I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket H&M (Translucent silk) Top Topshop Bag River Island Pants Korean Shoes Cutesyshoes.com Necklace All Saints

While having dinner with Ellen and M, le boyfriend:

M: Do you remember what Bulbasaur evolves into?

S: Uermm…

M: Ivysaur! how can you not remember, then it evolves into Venusaur!

Ellen: Oh guys… how do you still remember the evolution of dinosaurs?

I may have peed myself laughing.


Write a Comment


  1. you look stunning as usual!

    and lol you made me laugh!

  2. OMG. pokemon.. lol. My parents spent hundreds of dollars on pokemon cards for my brother — now they are useless -_-.

    beautiful photos, Shini. (LOVE YOUR BOOTS)

  3. These photos are Sartorialist-worthy!

  4. HAHAHA that conversation just made me LOL, forealz

  5. your style is classic and perfect!
    i agree with juley.

  6. Love the outfit, and those boots are amazing!!

    Believe it or not, I’m 18 years old and up until about last year, I actually still collected and bought pokemon cards. I still play the newest “diamond” on the DS as well.. Oh what a shame.

  7. hahaha, although the pokemon reference is funny, the evolution comment was really what got me into giggles. =]

    super outfit, fosho. you make dressing look effortless.

  8. pikachuuuuu! love the outfit. the boots and bag really make it special.

  9. hahahaha Pokemons! I myself used to have pokemon cards omg.And I still have them.
    And I love your outfit as always especially these shoes!

  10. Love the shoes and well, pokemon, how could one not love it :D

  11. Great shots! You look so cool and laidback. As always ;)

  12. Haha… I’m a Pokémon freak, so this is quite funny!

  13. simple, perfect, lovely

  14. POKEMON! My boyfriend and I saw a t-shirt with one of those characters the other day, we both wondered if anyone under the age of 17 even remembers them?

    You look so chic and put together today, it’s lovely!

  15. SOOO Chic as ever, love the look and the pants below – urban outfitters is actually becoming a new gem on the highstreet. Totally lovin’ you right now

    MM x

  16. Everything you were is gorgeous! Your style is amazing.

    x x x

  17. haha wow that conversation…Anyway,you look so pretty in all your pictures. I love the quality too!

  18. LOL wowww what a throwback- i used to watch that show a lot because of my two brothers hahah

    you look stunning of course- and thanks for your compliment! it really means a lot :)


  19. RE: Couldn’t agree with you more. And I also love the background, it’s kind of fierce!

  20. Just found and linked your blog, it is 100% inspiring, best blog of the moment!

  21. you look stunning!

  22. Your boots are awesome. And I still play the pokemon game, the newer version, took me a while to get to the pokemon league.

  23. Love this look!!! :)

  24. omg, pokemon. such a blast from the past. and i love your boots, btw.

  25. Amazing…as usual! :-)

  26. Oh my gosh i think I must’ve pee-ed MYSELF reading your hilarious story haha. Indeed, the evolution of prehistoric dinosaurs *shifty eyes and huge grin*

    I;m just echoing what the others have said but your oufit is fantastic and so is the photography, you are very beautiful dear :)

  27. this outfit is fab, and I crave that bag. Looks so lush and slouchy! x

  28. Angela

    o-||o-||o| o-||o-||o| o-||o-||o|

    Means Hahaha

    I wrote it in korean…

  29. Angela
