I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Tshirt Topshop Jeans H&M Shoes Korea

Merry Chr…no, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone :D! I hope you’re having a blasting start to a fresh new year, making all kinds of resolutions that you kinda already broke at 00:12, and promising yourself to finally remember to write 09 instead of 08 around June-ish. If you’re Korean, hey congrats you’re a year older! (why?)

I love starting a new moleskine scheduler.

The Prada S/S09 Collection footwear really caught my eye; from far away they look like ordinary shoes, but closeup, the models were actually wearing socks with sandals!

Prada S/S 09 Footwear & Accessories Style.com

I’m sure if you’re Asian you would know what these socks are (overshoes?), but I don’t remember seeing them anywhere in Europe (maybe H&M? does anyone know?), but I’m sure they’re dead easy to make. Once I get to London I’ll try coming up with a tutorial. There’s this sassy Marie Antoinette feel about them, with the fabric, ruche and bow…

For now just a few examples:

Asos Terry De Havilland Wedges Korean NuryShop Overshoes

Asos Oasis Platform Sandals Korean Gmarket

The key is to have colourful shoes – but gold socks with plain black sandals may look good too…

Edit: Anna just let me know that these were the socks&shoes combination that got the models tumbling down the Prada runway, thanks, I had no clue!! It’s crazy though, a pair of heels could ruin a model’s career… Good thing that Katie Fogarty took those off in the end!

I still think the idea is noteworthy though, hopefully it’ll work better on heels that aren’t 345inches high…

^ looks like I’m mid-song, feeelin’ it.

Shirt Mama’s Vintage Ralph Lauren Pants, Fringed Boots Zara, Bag, Beanie Topshop

So sale season has begun. Zara looks like a bombed up marketplace…and these boots were now affordable. So I tried them on, and when I decided yeah, I could do with some L’autre Chose fringeboot lookalikes, and tried to take them off, they wouldn’t come off. So I was all bent over in the shop corner, tugging and pulling, almost being disjointed at the pelvis…and then it came off finally…

Then I bought it. The impossible-to-take-off shoes…I don’t really know why.

No, there was no zipper hidden among the fringes if you were wondering.


Streetstyle from Style Slicker

I love this girl’s style. The gray dress with the white tulle, the red shoes, hair tied up…so cute. a tulle skirt is definitely a mission to complete when I get back to London.


i-D September 2008 issue, Photographed by Hans Feurer

Nice DIY chain inspiration. (All my DIY missions are put on hold until I get back to London though, for those wondering why none of them aren’t being done…)


More things my mother gave me: Rabbit Stole and Silk blouse. Currently I am only wearing five layers of duvet  out because of the cold – hence the lack of outfit photos maybe.


Latest shopping. Going bankrupt because of Winter sale. Taking donations.

Uniqlo Double Breasted Coat Topshop Chain braces Asos Snake Belt, Knee High Leather Boots

For good chain jewelery, check out MALE SECTION of your favorite high street shop – Topman always stocks something good. Also, if you like DIY, plain is always good. (Evil dog planning somethin’ somethin’ on those boots, muhaha)


Bummed that Topshop sale goes out of stock in about 4 seconds.


Fashion Blogs with noteworthy photography:

Cherry Blossom Girl

Style Digger

and of course the famous Le Blog de Betty

Just having a big camera doesn’t mean everyone can poop out photos like they do. Styling, location, theme, atmosphere…not an easy job. (Sob :'( )

That’s all.

I’m so not over this yet, I remember watching Alexander McQueen’s F/W 08 runway around October and just going Ohhhhh WOooow through the whole thing. The colours, the rich fabrics and the embellishments…they’re so against the current economic slump but they sure got my spirits up!

Marching bands, witch fairies, Indian, British, French, Russian royalty… what a celebration of culture:

So now I’m thinking I need me a few yards of tulle, white tights, and Indian Khussa flats…

Dress Normaluisa Necklace Landver Crystal Necklace Tulle Skirt, Tights Topshop Feather Clutch Linea Khussa Flats Faridaspassions.com

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