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I've moved on... a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket by Gemma Degara, Skirt – Menswear Shirt tied as skirt Uniqlo, Shoes – Loeffler Randall Courtesy of TwentyThirtyForty, Top – H&M, Bag – Courtesy of Chanel, Watch – Casio

Don’t be fooled by the above calm – I am stuttering, muttering, pacing around, spacing out, kicking the ground, and bickering at absolutely everything because I’m not getting my broadband fix. I’ve stuck a sticker on my arm that says ‘3 for the price of 2’, it was from Waterstones.

The line is connected, Virgin Media just seems to have sent the router on a donkey with 3 legs. The worst thing is that their branding is done by one clever graphic designer because I find it hard to scream at them on the phone – they let me choose my own waiting song damnit – press 2 for Pop, 3 for Dance, 4 for Indie and 5 for Rock. I wanted to click 5 and accidentally clicked 3 and got a thumping techno and a migraine. I managed to yell a little that day, thanks to that little nudge. Hey, what’s a webdesigner without the web?

I miss visiting your blogs and reading about your lives too, please bear with me a little while. I may take a trip to Scotland soon. Apparently that’s where they send the routers out from. ROUTER VENDETTA!

Thank you Kit for taking this wonderful photo with that ossom Lubitel camera of yours.

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  1. Really cool picture, I love the effect!!

  2. Love the photos, beautiful.

  3. woww that’s amazing!!!

    check out my fashion blog at

  4. That’s a fantastic photograph, and as far as I can tell, a great outfit. Virgin Media, I know from experience, are a huge mess – I hope you get through to them eventually!

  5. I like your shirt tied as a skirt !
    Have a nice week end !

  6. My boss (the stylist) experienced the same problem in the past, she went for the special deal.
    I would suggest you to terminate the contract and move to o2 Broadband they never never disappoint me, I pay like £10 (for o2 customer) per month….seriously go for them.

  7. but but that’s another week of waiting!! I have BT router (actually I have 3) but the only thing that’s keeping me from changing to them is 1) they sucked big time in the first place, 2) it’ll take another week to reconnect the line… Didn’t even know O2 did broadband…

  8. If you go to Scotland to kick some ass, remember some of us are nice too and maybe my mum can make you a cup of tea after you’ve sorted the router people out ;)

    Lovely photos by Kit x

  9. im liking the effect you’ve created on that picture +
    make sure you pack plenty of warm layers for your trip to scotland!
    I think your shirt/skirt combo would go down well there :)

    much love <slightfashionobsession

  10. john troxel

    Just wanted to let you know 1) this photo is lovely. props to Kit! And the outfit is lovely! 2) INK Autumn is out.

  11. hehe I know what you mean, I swear a get a bit of ‘road-rage’ when my internet isn’t working right! Hope it’s ready to go soon ;) Love the photo above.

  12. beautiful photograph, i adore the colours!

    p.s. i think you should hurry up and post your henry holland jeans lfw outfit, just so i can comment that they look better on you than me, aha!


  13. love this photo!
    And good luck with your internet to!

  14. rui

    hey hope you will get back on me with this,
    what font is your site name park & cube written it?
    its so unique, i love it! dont worry im not going to steal it lol maybe for my school project, nothing big or commercial!
    can you tell me?

  15. Love the colouring here!

    I think i may have seen you around Somerset House when Fashion Week was on – I was going to meet up with Carrie from Wishwishwish, who I believe you are friends with! I’ll be hanging out with her next season too, so hopefully our paths will cross so I can come and say hellp this time :)

  16. Really love the picture and I hope you resolve your router issue…better yet I hope Virgin Media resolves your router issue. I always have to chuckle a little when it takes companies beyond a reasonable amount of time to resolve a customer service issue yet still demand us to pay on time…its like, if I dont pay on time they disconnect my service but what recourse do I have if they dont carry out what they said they will….sorry about the



    NaughtyBaubles on Etsy

  17. cool photo!

    eurgh I hate having to ring places like that…

  18. I’ve had my own troubles with BT and Talk Talk and whatnot recently, so I feel your pain. They better get themselves sorted out so we can have some more posts from you!


  19. Wait, did you say Chanel?

    zoom in so mama can see that baby!

  20. Love this photo!

  21. I love this shot.

    Have you ever laid down on your side by a still river and looked at a log reflected like a mirror on the water? I have. A lot. I started thinking that’s where early cultures got the idea for totem poles: nature isn’t symmetrical unless a natural object is mirrored on water. So when I started doing photoshop art I started mirroring photos, the most amazing things come out.

    This is possibly one of the most beautiful, haunting examples I’ve seen. It’s really starting to feel like Paris in the 20s: everyone is inspiring each other to push the envelope.

    If it’s any consolationI’m going thru all kinds of technical hell. Now I can’t even send emails. Lovely to see you today Shiny Shini xox

  22. yeah, cool photo, reflection effect, and u looks like 2 statues in front of the doorway, haha