I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



Jacket Gift from Mom’s friend | Jumper Uniqlo | Skirt H&M | Leggings Zara | Boots Clarks (2006) | Bag  Solar

(The weather is extremely confusing…)

Morning Class. Ten minutes late. Chicken & Pesto bagel brunch. HTML/CSS Workshop. Fire alarm. Back to HTML/CSS Workshop. No listening at all. Facebook chat with friend across the room. Another fire alarm. Tutor gives up class. Meet Ellen. Covent garden. CLIVE OWEN CLIVE OWEN. No courage to say hi. Waffles on the roudabout. Jacket Potato for Ellen. GALA. Forget name so forget saying hi…

Ugh too slow. Basically I want to get to the part where I SLEEP. Goodnight!

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  1. you ran into clive owen?!! wicked.

    i bet he took a second look, you look gorgeous as always, digging the boots!

  2. CLIVE OWEN??!!

    I love the skirt, and the colour (or tone, ha) combination is wonderful.

  3. Cute outfit!! I love the jacket and skirt =) And I’m sorry I totally hateee fire alarms too. Got woken up from a nap last month… And yea haha yay for facebook chatting during class!! Get some sleep shini!

  4. I love this outift i really like all the grey and i want that skirt!!!!!

  5. um chicken + pesto bagel sounds FREAKING AWESOME. oh man is it still really that cold in london? ): but i love the uniqlo ccrewneck layering underafneath that aewsome coat :D

    uhh excuse m typos…im lying in bed heheheheheh

  6. that jacket is so cool. i love gray. i think maybe a little too much.

  7. Clive OWEN?????!!!! you saw him! what is wrong with you? you should of said HI! omgawd.

    btw, love your hair Shini, it’s looking great

  8. about GMARKET, wow, i can’t believe that you buy from them internationally. i don’t wanna pay for exorbent prices for postage so i just gave up for the time being while out of seoul

  9. what a day!

  10. Ah, I’m so jealous that you saw him. I would have said hello. Did he look as good irl?

    Cool outfit as always!


  11. będe dziś po polsku pisać, bo tylko po polsku w pełni oddam mój zachwyt nad tym zestawem!
    absolutnie wszystko mi się podoba – spódnica, kurtka, buty, torba… wszystko! i te szare legginsy, których poszukuję od dłuższego czasu :) cudowny zestaw! pozdrawiam!

  12. I want to swap for your day!! So need to learn CSS but somehow I’m so slow when it comes to self learning with books… you saw CLIVE OWEN? wow, my friend *N is crazy about him, would have fainted if she saw him lol! :)

    love the outfit, the boots are gorgeous & want that skirt!!

  13. LOVE the boots :-D


  14. clive oweeeeennnnnn, i wouldn’t have had the courage neither… and i still want your skirt:)

  15. Clive Owen, thats a good experience!! I love that skirt really much! I tried one on in primark but it wasn’t really flattering because of the material!
    The UK is the best place when it comes to changing weather, here in Wales it was raining yesterday but today the sun is shining!! So much work to do that I think I prefer the rain!!


  16. Sounds like an exciting day!!!
    And that jacket has a great cut. Love the pop of color with the boots!!!

  17. facebooking in class?! bad bad! good girls gchat in class.

  18. That sounds like an exciting day! Can’t believe you saw Clive Owen. He’s a sexy beast. Facebook chat is a life saver in boring lectures. And I love all your layered grey, its probably the one colour that looks good with different shades layered together! xx

  19. so amazing!

    love your blog.

    exchange links?


  20. wow clive owen and gala!?!?!? sounds like an exciting day!

  21. I love the zipper skirt!!! I want one now!!

  22. oh nice! i love love the bag!

  23. Clive Owen is so manly i would wanna run up and jump on him…but probably end up doing the same thing you did.

  24. love how u put all together…
    u saw Clive Owen ..wow!!!
    next time say hi to him ..not everyone has the opportunity to see him close … lol

  25. aww you look so cozy, your blog always makes me wish for colder weather..and ahh clive owen you’re so lucky!

  26. omg i love how you put so many things together and still manage to look great, this week my link to your blog wasnt working and it made me sad, at least its working again :)

  27. I have the zipper skirt. I love the way you put things together, especially the tone in tone in grey.
    I will try that out too with my skirt.
    Great styling

  28. Clive Owen and Gala! How fun! I agree on the weather-thing; Here it looks hot and sunny, but the wind makes it a looot colder than it looks like from my window – and then the clouds that come with the wind make it even worse..

  29. you saw clive owen! how exciting!, I like that coat, it has a great minimalistic feel, and i really like the way you mixed the shades of gray.

  30. Clive Owen! No way!! I would have screamed “I love you Clive!” and ran away like crazy. I love your boots lady! xxoxoxo

  31. I love your boots! They look like the perfect pair ive been looking for…


  32. Oh my god, I love Clive Owen but perhaps I wouldn’t have the courage to say hi either. :) Love the jacket you’re wearing but it seems so cold there.. :(


  33. Great jacket!

  34. I want all of this, especially the skirt, might DIY that, again on my next free day. hehe, that’s a funny concept! :P

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