’t ever have another one again. So sad…

  55. Owh no, really? :( You shouldn’t have told anyone that you had two passports! Unless of course the US told you to hand in the Korean one…

  56. I do find these kind of posts weirdly gripping. Your wallet is beautiful.

  57. Hi Shini! Not sure how I managed to miss this post, but I love the way you’ve presented your belongings & numbered everything.

  58. I can really imagine that that Margiela purse is the best thing, it looks amazing, the detailed with the stitch at the end. Lovely

  59. Why do you still carry 민증?ㅋㅋㅋ lol Beautiful display and stunning photos as always ;)

  60. Hahah after I’ve given my Polish driver’s licence to be renewed this is my only form of ‘official’ identity! Never works in the UK though since everything is written in Korean…

  61. 멋지네요 주민등록증 보구 한국인이란걸 확신하자 정말 반가웠어요 ^^

  62. 제가 한국인이라는걸 증명할수있는건 주민등록증밖에 없어서 들고다니긴 하는데 어딜가나 도움이 안되네요ㅋㅋ 다 한국말로 써있어서 가끔은 학생증으로도 쓰곤한다는…

  63. […] I’ve seen a fair few of these floating around the blogosphere (my favourite so far being at Park & Cube) and as a self-confessed voyeur and all round nosy person I love them. I think that the contents of […]

  64. anonymous


  65. Gene

    @anonymous, omg i just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell too! He’s fabulous is he not? aNd I love your style by the way! xoxo

  66. […] Poppins Cutler & Gross sunnies, window reflection sadly does not come with. After a personal  LC-A+ camera – 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli satchel in pine green, AKA our Christmas tree. Urbanears in […]

  67. so great post i like it so much